Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
I don't have any idols, I think I outgrew the ones I had. I do have many people that I respect, some famous and not so famous.
I know we're your coming from Vnsmkr. I get a certain uneasy feeling about all the stardom and idol worship because deep down inside I know that these stars were most likely cherry picked to generate income to support another industry.
The whole entertainment industry is geared to manufacture reality to push agendas and capitalize.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I don't have any idols, I think I outgrew the ones I had. I do have many people that I respect, some famous and not so famous.
I know we're your coming from Vnsmkr. I get a certain uneasy feeling about all the stardom and idol worship because deep down inside I know that these stars were most likely cherry picked to generate income to support another industry.
The whole entertainment industry is geared to manufacture reality to push agendas and capitalize.
Kinda like ghandi selling toothpaste on a commercial ..u know what i mean lol


Well-Known Member
That wasnt really the point Ruby, the point was why do people who are considered "famous" get put up on a pedestal. Not just musicians, athletes, actors, blah blah blah fucking blah.
Worship is the wrong word and the only reason it was brought up is because TWS told me to go worship my buddha; and TWS I imagine if I had any religious affiliation whatsofuckingever that would have been a kick in the nuts to say something like that, really?
Yeah I had those posters as a kid because my parents who had no fucking idea like anyone else on this Earth thought they were cool, so I was influenced lol. I still love music, its part of my life, but I have no idea who/when/what of "famous" people dying and dont care to.....
I respect their talent but see no reason to give them a pass or any special privilege due to their supposed 'status'. Their talent is already making them a fortune, why do they deserve to be kowtowed to?