Open Show n' Tell 2016

I actually may host it its in my off season :)
Nothing to host it tho ay just start it up and maybe throw a pic of month in :)

PR is important specially to the newbies and their first post and pics . A reply is worth a lot more than a like and actually builds the O'D forum and the network. How many members have you friended from down under that just stopped by in their first few post just to throw up a pic ?
I'm sure your alot better at it then I have been lately . :-P
PR is important specially to the newbies and their first post and pics . A reply is worth a lot more than a like and actually builds the O'D forum and the network. How many members have you friended from down under that just stopped by in their first few post just to throw up a pic ?
I'm sure your alot better at it then I have been lately . :-P
Well said ....your exactly right