Well-Known Member
I think you forgot about a pay to play deal..'
ya mean the one where trump sold access to himself and his family for the small price of a million dollars?
I think you forgot about a pay to play deal..'
Dude your posting some legit memes.
ya mean the one where trump sold access to himself and his family for the small price of a million dollars?
memes > CIA & FBI & 100% of congress
it is no wonder your head is so full of shit.
also, *you're.
Perhaps he's referring to Clinton Cash.
I've been privy to your "math" and I'm gonna pass on your grammar. See your previous posts for errors.
i'm not sure that funding right wing propaaganda machines, and convicted felons like james o'keefe counts as "charity", but that is for the new york state attorney general to decide.
trump is unable to close his foundation at the moment because it is under criminal investigation.
dumb fucking stooge.
a propaganda video made by the same organization that got shirley sherrod fired because they did not like the fact that she was black?
the same organization that is the self proclaimed "platform of the alt-right", otherwise known as a band of neo-nazis?
nice find.
no wonder your head is so full of shit.
how many more days until your next government check arrives by the way?
You still haven't cited that source bucky boy
stay smokin'
i am just citing what 100 senators, the CIA, and FBI are saying.
are you too cowardly to say you think they are all wrong? i think you are.
cowardice is your essence.
Reality is you're not citing jack!
reality is that you are a coward living on government checks and your wife left you.
reality is that you are a coward living on government checks and your wife left you.
I have noticed You always think of something stupid as fuck like this to say when you are backed into a corner with no factual evidence to claw your way out with.. not that you had any in the first place
He was correct, you have cited nothing. Just said that you did, when you in fact never did, Buckaroo
stay smokin'
Mother Mary of God. Give the keyboard back to Justine till you're fugue state subsides. She's more fun anyway.
drinking my coffee enjoying the entertainment lol
stay smokin'
are you sure i have not repeatedly cited the reports coming from the CIA, FBI, and all member of congress?
and how is it stupid to point out that arctic spaghetti noodle is living on government checks, and that his wife left him? he doesn't dispute it.
just like neither of you two sniveling cowards are disputing the fact that the CIA, FBI, and all members of congress agree that russia meddled in our elections, led by vladimir putin himself.
i wouldn't have to point out what cowardly little welfare losers you guys are if you could just face that simple fact of reality.