What the F... Happened


Well-Known Member
LOL...So.... am I supposed to be surprised. But thank you for your input. I am posting on a largely liberal viewpoint thread. It didn't start out that way but on RIU; anytime there is a political post they generally turn into the same as this one. Liberal views allowed "ONLY." anything else will be discredited.......lol
you've been a member for two months now.

tell us what your username was here before that time.


Well-Known Member
LOL...So.... am I supposed to be surprised. But thank you for your input. I am posting on a largely liberal viewpoint thread. It didn't start out that way but on RIU; anytime there is a political post they generally turn into the same as this one. Liberal views allowed "ONLY." anything else will be discredited.......lol
That would be inaccurate and biased, like most of the drivel you try to pass off as fact.

We challenge everyone's viewpoints. If you're feeling a bit beat up, maybe it's because your opinions don't have merit in the intellectual commons.

Too many big words?

You got shagged!


Well-Known Member
That would be inaccurate and biased, like most of the drivel you try to pass off as fact.

We challenge everyone's viewpoints. If you're feeling a bit beat up, maybe it's because your opinions don't have merit in the intellectual commons.
I am not feeling beat up at all, I am actually enjoying our time together. And to you and other liberals my opinions or the opinions of anyone except another liberal have no merit, That is how you roll...lol


Well-Known Member
LOL...So.... am I supposed to be surprised. But thank you for your input. I am posting on a largely liberal viewpoint thread. It didn't start out that way but on RIU; anytime there is a political post they generally turn into the same as this one. Liberal views allowed "ONLY." anything else will be discredited.......lol
Awwwww, cry me a river. I'll remind you of how our back and forth began. You replied to a post I made that mostly agreed with the OP. You replied with a post that opened like this:
Lol.....There is sooo much misleading bullshit in this comment I don't know where to start. " right wing propaganda radio"?...You as many others do pick and choose your poison and fail to admit the poison is all around us on both sides, or should I say the total corruption of the United States. it is beyond disturbing to see so many mislead people that have chosen sides in which both sides are destroying this nation.
You began with a defense of fucking Rush Limbaugh then claim that opposing Limbaugh's ilk as well as the right wing agenda is "destroying this nation". As if defending Medicare, Social Security, the ACA and public education from right wing lawmaker's plans to repeal or privatize them is "destroying the nation". Too funny this. Or it would be funny if real people weren't going to die from some those actions.

Now that your argument has been dissected and discredited you cry Liberals are unfair.

widely disproved, discredited and shagged


Well-Known Member
Can you point out in this thread or any other political thread on RIU where there was a civil exchange of opinions and ideas between FogDog, You, the Uncles and a few others versues those with different political viewpoints?


Well-Known Member
Presented without intelligence or a point.

You retarded Trump cucks are hilarious, you idiots are getting fucked even harder than the people who didn't vote for him because we never believed his bullshit "promises".
The more you post the more you are making the case for my previous posts. Keep going. Let everyone see how you handle difference in opinions....credible?.......NOT! This is one reason why Trump will be your next president. Enough people got tired of being fed liberal bullshit with no results to show for it.....lol


Well-Known Member
The more you post the more you are making the case for my previous posts. Keep going. Let everyone see how you handle difference in opinions....credible?.......NOT! This is one reason why Trump will be your next president. People got tired of being fed your bullshit with no results to show for it.....lol
^^^^ Widely discredited, disproven and still doesnt realise he's being vigorously shagged ^^^^