"White working class voters are good people, they're not racist, not sexist" -Joe Biden

The Democratic Party has sold out to the donor class, so progressive issues are no longer given the time of day.

Forming a liberal party may be the only way to threaten the Democratic party apparatchiks enough to force them to consider becoming more populist.

It's a dark time in American history when the .01% run the show and can get their way over the will of a hundred million citizens. This is so absolutely antithetical to the idea of democracy and consent of the governed that we must all protest and fight it as fiercely as possible.
You do realize the Democratic party are not Socialists right? They are not much different than the Republican party making anyone for a single party ignorant. You have the illusion of a choice with no choice as both are owned by the same corporations.

Libertarian or better yet independent are the only ones that might make change in this country. Green party though are straight up communist/socialist.
You do realize the Democratic party are not Socialists right? They are not much different than the Republican party making anyone for a single party ignorant. You have the illusion of a choice with no choice as both are owned by the same corporations.

Libertarian or better yet independent are the only ones that might make change in this country. Green party though are straight up communist/socialist.

Agree with most of that, but "communist/socialist" are not interchangeable.
"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling."

im sorry i think i broke this rule. i would like to debate with the members who first posted rude comments about my state and myself without having ever met me.
"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling."

im sorry i think i broke this rule. i would like to debate with the members who first posted rude comments about my state and myself without having ever met me.

hello, and welcome. i am a bisexual yoga instructor.
"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling."

im sorry i think i broke this rule. i would like to debate with the members who first posted rude comments about my state and myself without having ever met me.

What did I miss? We never pass an opportunity to bash a red welfare state.
What did I miss? We never pass an opportunity to bash a red welfare state.

Trust me im aware. I admit i did not save my own comments that were slightly less offensive. imo... must have got deleted.

kick a guy when hes down i dare ya. but its funny how i can see discrimination by stereotypes and location and structure of gov ect and thats ok i guess. i dont reflect the stereotype. feel like a black man that walked into a clan meeting.


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Bernie wasn't a leftist, a socialist or a communist.

In fact, he's a classic centrist.

It's a reflection of the tenor of modern American politics that he's so far to the left of either of the two main candidates.

This leads to my point; Mrs Clinton lost because she sold herself as a distinction without a difference.

I hope I live long enough to see America elect someone who makes Bernie look conservative.
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I hope I live long enough to see America elect someone who makes Bernie look conservative.

I believe we will. If you look at the trajectory of the country, measured by tangibles we are moving to the left. Gay marriage. Roe v Wade. Marijuana legalization. Civil rights. All markers pointing in that direction. There are more liberal-minded folks in this country than there was 30 years ago.

The biggest question to me is, will we ever shake the strangle hold that corporate America has on politics? If not, I worry about the income gap continuing to widen, and the health of the planet.
I believe we will. If you look at the trajectory of the country, measured by tangibles we are moving to the left. Gay marriage. Roe v Wade. Marijuana legalization. Civil rights. All markers pointing in that direction. There are more liberal-minded folks in this country than there was 30 years ago.

The biggest question to me is, will we ever shake the strangle hold that corporate America has on politics? If not, I worry about the income gap continuing to widen, and the health of the planet.

I think wealth inequality is at the heart of the increasingly fascist right in this country and indeed in much of the first world. Who else has the money, the fear of and therefore the desire to keep the populace so firmly under control?

What happens as the pressure increases?
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Bernie wasn't a leftist, a suicidal or a communist.

In fact, he's a classic centrist.

It's a reflection of the tenor of modern American politics that he's so far to the left of either of the two main candidates.

This leads to my point; Mrs Clinton lost because she sold herself as a distinction without a difference.

I hope I live long enough to see America elect someone who makes Bernie look conservative.
Exactly, when people say he's "so far left", they mean "of the political establishment". The American people by and large agree with everything he's proposed; universal healthcare, universal college, increasing the tax rate on the super rich, making corporations pay their fair share, increasing the minimum wage, etc. Everyone who doesn't is, coincidentally, a member of or a supporter of either the republican or democratic establishment. It's class warfare; Establishment v. People. We consistently lose because we're fractured by left/right politics, perpetuated by said establishment as well as the mainstream media. This interesting study just came out about the effects of questioning deeply held political beliefs has on the brain; Which brain networks respond when someone sticks to a belief?

Sounds like a few RIU members to me, you be the judge for yourself

If people like Sanders don't step up and push progressive policies, Republicans will continue to win. It's going to be an interesting couple of years as we see how the control of the Democratic party materializes and the types of people they push for leadership becomes public.

It doesn't take magic to tell you the recipe for success. The real question is if you think the Democratic establishment would rather keep losing than cede control over to actual progressives. Another question is if those that currently support the members of the Democratic establishment will continue to when they don't work towards their interests. That's kind of ironic, right? How some Democrats are flabbergasted at the idea that any of these low-middle income Americans could vote for Trump since we all know his policies will likely hurt them the most, yet that's exactly what some Democrats are doing by voting for Clinton.

Almost sounds like you prefer Trump over Bernie.

That's because the butt hurt is deep.

It's all Sanders' fault...sucked up their precious resources..had no right..boo-hoo..that's what hardcore Hillary-bots are saying.

But he refuses to acknowledge, 2016 lipstick on a 2008 pig and you're gonna get..?

Haven't you noticed his disdain for him?
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For real too many people agree with everything Buck says and backs him up the whole time. I hope he has a life outside but I imagine him 300lbs sitting with a bag of Chettos trolling the day away.

He's listed his pic here a million times..handsome, Peter Krause-type looks..clean cut.
I watched the Bernie Sanders town hall program on MSNBC last night. It was in Kenosha (sp?) WI. They talked to a bunch of people that voted for Trump, many of which had voted for Obama and identified as Democrats. Their answer as to why they voted for Trump....because he wasn't Hillary Clinton. Almost all of them conceded that if Bernie would have been on the ticket they would have voted for him. He would have mopped the floor with Trump.

I posted a thread on that and was looking to talk about..glad someone saw it besides me..my takeaway: Sanders is far from done..people by and large are lizard brains when you throw back at them their logic and ask them to explain same, it is clear.