Gingrich Says Trump's No Longer Interested In 'Drain The Swamp'

Well the point is 100K for wages isn't a lot of money to begin with. If the Trumpster does start a trade war with the Chi-Coms the impact on the people in this pay grade will be noticable. It's not a linear effect.
This is all hype. To many companies he owns stock in like the one I work for make things overseas. This is for public consumption. Just like maybe Trump and Russia will get along but now all of a sudden they say we don't talk. Trump understands his followers limited ability to discern facts from reality. The emperor has no clothes. It's all staged. Bend over.
It is funny that you mention people who can read then misunderstand the whole piece. Ironic actually. Rather amusing really...

Go back and re-read it yourself.

Trump is not going to continue to use the term 'Drain the swamp'. He will still drain the swamp, he just isnt going to use that rhetoric.

For those of you Barak Obama fans where it was all about what you say, not what you do this might be confusing.
All thry're talking about is no longer using that particular phrase. No change in policy discussed.

I love watching you boobs lie. If you believe it, it's even funnier.
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Everyone knew from the beginning that Trump was shit. He ran on a platform of hate. It's why he won. He useD the same troll tactics that are used on this forum on the daily.
Actually I think a lot of his supporters are stupid enough to really think he was being sincere. That have yet to learn that Donald Trump does not respect them. They will probably never learn.
Actually I think a lot of his supporters are stupid enough to really think he was being sincere. That have yet to learn that Donald Trump does not respect them. They will probably never learn.

You keep talking about Donald Trump like you know the guy yet for a year you told us he wasnt going to win...

When are you going to learn?
You keep talking about Donald Trump like you know the guy yet for a year you told us he wasnt going to win...

When are you going to learn?
I also was one who thought Trump has no chance. I truly underestimated how many ignorant, racist, bigoted, suckers we have voting in America. I learned a valuable lesson this election cycle and now will act accordingly
You keep talking about Donald Trump like you know the guy yet for a year you told us he wasnt going to win...

When are you going to learn?
You are right. We only know his history, his legal problems, his bankrupticies, his failure to pay contractors, his wife rape, his sexual predatory practices, his illegal racial screening for his tenants, his plea to Russia to hack for him during the election, his extremely poor preparation for the debates to the point where he looked lost, scandals, money problems, civil rights lawsuits and so forth. But you are right. Trump can very well be a whole lot worse than we think.
If the people who voted for him could read, this would piss them off.

Newt Gingrich said Wednesday that Donald Trump’s “drain the swamp” catch phrase was “cute” but that the President-elect now disclaims it.

During an interview with NPR’s “Morning Edition” Wednesday, host Rachel Martin asked if the former House speaker had been “working in the swamp, to use Donald Trump’s language.”

“I’m told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn't want to use it anymore,” Gingrich said, referring to the phrase. “I'd written what I thought was a very cute tweet about ‘the alligators are complaining,’ and somebody wrote back and said they were tired of hearing this stuff.”

Later, Gingrich added: “I personally, as a sense of humor, like the alligator and swamp language, and I think it vividly illustrates the problem, because all the people in this city who are the alligators are going to hate the swamp being drained. And there's going to be constant fighting over it. But, you know, he is my leader and if he decides to drop the swamp and the alligator I will drop the swamp and the alligator.”

On Monday, Gingrich drew scrutiny for asserting during an interview on “The Diane Rehm Show” that Trump would be able to simply pardon members of his family who broke anti-nepotism laws by working in his administration. Richard Painter, who was President George W. Bush’s chief White House ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007, responded that “If the pardon power allows that, the pardon power allows the president to become a dictator.”

Martin asked Gingrich about the presidential pardon on Wednesday. Gingrich defended his comment by arguing that the Constitution “gives the president of the United States an extraordinarily wide grant of authority to use the power of the pardon. I'm not saying he should. I'm not saying he will."

He was probably shown the JFK movie
but his actions says otherwise. I see why you fail at everything, you are one dumb ass sucker

His actions show him hiring highly effective people who you disagree with.

He cant start firing people until January 20th.

Maybe you could ask Obama to evacuate the White House sooner so Trump can make America Great Again!!