Oregon Elite Seeds

Lmao u shoulda hit up tdt. I got 4/5 my order out the way already. Just need that sin mints.m regs.

My transmission failed in my car today so I've been on the go. Been a fucked up day and this is just icing on the cake. All good though I got a buddy who has the in with SCS who's gonna hook me up with sin mint but I was hoping for some sin mint pie too. I need to save money anyway lol
Seems like if somebody wanted that much they could arrange to get breeders packs of like 100 from them directly?
Maybe, it's getting bought up for resale?

They don't sell direct so that's not happening with them. Naw they getting bought up cus they are fire bro and they don't release these that much. It's been over a year since they last dropped. They had a few packs they had stashed away that sold earlier in the years but it's been over a year and a half so who knows when they will drop if they drop again. Somebody might sell their packs tho especially with how IG be going crazy for packs lol
I already planned one with Sin Mints I had from long ago lol had been planned before Sin City even did a line with it. Glad they did tho been begged them to do it they surprised lots me included lol

Word! Reading some old threads of folks wanting stuff that's finally dropping almost 4 years later.
Guarantee TDT didn't have them in hand yet. Those of you who bought will wait a week for a shipping label and then another 2 weeks for shipping

Probably but those HarleSin freebies will make up for the wait for me at least.