Trump being elected is the result of years of educational neglect in this country. After all, what kind of powerful country would want its citizens to possibly get smarter than the system that works them? That wouldn't be any good because it would lead to too much individualism and eventually anarchy would one would want to follow and everyone would be as good a leader as anyone else -except that there would be no followers. All countries need followers. All followers need a leader. The less-educated the general populace is, the more willing they are to be led...because they don't understand anything other than the rudiments of life -like work. So, when someone comes along and says they will provide work for all the people who are out of work and have no ability to work for themselves, then those people listen and respond. Of course, it doesn't have to be true. That person just needs to make the claim that they will provide these things. It doesn't have to really happen. It's sending the message of faith.
Let's face it....most of this country believes that there is a man who lives in the sky somewhere and is in charge of us all. And if we, as a country, base our understanding of life with that as the core, then why be so amazed that Don Trump can be elected the president of America? Most of the people in America (and the world, for that matter) are waiting for Jesus to return and save them and take them to the REAL, why care about what happens in the here and now? Even if we fuck up here on earth, it won't matter because the faithful will be taken up to Heaven and that's when we ALL will have everything.....
The dumb people aren't in trouble....It's the SMART people who are in trouble!
I think Donald Trump and Jesus are both great leaders for about 50% of the country....but the other 50%? -not so much.