irradiating cannabis

Once granted a license to produce they have to grow at least one crop to test and establish consistency/quality.

If they weren't sold, how could they be recalled, exactly?
Your 100% right
Recall was the wrong word.
You win
It's all awesome
As long as it's from an lp it's perfect.
You can smoke all the irradiated weed and the rest of us will smoke our crappy homegrown.

Since you want to be the English teacher in the room how exactly does growing one crop establish consistency? Exactly
Yea...popcorn. Must be a clumpy brand of popcorn
You think those are the tops of plants?
Have you looked at pictures on this website or are you only here to make friends?
I know for a fact that lid in your pic is just under 5" and I'd say that makes the biggest bud in your pic around the size of a loonie if your lucky.

Those smaller buds come from side branching and bottoms. Known to growers as popcorn or trim pile.

But to each their own
I've made three orders? Calm your tits bro. Do dispensaries only carry 7+g buds or the exact same as what I got? How about black market?
Yea, so I guess it's all trim.
Lol coming from you....
Your paying $8 a gram for that lil shit and I'm the idiot
So why don't auroras plants get buds larger than that?
Have u ever gotten a bud from them larger then the ones in your pic?
Didn't think so

not here to rain on your party...but all my big cola's get bucked up into smaller similar sizes simply because the bigger colas screw with your dry and cure times....same sized buds dry at the same rate...big and smaller buds dry for different lengths of time...but I handle 20+ lbs a year..its enough work when sick...don't want to be a dick, but its how I roll....;)))

mojo the organic farmer
not here to rain on your party...but all my big cola's get bucked up into smaller similar sizes simply because the bigger colas screw with your dry and cure times....same sized buds dry at the same rate...big and smaller buds dry for different lengths of time...but I handle 20+ lbs a year..its enough work when sick...don't want to be a dick, but its how I roll....;)))

mojo the organic farmer
Those buds aren't cut into smaller buds.
I understand why buds are cut, I've done it a few times myself.
I've also opened a few of those aurora containers and said wtf
Not everyone on here talks without experience.
I've been signed up to and sampled 8 lps and it's one of the only things they all have in common.
1 for a minor mislabeling that wouldn't hurt anyone and simply violated hc label standards of +/-2%

1 for bacterial contamination. Legit. Not good, happens though.

1 for unspecified production non compliance.

1 for mould.

1 for a foliar spray that isn't harmful but wasn't disclosed at the time they purchased from a secondary producer and this not included in the labeling.

Well, this sounds to me like an industry out of control poisoning the masses.

More people die from meat born contaminants than from LP marijuana.

You going vegan bruh?
1 for a minor mislabeling that wouldn't hurt anyone and simply violated hc label standards of +/-2%

1 for bacterial contamination. Legit. Not good, happens though.

1 for unspecified production non compliance.

1 for mould.

1 for a foliar spray that isn't harmful but wasn't disclosed at the time they purchased from a secondary producer and this not included in the labeling.

Well, this sounds to me like an industry out of control poisoning the masses.

More people die from meat born contaminants than from LP marijuana.

You going vegan bruh?
To quote the master troll himself PoM...."You're starting to get my undivided attention. Trust me....the last thing you want is my fucking undivided attention!"