Anyone who thinks lps are your friend please watch

So even with proof you revert to the conspiracy nonsense...

Whats it like being crazed? Are you conscious of it or...?
Run along
Have any of you heard of dr grinspoon? He's only been compiling research since hmmm the 70's
And Israel has been doing research for years aswell.

How come no one ever asks why everyone brings up schizophrenia numbers yet they all claim there's no research.
Sure have. Lester Grinspoon ,professor emiritus(sp?) in psychology at Harvard. And Dr. Rafael Machoulam from Hebrew university. He discovered THC in '68. And also conducted many studies which governments seem to think we're lacking in. Pioneers in medicinal cannabis research
Shouldn't all Drs know as much or more then their patients?
This. I did assume back when I got a script and started learning and reading about MMJ that when I told my Doctors they would have at least had a rudimentary knowledge about medical marijuana. Any kid that’s picked up a National Geographic or even a newspaper in the last few years should have at least a basic understanding. But it’s like talking to someone from the 1950’s most of the time; they know nothing. Willfully ignorant.
I guess it’s our job as patients to tell them, show them, and make them change their minds.
I'm still hoping that the LPs that make a profit will turn that money into funding for marijuana medical research trials.
I have not found any info on research funding, but I did find SOMETHING, that if nothing else is at least a start. From the TWEED website:

$1 from every bottle of Tweed Cannabis Oil sold goes towards our education fund, supporting a national campaign on cannabis and safe driving with MADD and the CDPC.

I hope this is true. Anything that helps make our roads safer is a good thing in my books.
I have not found any info on research funding, but I did find SOMETHING, that if nothing else is at least a start. From the TWEED website:

I hope this is true. Anything that helps make our roads safer is a good thing in my books.

$1 from every $175 bottle of snake This is a clear "lobbying" tactic by Tweedle for ushering Rec. They could be funding real medical studies, but they only wanna prove that very little impairment occours when behind the wheel. Again, prue lobbyists, with the end game of making more $$$.
$1 from every $175 bottle of snake This is a clear "lobbying" tactic by Tweedle for ushering Rec. They could be funding real medical studies, but they only wanna prove that very little impairment occours when behind the wheel. Again, prue lobbyists, with the end game of making more $$$.
Very little impairment from their oil should be easy to prove since there's little to nothing in it.
$1 per bottle is a laughable donation.
They should be ashamed of themselves for posting that
Oh how nice...Concentrated poison snake shwag oil.....

its no wonder snake oil was invented in the first place BY PHARMA in order to RID ALL MEDICATION OF MMJ cause it was taking all their money away.
They had to find synthetic shit to treat people with and that way ITD BE ALL THEIRS
They couldnt (at the time) patent a plant...
Unlike what the USA has done with THC :lol:

Can see where this trade deal is going..
WE OWN ALL THC so PAY THE POPPER!! fuck wads!!! :lol:
awesome end BS it go