Homemade Rosin Shatter?

Hey y'all,

I want to make some Rosin but in doing so, it gets extremely sticky. If I let it sit out to dry, will it harder like a shatter or will it always stay the consistency that is is after its cooled down for a few mins? Is there any way to make it turn into a shatter? Cooling it maybe?

Thanks in advance for the help!!
You are mixing terminology here...Shatter is a BHO, and rosin is organically pressed.

The only way to turn rosin into shatter, would be to process it with butane. If you are trying to match the consistency of shatter, put it in the freezer for a few minutes, it will get very hard, but will remain sticky, and if you take it out it will return to its original consistency.
You are mixing terminology here...Shatter is a BHO, and rosin is organically pressed.

The only way to turn rosin into shatter, would be to process it with butane. If you are trying to match the consistency of shatter, put it in the freezer for a few minutes, it will get very hard, but will remain sticky, and if you take it out it will return to its original consistency.

What I'm trying to do is make a rosin concentrate and then use that concentrate to make a vape juice. The rosin is just so sticky that getting it off of the parchment paper and into a jar or shot glass is extremely difficult.

I've tried making vape juice from flowers but the potency has been super low. Any recommendations?
Well, you have stumbled on an excellent source of information...

i have made stable vapeable extract from BSO, ISO, and rosin. First of all, you want the rosin cold, not frozen due to it shattering way too easy. fold the rosin onto itself until you can get it to the right size to fit your container, then freeze it, but be careful when pulling it from the paper as it will shatter into a million small pieces.
Keep in mind that if you get the mixture too hot during the process the THC will melt away...180 is ideal, but you can go up to 200 to help the mix process.

how do you plan on filtering the plant matter from the mixed juice?
Are you trying to make this with VG, and PG?
Do you plan on putting this in a tank with atomizer, or drip tip?

Here is a pic of the last batch i made with rosin.


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If you press at a lower temperature, like 180-220F, it'll be harder but still very sticky and terpy. Best way is probably get a dab tool with the sticky-icky on it, heat the shot glass mildly with a lighter or something and 'dab' it into the shot glass. I'd use about 2:1 ratio of PG to oil and let it blend together. Just don't boil it. It should be hot, but not boiling and will take about 20 mins of heating to mix the PG and oil thoroughly.
If you press at a lower temperature, like 180-220F, it'll be harder but still very sticky and terpy. Best way is probably get a dab tool with the sticky-icky on it, heat the shot glass mildly with a lighter or something and 'dab' it into the shot glass. I'd use about 2:1 ratio of PG to oil and let it blend together. Just don't boil it. It should be hot, but not boiling.

PG does not make a very stable juice.. and 2:1 is a VERY thick mix, you will never get that filtered properly.

The best mix is done with ISO, as you can freeze out most of the fats during its manufacturing process... Lipid pneumonia is a real threat when making this type of juice.
i have invested TONS of time into research and trial (with much error), into making the best THC juice i can...

what i can produce is on par with what platinum vape puts out, more so if you ask me...the coconut oil they use can itself cause lipid pneumonia.
i have invested TONS of time into research and trial (with much error), into making the best THC juice i can...

what i can produce is on par with what platinum vape puts out, more so if you ask me...the coconut oil they use can itself cause lipid pneumonia.

I was told the VG and Rosin won't mix well which is why most use PG. You mention that PG doesn't make a stable liquid. What are you using, specifically?

Also, what is ISO?

I plan on using a drip tip, if that's what it's called. The disposable cartridges that companies like Absolute Extracts or King Pen make.
What I'm trying to do is make a rosin concentrate and then use that concentrate to make a vape juice. The rosin is just so sticky that getting it off of the parchment paper and into a jar or shot glass is extremely difficult.

I've tried making vape juice from flowers but the potency has been super low. Any recommendations?
put paper on a frozen tray when scrapping up sticky rosin. comes right up.
ISO is made with 99% isopropyl alcohol. i use a proprietary blend of PEG 200/300/400 (polyethylene glycol). i also add PG based flavorings for stealth/public smoking. i have hit my pen after a good meal at bob evans, right at the table...and no one was the wiser.

i have some "juice" that's months old and is still the same consistency as the day it was created.

No matter what you use to mix, putting it in a standard vape tank with atomizer is a bad idea, you will eat atomizer like candy, and at ~$5 a pop...its just not cost effective. i use a 1ML cartridge that works perfectly, and can also be packaged for resale.
ISO is made with 99% isopropyl alcohol. i use a proprietary blend of PEG 200/300/400 (polyethylene glycol). i also add PG based flavorings for stealth/public smoking. i have hit my pen after a good meal at bob evans, right at the table...and no one was the wiser.

i have some "juice" that's months old and is still the same consistency as the day it was created.

No matter what you use to mix, putting it in a standard vape tank with atomizer is a bad idea, you will eat atomizer like candy, and at ~$5 a pop...its just not cost effective. i use a 1ML cartridge that works perfectly, and can also be packaged for resale.

Have you ever made a step by step guide for newbies like me? If so, I'd be very interested in reading that!
Nah, I'm no good at writing. The thought of writing a tutorial makes my head hurt...lol

you can find the cartridges, and button-less batteries (highly recommend this battery type) on eBay, i can link you to a guy that sells them individually vs the 10+ packs if you want...assuming its allowed on these forums.
Nah, I'm no good at writing. The thought of writing a tutorial makes my head hurt...lol

you can find the cartridges, and button-less batteries (highly recommend this battery type) on eBay, i can link you to a guy that sells them individually vs the 10+ packs if you want...assuming its allowed on these forums.

I have those cartridges already. It's making the vape juice that I need instruction in. You mentioned that you use a proprietary blend of PEG 200/300/400 (polyethylene glycol) which is different than PG, right? Can I use a PG/VG mix or will that not work quite as well? Some use only PG. Others use only VG and some use a 80/20 ratio. I just don't know the benefits and cons of each of these methods.
What I'm trying to do is make a rosin concentrate and then use that concentrate to make a vape juice. The rosin is just so sticky that getting it off of the parchment paper and into a jar or shot glass is extremely difficult.

I've tried making vape juice from flowers but the potency has been super low. Any recommendations?
I make e-juice by decarbing the flower then putting it in the freezer over night along with a bottle of ISO alcohol. the following morning I add just enough ISO to the flower to cover it and shake for 3 minutes before straining it. I then add PG/VG to the cannabis infused alcohol (15ML?1/2 ounce of each for 1/2 ounce of flower) place the mixture in a pyrex pan and outside away from anything flammable heat it on an electric hotplate set on low until you no longer smell the alcohol evaporating and you end up with 30ml (1ounce) of very potent E-JUICE.
ISO is made with 99% isopropyl alcohol. i use a proprietary blend of PEG 200/300/400 (polyethylene glycol). i also add PG based flavorings for stealth/public smoking. i have hit my pen after a good meal at bob evans, right at the table...and no one was the wiser.

i have some "juice" that's months old and is still the same consistency as the day it was created.

No matter what you use to mix, putting it in a standard vape tank with atomizer is a bad idea, you will eat atomizer like candy, and at ~$5 a pop...its just not cost effective. i use a 1ML cartridge that works perfectly, and can also be packaged for resale.
I use mine in an RDA and that works well too
too much plant matter for that method...imo.

All versions need to be filtered first, a blunt tip syringe, and a .45um filter will work great

I use mine in an RDA and that works well too
RDA's work, the wicking material gets nasty pretty fast... i prefer the cartridge though...i dont have to change coils or wicking material.
too much plant matter for that method...imo.

All versions need to be filtered first, a blunt tip syringe, and a .45um filter will work great

RDA's work, the wicking material gets nasty pretty fast... i prefer the cartridge though...i dont have to change coils or wicking material.
my wicks and coils last quite a while. I like the stronger hits I get with RDAs and RTAs but to each his own