O-high-O growers sound off

I got it from a guy supposed to be friends with the ppl that originally bred it in ohio. Only problem with this guy is not very reliable when getting stuff hes kindve an airhead and always running around like a chicken with head cutoff. He comes through but sometimes it takes months. So i just learned not to hold my breath waiting for stuff from him
I got it from a guy supposed to be friends with the ppl that originally bred it in ohio. Only problem with this guy is not very reliable when getting stuff hes kindve an airhead and always running around like a chicken with head cutoff. He comes through but sometimes it takes months. So i just learned not to hold my breath waiting for stuff from him

Well that sounds like this dude Mike I know...if its him don't hold your breath! However..if that DS cut ever rolls through I bet your friends circle expands like whoa! :)
Holy shit his name is mike. Damn wonder if same guy.

Probably not the same guy...mines been in jail for over a year...he's one of those moron mules that loads his car up with 100lbs...gets 3 of the dingiest friends he can find and they smoke the whole way back and forth...he's a moron :) If I had to mule...i think the whole "family" unit w/ a baby works best...at least that's what hollyweird has me believing :D
Hope everyones holidays are going well...thanks to some awesome cats on RIU i have about 40 strains to run through...popping 2 beans a week is shiiiiiiiiity tho...been clean and sober for like 4 weeks now...never went this long before...almost afraid to smoke anything as it will probably be like my first time again...at least I hope...finally got a few tiny ones into flower..I have a running grow journal going if any of my fellow ohioans see something that sparks their interest maybe a smoke sesh can be arranged :D
Hope everyones holidays are going well...thanks to some awesome cats on RIU i have about 40 strains to run through...popping 2 beans a week is shiiiiiiiiity tho...been clean and sober for like 4 weeks now...never went this long before...almost afraid to smoke anything as it will probably be like my first time again...at least I hope...finally got a few tiny ones into flower..I have a running grow journal going if any of my fellow ohioans see something that sparks their interest maybe a smoke sesh can be arranged :D
You know I'm always down bro:peace:
So far everyone having a good buzzed year?
I sure as hell am. Made some tincture with the choc kush and everclear in magic butter machine.
A few drops when i wake a few more in a bit and then load about 20-30 drops in a litre bottle with a drink for rest of evening with a few Js to continue evening and then some brownies or gummies to top it off.
LOL thats been my year so far.
Getting ready to start winter crop ive got some gorrilla glue #4 autos coming my way. Then back to just females this is just for a quickie harvest lol.
East of Cleveland about 15 minutes here lol, how is everyone doing? I am pretty knowledgeable with 8 years so I'll try to help if I can. I'll show current pics when the lights go back on but I got 12 days until harvest!

You aren't to far from me...I am about the same westways..In that big suburb with the dying/rebuilt mall and to many cops...Why does a burb need a SWAT team?
20170114_071356-1.jpg does this look like a N deficiency to you guys? I went ahead and used some of the leftover go box from the last run and I'm think it maybe time to just pitch them