19 day progress under 100w x 2 LED Flood + 45w cfl x 4


Just sharing some growth progress. Its my first grow and due to my amature light spread setup one of my plants out of 5 is lagging but will be setting up a proper grow tent in a week or so so hoping the one plant lagging behind will catch up.



Active Member
looking good! I'm on my 1st grow also with 5 plants in a 4'by5' tent w/ a 1200w and 600w led. I'm on day 21. they're growing like mad! someday ill learn how to post pics! ;) mine are shorter but bushy as hell! you're getting great growth with the lights you have! keep up the good work!
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Well-Known Member
You need to re plant those lanky 5 at the bottom and cover up that stem. Get the light closer if possible, they are asking for more light stretching.


You need to re plant those lanky 5 at the bottom and cover up that stem. Get the light closer if possible, they are asking for more light stretching.
Sorry I didn't quite understand you. Please explain to me like I'm 12

Edit: The bottom plants are the above plants, 19 days earlier.