Re egging question

I'm planning on getting a lil 2x3 grow tent I was wondering after I harvest I was planning on drying in the tent would it be possible to let the plants sit in darkness up to 7 days and then begin the reveg of the plants in order to take clones or would it be better to make feminized seeds with colodial silver to keep a certain strain I like
I was just trying to get more bang for my buck I guess I could always turn 10 feminized seeds into 100 by growing one plant out clone her several times harvest and start with the second seed and do it again


Well-Known Member
I don't recommend "re egging". Once you've egged a spot, it's kinda burnt. Find another place to egg. Less likely to get busted and the "virgin" aspect of it makes it more rewarding.



Well-Known Member
I don't recommend "re egging". Once you've egged a spot, it's kinda burnt. Find another place to egg. Less likely to get busted and the "virgin" aspect of it makes it more rewarding.

Very good info ...take heed OP this is very valuable advice never re-egg ....and if you absolutely have to do this you need to wait at least 6 months or your taking unnecessary risks .......personally I like to just egg a new target each and every time .....but to each there own ......also if you feel the first egging wasn't good enough and you feel the need to do more to the same person .....there's always the flaming bag of shit ....GL


Well-Known Member
True, true. Every once in a while you come across that very special kind of person that has worked diligently towards a mandatory re egging. So, be certain before bestowing such an honor.


I feel like re egging takes longer than just egging new. There's a reason why a majority of people don't practice re egging.