1 week left


Well-Known Member

i got 7 days left in this house then i drive 3000 miles

anything i should not miss
tech freak .........huge geek building my own super computer
stoner freak..... every day for 14 years
weapon freak (swords guns prototypes)...love making things go boom
castle freak (i like castles and the history )
meat freak ( i eat a lb of meat a day )...beef ribs

maryland to oregon ....willing to go up to 500 miles off route ....I-80
Are you making offers for stuff. Or what?
if someone along the route wants to say stop and get stoned i will share what i got (shine and some candies little oil no flower to much trouble to many states)

Are you asking about attractions to go see en route? If yes, I highly recommend Stopping in Lena, WI at Springtide cheese for some cheese curds.

yes looking for places to check out .......i never been passes ohio in a car (just fl to ny)
AMFU if you wanna go through Lansing, I'll put ya up for a night or two. From there it's easy to get on Hwy 94 to go right past Chicago. Maybe you and Tyler are due to smoke a bowl. Just let me know man. I currently have a vacant house in Lan, so it would be no prob to host. There's a lot of good restaurants within waking distance. See ya in a week!
AMFU if you wanna go through Lansing, I'll put ya up for a night or two. From there it's easy to get on Hwy 94 to go right past Chicago. Maybe you and Tyler are due to smoke a bowl. Just let me know man. I currently have a vacant house in Lan, so it would be no prob to host. There's a lot of good restaurants within waking distance. See ya in a week!

send u a note when i am close ........if i planned it right i should cover about 800-900 i will be with in driving distance to u the 2nd day
no worries about a place to crash ......i am one of those ppl got to carry own weight .....plus renting the hotel room means can leave a mess in there as i paid them to clean it ....just leave a 20 for the maids if it is really horrible ....if we do stay at your place kick u 60 for a maid plus leave yah cash so can have dinner out

if tyler comes out .........it is a stone off
we eat cookies we smoke oil and play chess first one to 3 games wins or the last one awake .....but it is a match to match rules i eat a cookie u eat cookie u take a hit i take a hit
winner gets bragging rights until the next contest

does Chicago have mob tours .....or a museum .....that might be fun find a old fashion speak easy and go there to drink (that area should have at least 2 or 3 open )
i will foot the bill on that and good steak dinner

warning the cookies i will have are strong .......2 of them made me pass out and sleep in a chair 3 hours after i woke from 10 hour sleep (was not tired ) 200 -300 mg each
the butter was 1.25 lbs to 20 grams of oil
the candies are going to be in the 50-70 mg range
oils i have are in the 80 90% thc range ....think i got a 72% one super lemon haze
send u a note when i am close ........if i planned it right i should cover about 800-900 i will be with in driving distance to u the 2nd day
no worries about a place to crash ......i am one of those ppl got to carry own weight .....plus renting the hotel room means can leave a mess in there as i paid them to clean it ....just leave a 20 for the maids if it is really horrible ....if we do stay at your place kick u 60 for a maid plus leave yah cash so can have dinner out

if tyler comes out .........it is a stone off
we eat cookies we smoke oil and play chess first one to 3 games wins or the last one awake .....but it is a match to match rules i eat a cookie u eat cookie u take a hit i take a hit
winner gets bragging rights until the next contest

does Chicago have mob tours .....or a museum .....that might be fun find a old fashion speak easy and go there to drink (that area should have at least 2 or 3 open )
i will foot the bill on that and good steak dinner

warning the cookies i will have are strong .......2 of them made me pass out and sleep in a chair 3 hours after i woke from 10 hour sleep (was not tired ) 200 -300 mg each
the butter was 1.25 lbs to 20 grams of oil
the candies are going to be in the 50-70 mg range
oils i have are in the 80 90% thc range ....think i got a 72% one super lemon haze
Not so much in the way of speak-easys. I would avoid the mob tour like the plague. Just go to The Green Mill. You will like it. I hear good things about Fridays from 5-8. You will be ok there. Place is fulla Amish.
send u a note when i am close ........if i planned it right i should cover about 800-900 i will be with in driving distance to u the 2nd day
no worries about a place to crash ......i am one of those ppl got to carry own weight .....plus renting the hotel room means can leave a mess in there as i paid them to clean it ....just leave a 20 for the maids if it is really horrible ....if we do stay at your place kick u 60 for a maid plus leave yah cash so can have dinner out

if tyler comes out .........it is a stone off
we eat cookies we smoke oil and play chess first one to 3 games wins or the last one awake .....but it is a match to match rules i eat a cookie u eat cookie u take a hit i take a hit
winner gets bragging rights until the next contest

does Chicago have mob tours .....or a museum .....that might be fun find a old fashion speak easy and go there to drink (that area should have at least 2 or 3 open )
i will foot the bill on that and good steak dinner

warning the cookies i will have are strong .......2 of them made me pass out and sleep in a chair 3 hours after i woke from 10 hour sleep (was not tired ) 200 -300 mg each
the butter was 1.25 lbs to 20 grams of oil
the candies are going to be in the 50-70 mg range
oils i have are in the 80 90% thc range ....think i got a 72% one super lemon haze
Stoned chess is bullshit. Fuck stoned chess. ;) Fuck @tyler.durden
Stoned chess is bullshit. Fuck stoned chess. ;) Fuck @tyler.durden
stoned chess rocks or drunk chess (i have the shot glass set beer for pawns 40% abv for the back peices excpet the queen and king they are shine or 151 )
it is how we have always test the measure of the weed and ppls limits

chess takes some mental skill and as the weed hits yah u start to lose little bit ....cards like bullshit we tried the game just never stop ....video games for years it was bond and shootme games mario kart burnt alot of us out on them

we had drunk mario kart .........winner takes 2 shots loser takes 1 u keep playing untill the bottle is dead

chess the best tester for bragging right contest .....person can quit anytime they just say i am too stoned to play other person gets the bragging right

Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is a must see
i am from maryland i been to the national one in baltimore .........they are worth the tour (tripping is freaking crazy ) that touching tank freaky animals
i will check it out ......for the bragging rights

And while you are there @justugh , stop into the Museum of Science and Industry to check out U-505.
will they let me in the boat

and if not will u post the bail for me when they take me to jail i give u the cash once i am out and can hit a bank to pull it out
i am from maryland i been to the national one in baltimore .........they are worth the tour (tripping is freaking crazy ) that touching tank freaky animals
i will check it out ......for the bragging rights

will they let me in the boat
Of course they let you in the boat. It is on dry land though.

Shedd Aquarium makes the National Aquarium look like a dentist's office. The Shedd is almost as good as Monterey Bay - better if you ignore the ocean full of sea otters.
Of course they let you in the boat. It is on dry land though.

Shedd Aquarium makes the National Aquarium look like a dentist's office. The Shedd is almost as good as Monterey Bay - better if you ignore the ocean full of sea otters.
had to ask i been places where they will let u look at it but actually going in is a no no like the Smithsonian
they are really quick too u got like 30 45 secs that is it before u are grabbed ....and running blocking ops do not work they have the man power frist 2 times or so u are ok but the 3rd one u are banned
had to ask i been places where they will let u look at it but actually going in is a no no like the Smithsonian
they are really quick too u got like 30 45 secs that is it before u are grabbed ....and running blocking ops do not work they have the man power frist 2 times or so u are ok but the 3rd one u are banned
I have had no difficulty getting into and out of the Smithsonian. Maybe you aren't faking sober well enough. Natural History and Air&Space are musts. Although the museum in NYC has better meteorites.
I would also plan on the big air museum in Dayton OH I think ...
if someone along the route wants to say stop and get stoned
Inbox me the route you're taking. I'm up north until after the holidays with my bro and a ladyfriend.
I snagged some mead from a friend here as well and it's by far the best batch I've tasted.
Also the last of my Critical/Super Silver Haze that's had a good 60 day cure before the jar was popped.
I have had no difficulty getting into and out of the Smithsonian. Maybe you aren't faking sober well enough. Natural History and Air&Space are musts. Although the museum in NYC has better meteorites.
I would also plan on the big air museum in Dayton OH I think ...
i am never sober .........if i am sober then i am full on bi polar ...weed is my lvler
there is now no one alive that has ever seen me sober ....they are all dead

Inbox me the route you're taking. I'm up north until after the holidays with my bro and a ladyfriend.
I snagged some mead from a friend here as well and it's by far the best batch I've tasted.
Also the last of my Critical/Super Silver Haze that's had a good 60 day cure before the jar was popped.
drop a note once i stop for the night

with new years i think i might stay 2 days in a hotel so i can aviod the speed and drunk traps ....by jan 2nd they go so many cases they do not want to pull any one over (they do not want to do any more court then they have too)
if someone along the route wants to say stop and get stoned i will share what i got (shine and some candies little oil no flower to much trouble to many states)

yes looking for places to check out .......i never been passes ohio in a car (just fl to ny)
If you ever come through Appalachia you are welcome to stop.