Well-Known Member
radiation is bad..MMMK
to say its OK because its around and we have to deal with it. is moronic
less the better...and people who are sick SHOULD HAVE NONE! or as less as possible
arguing bunch of morons who know jack shit about peoples health
arguing radiation is OK for you??????...bunch of ffckin morons!!
No one said radiation is ok for you, irradiation does not leave ANY radiation behind (to argue this requires dismissing everything we know of gamma radiation, which would be foolish and based on personal belief not a scientific understanding). To alter the material being sterilized into a radioactive state requires energy magnitudes above what is used in the irradiation process.
I avoid irradiated cannabis because I see no need for it outside of possibly the immunocompromised (I say possibly because the sickest of the sick have been using this beautiful plant for longer than any of us truly know) and we do not have enough long term data on it's use in a smoked or vaporized product.
You can go read up on the science behind it if you wish and learn for yourself as it is a pretty interesting subject and worth reading about just to expand your knowledge of the world around you (this is something we should all strive for isn't it ?).