irradiating cannabis

radiation is bad..MMMK


to say its OK because its around and we have to deal with it. is moronic

less the better...and people who are sick SHOULD HAVE NONE! or as less as possible

arguing bunch of morons who know jack shit about peoples health


arguing radiation is OK for you??????...bunch of ffckin morons!!


No one said radiation is ok for you, irradiation does not leave ANY radiation behind (to argue this requires dismissing everything we know of gamma radiation, which would be foolish and based on personal belief not a scientific understanding). To alter the material being sterilized into a radioactive state requires energy magnitudes above what is used in the irradiation process.

I avoid irradiated cannabis because I see no need for it outside of possibly the immunocompromised (I say possibly because the sickest of the sick have been using this beautiful plant for longer than any of us truly know) and we do not have enough long term data on it's use in a smoked or vaporized product.

You can go read up on the science behind it if you wish and learn for yourself as it is a pretty interesting subject and worth reading about just to expand your knowledge of the world around you (this is something we should all strive for isn't it ?).
You're telling everyone to disregard science.
You have no credibility. Personal experiences mean SHIT FOR PROOF.
Im sure living healthy like you claim is what does it.
Not your paranoia of things you can't (really, WON'T) bother to understand
I understand them completely.

I was in charge of hazardous material disposal in the military and was around equipment that would cook your insides in a matter of seconds.

You are not talking to an idiot. I fully understand what you are saying. I'm just saying that just because a study with vested interests behind says it safe doesn't make it so.
radiation is bad..MMMK


to say its OK because its around and we have to deal with it. is moronic

less the better...and people who are sick SHOULD HAVE NONE! or as less as possible

arguing bunch of morons who know jack shit about peoples health


arguing radiation is OK for you??????...bunch of ffckin morons!!

Oh wow. Thanks for the laugh man. Top notch trolling right there. Had a good giggle over that one.

Now the real question is, how do we go about banning the sun?
Well I had time to kill today, as usual, so I decided to try and finish reading the NCBI document that I linked to at the beginning, about
Evaluating the Effects of Gamma-Irradiation for Decontamination of Medicinal Cannabis
I discovered something I had read before, but i more detail and I genuinely did not know. It was this part:

UPLC analysis
Six major cannabinoids were quantitatively analyzed by applying a validated UPLC methodology that is used as standard procedure for release testing of medicinal cannabis in The Netherlands. As customary, the sum of THC and its acidic precursor THCA is reported as “total THC content.” Similarly, the sum of CBD and CBDA is reported as “total CBD content.” It should be noted that delta-8-THC and CBN are not originally produced by the cannabis plant, but are formed as degradation products of THC by exposure to heat or light, or by prolonged storage (Hazekamp et al., 2010).

The bold part is what I do not recall ever reading about before. I seem to recall reading in this forum somewhere that a grower tested his plants and the CBD degraded at a certain point. At least that is what I thought was being said. Does anyone have any thought abiout what happens for CBD since this info only talks about THC and CBN.

It should be noted that delta-8-THC and CBN are not originally produced by the cannabis plant, but are formed as degradation products of THC by exposure to heat or light, or by prolonged storage (Hazekamp et al., 2010

I do not recall ever reading about before

common knowledge among growers

Let's fire gamma radiation at our toothbrushes! It will kill bacteria! And mold! We can invent gamma-tooth-away! A device that irradiates your toothbrush every-night as you sleep, ensuring it is SAFE for you to consume in your mouth!

Surely we can agree that if it is good for weed and food, it must be good for our toothbrushes?
Let's fire gamma radiation at our toothbrushes! It will kill bacteria! And mold! We can invent gamma-tooth-away! A device that irradiates your toothbrush every-night as you sleep, ensuring it is SAFE for you to consume in your mouth!

Surely we can agree that if it is good for weed and food, it must be good for our toothbrushes?

Good exposition of the logical deficits here. The real question should be, why would someone choose to gamma irradiate cannabis? Practically when it comes to the MMPR / ACMPR it's been to get product that otherwise wouldn't be able to meet testing standards, so more or less covering up substandard product.

It does affect negatively impact terpenes, so you are getting a lower quality product / reduced terpene profile than you would without it, just because something is 'safe' doesn't mean it's beneficial.
there is no argument here
Radiating meds IS NOT GOOD!


why are you here again? (:

takes MORE than taste but buttwads who want to force it on you cause it is THEIR ONLY WAY would love for you to believe otherwise
ITS NOT MEDICAL if its been Artificially degraded in anyway or form
Well the first few dozen pages on the interwebs state they are responsible for the scent/flavour of marijuana.

So...what mystery information do you have that you aren't willing to contribute to the discussion?

Also the fundamental basic lack of understanding regarding well established science is disappointing. Old wives tales aside, opinion doesn't actually invalidate fact.
There are now two LP's who have partnered up with and invested in a company called RADIENT technologies.. It does extractions with the use of radiation.. LOVELY

irradiated cannabis concentrated by radiation...mmmmm

Aurora partnered with them for use of their technology and Aphria owns a stake in the company as well
I invested in radiant too. They were at $0.15 two weeks ago and $0.50 today.

They use a proprietary method of microwave extraction. Could be promising.

But I'm sure you'll respond by saying microwaves are similar to U-235 because radiation.
Good exposition of the logical deficits here. [..] Practically when it comes to the MMPR / ACMPR it's been to get product that otherwise wouldn't be able to meet testing standards, so more or less covering up substandard product.

Bingo. That's the only reason it is done, to cover up substandard product by standardizing to the lowest common denominator. And I wouldn't put a gamma irradiated toothbrush in my mouth either. Most people probably would not if given a choice.