How to validate a stereotype, presented by Buzzfeed

You might have a valid point if 9% of Democrats didn't vote for Trump. Maybe then you could legitimately blame Clinton's loss on the Bernie babies.. Are you aware a higher percentage of Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in 2016 than Clinton supporters voted for Obama in 2008? In other words, you're speaking establishment, propaganda, nonsense, directly out of your ass.

It ain't us that lost you the election, it's you. You chose to abandon the middle-class and court conservative donors, BRILLIANT! You chose to shit on Sanders supporters and ignore their dire warnings. BRILLIANT! You thought facing Trump was a slam dunk, BRILLIANT!

Clinton was your turn, now it's our turn. That's the fight. If establishment Democrats hand the reins over to actual progressives, then actual progressives will win, people like you will lose influence and power. It's actually better for people like you, politically, to give progressives just enough power to make it seem like they have control, preferably during a Republican majority so they can obstruct everything. Then the establishment types can come out and rehash the same old arguments against the progressive wing of the party and continue business as usual. That's why both Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid endorsed Keith Ellison for DNC chair.

it must take a special type of bravery to mock people for trying to comfort other people whose race or sexual orientation make them especially vulnerable.

well, not bravery. that's definitely not the word i am looking for. i guess i meant narcissistic privilege.

curtis, do you know why 95% of black women vote for people like kerry, and clinton, and gore?

i can promise you it's not out of undying love for old white politicians and public servants.
Kerry & Gore v. Bush

and Clinton v. Trump

Trump and Bush are why black voters voted for Kerry, Gore and Clinton
considering all the damage bush did and trump will undoubtedly do, that makes them pretty much the smartest voters out there, doesn't it?
I don't follow why it would, your opinion of Bush or how one might view the Trump administration are both subjective

Kind of how like my opinion that the majority of black Americans voted against their own best economic interests in voting for Clinton over Sanders in the Democratic primary because Clinton was the more moderate candidate and black Americans are more moderate when it comes to the political spectrum, specifically social issues.
the majority of black Americans voted against their own best economic interests in voting for Clinton

remind me again, what was that margin for hillary over bernard? wasn't it about 80-20 for hillary?

maybe they just knew how shitty and unelectable bernard sandlers is.

are you forgetting that people of color are the backbone of the democratic party, especially in the primary?

black Americans are more moderate when it comes to the political spectrum, specifically social issues.

nope, overwhelmingly liberal. hence the 90% democratic lean.

more politically "moderate" people would split fairly evenly.

you seem to think that having a racist whose speeches mirror hitler is a more acceptable result than having an "establishment" democratic candidate who does not fit your childish purity standard. none of us even know what you mean by establishment anyway, since you are bragging about the endorsement of chuck schumer and harry reid.

i actively encourage you to leave the democratic party and go form your own party instead. get 66 million votes without the DNC's help.

you're honestly not the type of sicko i want in our party, what with your rape and sexual assault and "duct tape spread" issues and all.

anny and the bear were exactly right about you before i was.
How do you explain 70% of African Americans voting for prop 8, which banned same sex marriage, if they are "overwhelmingly liberal"??

Gay marriage is supported by the vast majority of liberals.

Oh, boy here we go again. You are talking about a very small percentage of black voters; In one state 8 years ago. Everybody knows that there is some amount of conservative ideolgies among black voters, especially in the religious communities.
That being said I see prop 8 stats are a result of religion not race.

We all called it prop hate, lol.
Oh, boy here we go again. You are talking about a very small percentage of black voters; In one state 8 years ago. Everybody knows that there is some amount of conservative ideolgies among black voters, especially in the religious communities.
That being said I see prop 8 stats are a result of religion not race.

We all called it prop hate, lol.

I understand that it was a religious thing for the most part, but that doesn't justify it for me. I would argue that religious beliefs run counter to liberal beliefs. Case in point...the vast majority of conservatives are religious.

California is a big state, and a very liberal state. If African Americans are as liberal as buck suggests, I would imagine that they would be well represented in California of all places.
Oh, boy here we go again. You are talking about a very small percentage of black voters; In one state 8 years ago. Everybody knows that there is some amount of conservative ideolgies among black voters, especially in the religious communities.
That being said I see prop 8 stats are a result of religion not race.

We all called it prop hate, lol.
That's exactly what I said "black Americans are more moderate when it comes to the political spectrum, specifically social issues."

Because... ding, ding, ding... they're more religious
So now we're assigning specific thoughts, ideals and feelings to people based solely on their RACE?

I love this new Trump world. It's good to see everyone playing along.