United States of Corporate America

Did they? Where's the evidence?

Right, because the democratic primary was rigged against him. Had it been a fair election, the outcome could have likely been very different. Unfortunately the Clinton campaign ensured it wasn't, so we'll never know. I'd think if you actually cared so much, you'd hold the Clinton campaign to the fire for rigging the primary

Did they? Where's the evidence?

Right, because the democratic primary was rigged against him. Had it been a fair election, the outcome could have likely been very different. Unfortunately the Clinton campaign ensured it wasn't, so we'll never know. I'd think if you actually cared so much, you'd hold the Clinton campaign to the fire for rigging the primary

Give me a fucking break. They didn't exactly greet him with open arms.

I must not care so much because I'm not a butt hurt white boy.
The oligarchs have won, because we can't figure out how to stop arguing amongst ourselves and find a candidate who will fight for the people, instead of the dollar.

I've been a political pessimist ever since Reagan took office and I haven't been disappointed.

We ARE going to get our trainwreck of a Great Depression, because we have been obtuse to the lessons of the Panic Crash of 2007.

Why? Because we can't bear to face and fix the problems of political corruption, income inequality and the unfair influence of wealth in our political system... until we're forced to.

Winston Churchill said it best; "America can be trusted to do the right thing- after all other alternatives have been tried and exhausted".
Sorry if requiring evidence is burdensome. That's kind of how it works when you make a claim. If you take offense to me requiring evidence, I would suggest you look into renting a safe space.

Rigged is a pretty vague, but if you must have proof, here is one quote from his campaign manager

In an appearance on NBC’s Meet The Press, Paul Manafort, the DC lobbyist-turned Trump convention manager accused Cruz’s campaign of engaging in “Gestapo tactics” as it looks to use the party rules to its fullest advantage, before trying to brush off the series of defeats.
The RNC did everything they could to stop trump from getting to 267. There was talk all the way up to convention of denying him the delegates needed to clench the nomination.

As far as Bernie goes, he could only pull solid support from a limited demographic.
Say, don't you have a butt hurt white boy thread to tend to?

Can you even believe we are talking about the primaries of both parties being rigged and talking about it causally?

If this is the case and we for know for sure it's is the case, then what does any of this even matter, who should have or did do whatever? They were both fucking Crooked!

How the fuck are we not all seriously pissed off about that?

These people are taking us for fools and we're talking about things like its a sporting event and not actually our fucking lives.

Established Democrats and Republicans are shit, one and all.

We know they are shit because it's them that's been running shit and so for sure it's not them that's are going to be fixing shit..

No one on this forum fucked this country up, they did, they've had the power. We have to take it back.

We bicker among ourselves and find ourselves defending them in one way other another when the fact is just about all of us have more in common and want the same things than not. We are not each others enemies, they are our enemies.

Fuck this shit already. We have Primaries that are rigged, a maniac in the White House, Global Warming on the verge of running away with itself, entire first world countries living austere while 62 people have more wealth than half the globe, more homeless people by the day, citizens murdered by militarized Police, perpetual war .......... and we're going to sit around and yak about who did or could have won a rigged election like it's fucking apple pie? ...............what does it take for people to wake up and realize we have to clean the motherfucking house.

this wasn't directed specifically at you Justin, just using your comments to say my piece.
The oligarchs have won, because we can't figure out how to stop arguing amongst ourselves and find a candidate who will fight for the people, instead of the dollar.

I've been a political pessimist ever since Reagan took office and I haven't been disappointed.

We ARE going to get our trainwreck of a Great Depression, because we have been obtuse to the lessons of the Panic Crash of 2007.
"Because we can't figure out how to stop arguing amongst ourselves.."

Someone needs to start this thread
Can you even believe we are talking about the primaries of both parties being rigged and talking about it causally?

If this is the case and we for know for sure it's is the case, then what does any of this even matter, who should have or did do whatever? They were both fucking Crooked!

How the fuck are we not all seriously pissed off about that?

These people are taking us for fools and we're talking about things like its a sporting event and not actually our fucking lives.

Established Democrats and Republicans are shit, one and all.

We know they are shit because it's them that's been running shit and so for sure it's not them that's are going to be fixing shit..

No one on this forum fucked this country up, they did, they've had the power. We have to take it back.

We bicker among ourselves and find ourselves defending them in one way other another when the fact is just about all of us have more in common and want the same things than not. We are not each others enemies, they are our enemies.

Fuck this shit already. We have Primaries that are rigged, a maniac in the White House, Global Warming on the verge of running away with itself, entire first world countries living austere while 62 people have more wealth than half the globe, more homeless people by the day, citizens murdered by militarized Police, perpetual war .......... and we're going to sit around and yak about who did or could have won a rigged election like it's fucking apple pie? ...............what does it take for people to wake up and realize we have to clean the motherfucking house.

this wasn't directed specifically at you Justin, just using your comments to say my piece.
Fuck. Yes.
Can you even believe we are talking about the primaries of both parties being rigged and talking about it causally?

If this is the case and we for know for sure it's is the case, then what does any of this even matter, who should have or did do whatever? They were both fucking Crooked!

How the fuck are we not all seriously pissed off about that?

These people are taking us for fools and we're talking about things like its a sporting event and not actually our fucking lives.

Established Democrats and Republicans are shit, one and all.

We know they are shit because it's them that's been running shit and so for sure it's not them that's are going to be fixing shit..

No one on this forum fucked this country up, they did, they've had the power. We have to take it back.

We bicker among ourselves and find ourselves defending them in one way other another when the fact is just about all of us have more in common and want the same things than not. We are not each others enemies, they are our enemies.

Fuck this shit already. We have Primaries that are rigged, a maniac in the White House, Global Warming on the verge of running away with itself, entire first world countries living austere while 62 people have more wealth than half the globe, more homeless people by the day, citizens murdered by militarized Police, perpetual war .......... and we're going to sit around and yak about who did or could have won a rigged election like it's fucking apple pie? ...............what does it take for people to wake up and realize we have to clean the motherfucking house.

this wasn't directed specifically at you Justin, just using your comments to say my piece.
Maybe we'd argue a whole lot less if we worked with the same set of facts.