I need to put out an apology to the person of who i was well disrespectful to, I was wrong.


Well-Known Member
Last week i read a post by someone ( im sorry o dont remember your tag) but they were talking to another member about my first crop. The fact is he and others were trying to help me and i took it as an attack on my abilities (or lack there of) in being able to tell if my plants had PM. I guess what my problem was us that i like an over axious kid at xmas, had done a pretty goid job at first. Then i raped them of thier foliage in an attempt to show that a rookie can have an impressive first grow. Well to be honest about that they did end up recovering nicely exept for one thing PM. Wich i thought i had gotton rid of but as ive found it us extremely difficult to find PM when you have 3-4 1000wat hps glowing at full tilt, but they saw it right off!
i was rude disrepectful and had no right to speak to this member in that fashion! I have no excuse regardless of my situation or how much time and money ive put into this first grow wich will most likely by tomorrow be discarded due to the fact that pm has infested 6 of 8 plants. Though nothing funny about what i said to this member, but what struck me as funny is that the strain that is supposedly mold and mildew resistant is the one that got it the worst. i treated them with perixide solution and neem oil extract but the thing of it is the buds had already had the mildew inside if them and thats the end for those girls. they arent ginna make it past the 5th week of flower cause i had my head up my own ass!!!!. the other two show no sign of the PM not yet anyway.
there were at ine time people that wanted to see how they turned out cause few have tried to defoliate and been able to post at the end. I wont be able to either but here they are. Tomorrow tbey will be no more. i took precausion with the other two they showed no sign of PM and still dont but were treated with neem oil and i will continue treatment till the end of harvest and hope i can save two out of this debacle. once again im sorry to the member that i was sooo rude to you did not deserve anything i said i am a man and will admit when i am wrong.
I truly hope the member im trying to put a shout out to gets to see this i know that ive not a good memory especially with names but i do remember being a child and shouting more or less like a tantrum baby.
20161220_065158.jpg 20161220_065158.jpg so anyway its taking a long time to upload my pics for some reason. the pic withe the bushes are the two blue dream i have going and the only two with no sign of PM, not yet anyway but they did recover nicely if they survive the next 5 weeks they may even be impressive but yet so is a person dangling weights from his balls dosnt mean everyone will think so they may just say i/he is nuts. no pun intended20161221_205445.jpg


I am glad you responded, i know i have no right to ask and expect an answer, but all six of the la confidential are done for that is just a fact! but the 2 blue dream unless you saw what i cant seem to be without contamination. i treated all of them with neem oil and it didnt save the la's but will the blue dream passibly sqeak by?
I am glad you responded, i know i have no right to ask and expect an answer, but all six of the la confidential are done for that is just a fact! but the 2 blue dream unless you saw what i cant seem to be without contamination. i treated all of them with neem oil and it didnt save the la's but will the blue dream passibly sqeak by?

Green Cure, aka potassium bicarbonate with some soap added, will definitely help you in your fight against PM. Make plenty of it and wash the entire plant down well including top and bottom of leaves and stems. Be sure to get every spot of powdery mildew WET and you'll kill it.
Green Cure, aka potassium bicarbonate with some soap added, will definitely help you in your fight against PM. Make plenty of it and wash the entire plant down well including top and bottom of leaves and stems. Be sure to get every spot of powdery mildew WET and you'll kill it.
Even in the buds of the infected
Or just the two that havent got it yet? cause im clise to saying to hell with it and just cutting my losses and start a new when the planters moon is in phase to give me time to completely clean all my equipment and supplies for the next-generation
Green Cure, aka potassium bicarbonate with some soap added, will definitely help you in your fight against PM. Make plenty of it and wash the entire plant down well including top and bottom of leaves and stems. Be sure to get every spot of powdery mildew WET and you'll kill it.
Not kill but wash it off only a systemic can kill the roots that the mildew leeches into the plant why it's always reoccurring it's in the plants until a systemic is used
Thank you all so very much, i do have greene cure aka potassium bicarbonate but when i used it i didnt add any soap and i sprayed all i could see. it says to wait 7-14 days between usage that was 3 days ago. i dont suppose doing it again so soon is advisable? I believe it will work if you say it will and if it does i wont know how to thank you all.
And once again now that the member who this thread was posted for lio lacidem answered so o could express how why i am truly sorry, i am not just trying to get your approval just to be able to get more info out of the community, i really was an asshole, a child that didnt hear the answer he wanted then acted like a jerk to one who did try ty o help me. ya alot of members have also but i havent acted like a tantrum baby with any of them and i am embarrassed that i spoke to you in such a manner!!
I can't promise that i wont ever get upset at what anyone may or may not have to say to or about my crop but i can promise to conduct myself like an adult.
IME you'll need to hit it at least 3 times, I do 5 days between but 7 is good I wouldn't go 14 between. Everything I've ever read said to use Dawn dish soap specifically but I just use whatever I have. I would spray all your plants however I wouldn't smoke the buds on the 2 infected ones even after you treat it cause you can't reach EVERYWHERE in there. However you're not at a loss, there is research done (you'll have to do some googling) that has proven that H2O2 will kill PM and a post harvest wash is thought to work. I actually found a video but its Jorge lol but its exactly what I was referring to. Who wears a shirt with their face on it?

IME you'll need to hit it at least 3 times, I do 5 days between but 7 is good I wouldn't go 14 between. Everything I've ever read said to use Dawn dish soap specifically but I just use whatever I have. I would spray all your plants however I wouldn't smoke the buds on the 2 infected ones even after you treat it cause you can't reach EVERYWHERE in there. However you're not at a loss, there is research done (you'll have to do some googling) that has proven that H2O2 will kill PM and a post harvest wash is thought to work. I actually found a video but its Jorge lol but its exactly what I was referring to. Who wears a shirt with their face on it?

Thank you i saw that u tube video also, and i use nothing but dawn dish soap so that is good to know. I have had a run of stressful months for the latter part of this year, im a single larent on dissability with two young sons 6 and 9 one of whom was just in a hospital for behavioral issues cause his mom is a drunk who feels she should get loaded then try to justify her absence by putting stuff in the head if an already troubled child!
This is the only thing left for me to try to be able to support them cause at least for now i cant put him in any daycares or after school prigrams cause he just cant deal, and his brother who is 6 thinks the world if him and will follow suit if they are together even though he doesn't ave the same problem with his mom (he just plain hates her). So i cant work even part time to suppliment my income. So i really do appriciate any and all viable info on the subject of growing these beautiful life saving plants. thanks again
And once again now that the member who this thread was posted for lio lacidem answered so o could express how why i am truly sorry, i am not just trying to get your approval just to be able to get more info out of the community, i really was an asshole, a child that didnt hear the answer he wanted then acted like a jerk to one who did try ty o help me. ya alot of members have also but i havent acted like a tantrum baby with any of them and i am embarrassed that i spoke to you in such a manner!!
I can't promise that i wont ever get upset at what anyone may or may not have to say to or about my crop but i can promise to conduct myself like an adult.

I brought up the PM.....I felt no real "hurt" from your retorts.....Your coming back and apologizing for something that you feel you needed too.
Took more guts then many around will ever have (and a cpl, never)! I applaud your respect and reserve :clap: :clap: :clap:!

You impress young man! With that kind of character, I feel you'll go far in life!

ttystikk has posted a great control method. Try that!
@Afgan King has given key information! How about you list a cpl of those? Who am I to steal your thunder AK?

I would add that cleaning every surface in the grow area with a bleach sanitizing solution (I simply have sprayed down the large ones and wiped down the small ones) will kill off the loose spores that have settled on all the surfaces in the grow... (I like a strong one to kill the spore 1:10 is one I have listed before......1 cup bleach to a gallon of water should be fine though.....)

Good luck and thanks!

Doc :hug:
IMHO I would get rid of everything, disinfect and start over. It is almost impossible to get rid of pm unless you cure the cause and the plant. and as AK stated, it takes a systemic to do that and you really don't want to use those in flower.
best bet, chalk it up to one of many more learning lessons and start over.


IME you'll need to hit it at least 3 times, I do 5 days between but 7 is good I wouldn't go 14 between. Everything I've ever read said to use Dawn dish soap specifically but I just use whatever I have. I would spray all your plants however I wouldn't smoke the buds on the 2 infected ones even after you treat it cause you can't reach EVERYWHERE in there. However you're not at a loss, there is research done (you'll have to do some googling) that has proven that H2O2 will kill PM and a post harvest wash is thought to work. I actually found a video but its Jorge lol but its exactly what I was referring to. Who wears a shirt with their face on it?

I want to kill the myth of the 'post harvest wash'.

How do y'all think they make bubble hash, anyway?