"White working class voters are good people, they're not racist, not sexist" -Joe Biden

Joe's a good old school politician. A very tough man, been through a lot. Classy and a gentleman. Enjoyed seeing that, thanks

What is it you teach again ?

*Joe is

Consider the following sentences:

  1. John is stepping in a hole he did not see.
  2. John is stepping in a hole he didn't see.
  3. John's stepping in a hole he didn't see.
The first sentence is appropriate for both formal and casual occasions. The second sentence is acceptable for everyday speech and casual writing. The third sentence using "John's" for "John is" is acceptable for common speech but should be avoided in most writing.
When someone has to Emily Post your post for grammatical structure you know their sauce is as transparent as the vaginal juices of a sylph..

Also, I'm the "fucking moron" that knows how to spell "vile" when used as a description of evil or unpleasantness rather than a container usually used for drugs (phial is historically acceptable too)

As to spelling...what was it?

Try looking up the underlined in a dictionary that doesn't start w/ Urban.

Can you stupid cucks even remember the hypocritical shit you spew on a daily basis?
While I want to agree with this, I can't get over the fact that white majorities in rust belt states voted for a white racist who lied more than he told truth. How do you reconcile this with the idea that people living there aren't racist?

That said, George Wallace was pulling majority votes from black people in his runs for Governor, so there is that.

I guess we get back to the idea that most people vote in what they perceive as their best interest.

Tell me @Padawanbater2 how does this all square with your insistence that we should always vote according to the moral high ground and not vote Clinton in the general election because Clinton won the primary in a dirty fashion?.
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Imo, the moral high ground would have been to vote for someone else besides Trump or Clinton
and let Trump win.

In spite of the fact that Republican held presidency is going to completely rape and set back the efforts to slow global warming by decades? In spite of the fact that Republican controlled government is going to end the right of women to choose?

So, then, if white majorities in Rust Belt States are not racist, why did they vote for a man who clearly supports a white racist agenda? Was there some moral high ground achieved in this?

I'm comfortable with the assertion that white voters in the Rust Belt voted in what they perceived as their best interest and fuck the moral high grounders. This at least gives us an idea of what to work on going forward.
While I want to agree with this, I can't get over the fact that white majorities in rust belt states voted for a white racist who lied more than he told truth. How do you reconcile this with the idea that people living there aren't racist?

not to mention that clinton won her supporters from those voting based on the economy and foreign affairs.

trump won his voters from those concerned about immigration and terrorism.

in other words, he conjured up the mexican immigrant and ISIS bad guy boogey man, and these dumb racist fucks ate it up.
not to mention that clinton won her supporters from those voting based on the economy and foreign affairs.

trump won his voters from those concerned about immigration and terrorism.

in other words, he conjured up the mexican immigrant and ISIS bad guy boogey man, and these dumb racist fucks ate it up.
So you are going with the opposite of what Biden said? That racist white voters put Trump in charge?

How do Democrats counter that? Surely you don't suggest the Democratic party should start putting racist policies in their agenda to attract racist white voters?
While I want to agree with this, I can't get over the fact that white majorities in rust belt states voted for a white racist who lied more than he told truth. How do you reconcile this with the idea that people living there aren't racist?

They are in many cases. But it's not as black and white as that. There are lifelong Democrats here. There are progressive thinking people here.
And then there's the fake news facebook zombies making us look bad.

People wanted change.
Obviously, that didn't mean 'change' for the better.

And, seriously, you don't know how many idiots here believe Trump can bring jobs back. They think he's magic. Every time I try to tell them 'he's not one of you', they start screaming about emails, Benghazi and everything else they see on fucking facebook including how 'Obama didn't get anything done'.

Half of them think we elect a king here with unlimited powers. Hopefully, they'll get disenchanted real quick when Trump chases after entitlements. Hell, I know a guy on SS disability who 'heard' on FB Trump was going to be raising his monthly check.

Racism, yeah to a a degree.

Stupid enough to believe an asshole?
I think the key word is working. I'm not sure how many of trumps supporters work.
On average, the income of Trump's voters was pretty good. Hillary got majority votes in the $50k and lower income crowd. Her margins got even better in the sub $30k crowd. Those are national numbers based on exit polls. As they say "actual mileage may vary". But I know for a fact that Pennsylvania Trump voters weren't hurting financially.

They are in many cases. But it's not as black and white as that. There are lifelong Democrats here. There are progressive thinking people here.
And then there's the fake news facebook zombies making us look bad.

People wanted change.
Obviously, that didn't mean 'change' for the better.

And, seriously, you don't know how many idiots here believe Trump can bring jobs back. They think he's magic. Every time I try to tell them 'he's not one of you', they start screaming about emails, Benghazi and everything else they see on fucking facebook including how 'Obama didn't get anything done'.

Half of them think we elect a king here with unlimited powers. Hopefully, they'll get disenchanted real quick when Trump chases after entitlements. Hell, I know a guy on SS disability who 'heard' on FB Trump was going to be raising his monthly check.

Racism, yeah to a a degree.

Stupid enough to believe an asshole?
"There are lifelong Democrats here. There are progressive thinking people here." Thanks for the reminder. It was very close in the key states. Trump didn't mop the floor with Clinton. He won by a small margin. And Obama did in fact mop the floor with McCain in some of those states eight years ago.

OK, so, then it was a coalition of rust belt voters that pushed Trump over Clinton. Racism in some, then there were the fearfuls -- the people who respond to fear-based sales tactics and the rest were voting for a change away from Democrats.

It's the third group that decided the election?