Donald Trump does not respect you


Well-Known Member
I honestly voted for Gary Johnson and libertarian most of the way.

Not to mention Trump has yet to be sworn into office. I can honestly guarantee you I will be all for a revolution still under Trump. You are the ones crying the blues Hillary lost and will continue to cry like winey little bitches. I will do my thing as always fucking the system until the empire falls. but why don't you shop at Walmart or Amazon like the good little government sheep you are.
Where do you shop?


Well-Known Member
I live by them.:spew:
Yeah, lol.

I drove through the sticks one day before the election to avoid traffic. Came upon 3 houses in a row that had 'we are deplorables' signs in their back yards.

I guess those old rusty cars, washing machines and refridgerators were scrap investments. Maybe scrap will go up under Trump.

Maybe they'll have to cash it out regardless.


Well-Known Member
Johnson, yeah, I should remember that you've lost touch with all reality and not just what Limbaugh says.

A vote for Johnson was a vote for Trump. You were shagged.
I'm cool with that I still think Trump is going to better than Hillary would have.


Well-Known Member
Where do you shop?
From local businesses as much as possible all my grow gear comes from a locally owned hardware store and lumber as well. I also farm a bit and buy from local farmers. Electronics I'm forced to go with Chinese crap but I don't use a cell phone. I don't eat at any chain restaurants either and pay as little taxes as possible. I will also have my very own renewable electricity come spring. Be nice if I could afford a Tesla car but I imagine they are pricey.


Well-Known Member
From local businesses as much as possible all my grow gear comes from a locally owned hardware store and lumber as well. I also farm a bit and buy from local farmers. Electronics I'm forced to go with Chinese crap but I don't use a cell phone. I don't eat at any chain restaurants either and pay as little taxes as possible. I will also have my very own renewable electricity come spring. Be nice if I could afford a Tesla car but I imagine they are pricey.

Don't lie, this junkie steals from Walmart!


Well-Known Member
From local businesses as much as possible all my grow gear comes from a locally owned hardware store and lumber as well. I also farm a bit and buy from local farmers. Electronics I'm forced to go with Chinese crap but I don't use a cell phone. I don't eat at any chain restaurants either and pay as little taxes as possible. I will also have my very own renewable electricity come spring. Be nice if I could afford a Tesla car but I imagine they are pricey.

Sounds like a match made in heaven..


Well-Known Member
I'm cool with that I still think Trump is going to better than Hillary would have.

Trump's going to be great for Trump. His family will be the richest in the world if he manages to stay on for a full 4 years. What a douche.

Tell me, what do you want Trump to accomplish in the next four years. I mean he already accomplished not Hillary. Can he just close up the White House and go back to being a CEO or do you expect something from this president. Something good for the country, that is.

You were shagged



Trump's going to be great for Trump. His family will be the richest in the world if he manages to stay on for a full 4 years. What a douche.

Tell me, what do you want Trump to accomplish in the next four years. I mean he already accomplished not Hillary. Can he just close up the White House and go back to being a CEO or do you expect something from this president. Something good for the country, that is.

You were shagged
Seems to me he's already doing more that Obama. I mean come on? So Trump makes a phone call and saves tax payers 1B on AF1. Why didn't Obama do that? Oh yeah, because he doesn't care about tax payer money. Hillary would have been more of the same. It's time for a change. At least give him a chance before criticizing , else you just sound like you're butt hurt.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me he's already doing more that Obama. I mean come on? So Trump makes a phone call and saves tax payers 1B on AF1. Why didn't Obama do that? Oh yeah, because he doesn't care about tax payer money. Hillary would have been more of the same. It's time for a change. At least give him a chance before criticizing , else you just sound like you're butt hurt.
Why do you think it is a good idea to have more nuclear weapons?


Well-Known Member
Seems to me he's already doing more that Obama. I mean come on? So Trump makes a phone call and saves tax payers 1B on AF1. Why didn't Obama do that? Oh yeah, because he doesn't care about tax payer money. Hillary would have been more of the same. It's time for a change. At least give him a chance before criticizing , else you just sound like you're butt hurt.
It's extremely arrogant and rude to be sticking his nose in to policy descisions while we still have a sitting president. Come January 20'th the floor is his, but until then he needs to shut the fuck up.

As far as Trump "already doing more than Obama", I have little doubt that he'll do a lot of shit during his presidency. I'm not optimistic that any of it will be what's best for the country though. I would imagine that Obama could have got a lot more accomplished had he not had to deal with a Republican congress for 6 years that made it its mission to block everything he tried to do.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me he's already doing more that Obama. I mean come on? So Trump makes a phone call and saves tax payers 1B on AF1. Why didn't Obama do that? Oh yeah, because he doesn't care about tax payer money. Hillary would have been more of the same. It's time for a change. At least give him a chance before criticizing , else you just sound like you're butt hurt.
Did he actually cancel AF1? Actually, no. He is talking with Boeing to reduce cost. How much will he save? He's also haggling with Lockeed over a fighter jet program. Dude, he's a room keeper. Also a president in charge of the largest military and industrial economy of the world and he's haggling over price for his jet. Obama didn't spend time on individual line items because he's the fucking president overseeing a huge budget. And you have no idea whether or not the price of that jet was justified, none at all. Neither does Trump, which is why I think he's not just a disaster in the making.

He's loading up his cabinet with some to the greediest men alive. With him at the top. Whatever savings he gets from Boeing will be peanuts compared to the money that will roll in to his company and those of his cabinet of kleptocrats. Did you know that his plan to privatize Fannie and Freddie Mac has already shot the stock prices up billions of dollars? Do you know that Trump's investments include big chunks of Fannie and Freddie in a hedge fund? And that the hedge fund holding his investments has shot up billions of dollars. That money is going to come from the US public eventually, either in higher prices, higher interest rates or a bubble economy that collapses. This kind of corruption is never paid for by the profiteers..

And you are impressed by his story of "cancelling" AF1 when nothing has actually changed. What a sucker.

You were shagged.


Well-Known Member
Did he actually cancel AF1? Actually, no. He is talking with Boeing to reduce cost. How much will he save? He's also haggling with Lockeed over a fighter jet program. Dude, he's a room keeper. Also a president in charge of the largest military and industrial economy of the world and he's haggling over price for his jet.

Meanwhile, he's loading up his cabinet with some to the greediest men alive. With him at the top. Whatever savings he gets from Boeing will be peanuts compared to the money that will roll in to his company. Did you know that his plan to privatize Fannie and Freddie Mac has already shot the stock prices up billions of dollars? Do you know that Trump's investments include big chunks of Fannie and Freddie in a hedge fund? And that the hedge fund holding his investments has shot up billions of dollars. That money is going to come from the US public eventually.

And you are impressed by his story of "cancelling" AF1 when nothing has actually changed. What a sucker.

You were shagged.
Not to mention this guy apparently thinks Donald is going over a procurement contract in transition period. Uh-huh. Trump is a showman and a huckster and most Americans seem to be distracted by shiny objects.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me he's already doing more that Obama. I mean come on? So Trump makes a phone call and saves tax payers 1B on AF1. Why didn't Obama do that? Oh yeah, because he doesn't care about tax payer money. Hillary would have been more of the same. It's time for a change. At least give him a chance before criticizing , else you just sound like you're butt hurt.
yeah, we should definitely give the wife beating jew haters in his cabinet a chance.

hitler deserved a chance too.

welcome, new member. i am a bisexual yoga instructor.


You guys can bash on me all you want, after this election I'm used to it. I've heard it for almost a year now. We're all stupid, and all of you know better then us deplorables. Or my particular favorite, is how I'm racist for supporting Trump. We want change. We're sick of business as usual.

And as far as AF1, he saved us money just by talking to Boeing. I really don't care if it was a show or etc. HE SAVED TAX PAYER MONEY. PERIOD.

As far as his cabinet picks, I'm really not going to sit here and try to debate opinions. You would rather have politicians with no real world experience, I disagree. I would rather have successful business executives. You can call me stupid or say that I was duped, but the fact is, it all opinion until they actually start working.
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yeah, we should definitely give the wife beating jew haters in his cabinet a chance.

hitler deserved a chance too.

welcome, new member. i am a bisexual yoga instructor.
Thanks for the welcome. As far as your Hitler comment. Just give it a rest. Hitler could not have came to power in 2016 American. You know that as well as I. And Trump is far from Hitler anyway. Before you start tossing that around, just do an unbiased search of what Trump has done for minorities, woman, children, etc. The left painted a dark picture, but the facts were thin.

You all are entitled to your opinions and I respect that. But we're entitled to ours as well.

And again, thanks for the welcome. I'm a 47 year old, married, Aerospace Engineer in AZ, who doesn't smoke it, but loves to grow it. Mainly for my wife with MS.

Merry Christmas all.
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Well-Known Member
Trump is far from Hitler
ok. then you should be able to easily tell apart these quotes from hitler and trump.


2) We see the results in Russia: the end of the whole economic life of the State: the handing over of the community to the international world of finance.


4) Internationalization today means only Judaization. We in Germany have come to this: that a sixty-million people sees its destiny to lie at the will of a few dozen Jewish bankers.

5) We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of internationalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony.

6) A global power structure is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.

trump does not respect you. he loves the poorly educated, and racist idiots. you fit the bill.