"White working class voters are good people, they're not racist, not sexist" -Joe Biden

It was 2 million for Clinton over Trump in popular vote in the general election. Bernie collected 3.7 million fewer votes than Clinton did in the primary. Not that either matters. It's all about delegates and EC votes. Especially the primary, I'd like to see it switch to a popular vote. While I'm not totally against the EC, a switch to popular vote for president would be OK with me too.

As far as racism is concerned, there is pretty good evidence that about 25% of the nation is very racist. I don't know why you'd think this is something that is not true. The rest of Trump's support coming from racists? Well, you are right in that it is a sweeping statement that is probably false. I'm of the opinion that the majority of Trump's voters didn't care about racist policies and voted for Trump as a "change" candidate.

Still, without making a claim of proof, I ask, how can a person support a candidate with racist policies and who makes racist or bigoted statements and not be racist or bigoted themselves?

@Padawanbater2 brought up a valid point that Bernie did better in blue and purple states than Clinton did. These are the states that Democrats HAD to win in order secure the presidency. Yet, states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas all had an outsized effect on the primary given the fact that those states were NEVER going to vote for a Democratic party candidate. The DNC awarding delegates according to a pretty arcane system that does account for previous election results but why Texas had 252 delegates while Michigan had 152 is beyond me. To me, this skewed the primary to accrue meaningless delegates for Clinton and made the overall primary more difficult for Bernie to win, given that he was almost unknown in the south, and a Yankee to boot.

Also fuck the super-delegates. They can stay home and watch on TV. Bernie's team tried to get them eliminated but ended up with compromise that reduced the number of SD to a smaller number. Now that Clinton no longer holds a position in the party, maybe they can revisit the agreement to write them out entirely.

This election was proof positive that the EC does not work as designed.

Now we have a thin-skin egotistical narcissistical madman because voters were so turned off about being force fed I'm With Her, when they weren't, they stayed home..7M of them.
absolutely she was. should have taken a stand on it and explained the benefits of it.

i don't hold my candidates to some fucked up purity test though. i am pragmatic like that.

if bernard looked like he was gonna be good to run in 2020, i'd vote for his 88 year old carcass.

That would be 79 year old carcass..can't wait for your support!:clap:
across the board, from left to right people clearly showed they want genuine radical change.
On both sides the people went for the radical candidate.

Bernie was a largely unknown senator, old and unsexy and without party or corporate backing and he unexpectedly rallied tens of millions of people and gave the anointed one a real race. It was amazing he did as well as he did.

The advent of Trump and Bernie is a deep repudiation of both parties. That is plain as day.
I don't know how anyone can think the same old cookie cutter politicians are gonna cut it.

The dem candidates 4 years from now better sound a lot like Sanders if they've learned anything.

My dream President would be a 54 year old Ralph Nadar, with Chris hedges as chief of staff and a 50ish Chomsky as SOS.
Life wouldn't be perfect but it'd be a thousand times better.
across the board, from left to right people clearly showed they want genuine radical change.
On both sides the people went for the radical candidate.

Bernie was a largely unknown senator, old and unsexy and without party or corporate backing and he unexpectedly rallied tens of millions of people and gave the anointed one a real race. It was amazing he did as well as he did.

The advent of Trump and Bernie is a deep repudiation of both parties. That is plain as day.
I don't know how anyone can think the same old cookie cutter politicians are gonna cut it.

The dem candidates 4 years from now better sound a lot like Sanders if they've learned anything.

My dream President would be a 54 year old Ralph Nadar, with Chris hedges as chief of staff and a 50ish Chomsky as SOS.
Life wouldn't be perfect but it'd be a thousand times better.

When those like Dean et al wish the DNC, obvi they haven't learned..Meanwhile Bernie hasn't stopped campaigning..
My dream President would be a 54 year old Ralph Nadar, with Chris hedges as chief of staff and a 50ish Chomsky as SOS.
Life wouldn't be perfect but it'd be a thousand times better.

I always liked Ralph Nader. When he ran in 2000 (although I wasn't going to vote for him), I silently asked myself what could Ralph ever run through congress?

My answer was not much.

what if a 54 yr. old Nader was taking over on Jan. 20th, what would he get through congress today.

Nothing. Maybe not even a SCOTUS nominee.

Let these fuckers taking power fall on their faces (or feces). America is populated by the most impatient, self centered people on the planet.
Team Trump will disappoint them very fucking quickly. Check the favorability polls in 18 months.
I always liked Ralph Nader. When he ran in 2000 (although I wasn't going to vote for him), I silently asked myself what could Ralph ever run through congress?

My answer was not much.

what if a 54 yr. old Nader was taking over on Jan. 20th, what would he get through congress today.

Nothing. Maybe not even a SCOTUS nominee.

Let these fuckers taking power fall on their faces (or feces). America is populated by the most impatient, self centered people on the planet.
Team Trump will disappoint them very fucking quickly. Check the favorability polls in 18 months.

I know what you mean. I'm hoping things getting worse means things are getting better.


Senator Byrd disavowed his connections with the Klan and made his life an example of what powerful white men can do to help everyone, not just other white men.

It's really too bad you're apparently incapable of doing the same.
help people like in Chicago and the inner cities?

Also, this is the new meme on twitter btw
Spreading more fake news\propaganda, I see. I understand how threatened you are by a party of diversity, most racist are. Keep up the race baiting though, it makes you look really smart.:roll:

thats exactly what the new meme is about on Twitter, white democrats are hurting the Democrat party, so for the future @NnoWhiteDemocrats
And they were absolutely right to do it, Mr Spun; Donna Brazile broke the law and every standard of journalistic integrity in the book. It had fuck all to do with the color of her skin and you're a race baiter for even pulling this shit, crackhead.

And, you know this already, so this post just confirms that you're a LIAR, and a propagandist.

A bad one.