How to validate a stereotype, presented by Buzzfeed

Am I running for public office? What point would that serve other than to confirm what a douche bag you are?

kinda sounds like you do care about stolen information then, as long as it effects you personally.


Your party? Did you not see what happened on Nov 8'th? "Your" party was a fucking sleazy con-man. How could Donald J Trump defeat "your" candidate?? What an embarrassment.

Says the guy that's been running around here making excuses for why his Candidate lost for the past month and a half. :lol:


have fun being a republican, or running 93 year old bernie sanders without the help of the DNC.
You think I voted Trump? I'm a progressive lol..


i think i know the type.


badmouthing your only chance to not only maintain, but advance your progressive values got you the most racist regressive shithead we've seen in decades.

good job, shit for brains!
Case and point. Grow up and have a good night.

i need a better name for bernie crybabies like you.

bernie babies doesn't quite do it, bernie bitches is derogatory in a sexist fashion.

maybe bernie yeast infections? yeast infections can happen in the anus, so i think it is fair.

morons like you let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and in return got us all a pile of shit.

oh well. it won't affect me as much as it affects you basement dwelling little crybabies. i meant yeast infections.
stowandgrow complains more about me calling out racism than he does about racism itself.

he can go suck some bernie dick and run that 97 year old geezer third party.
stowandgrow complains more about me calling out racism than he does about racism itself.

he can go suck some bernie dick and run that 97 year old geezer third party.

Stow is about as level headed a guy you will find here, Hillary losing has made you and many others become completely unglued. We tried to tell you how unelectable that sleazy bitch was, you guys wouldn't here we sit with this orange reality TV turd about to be potus..