Fight back against dr.chronic


Well-Known Member
And thats why I don't order more than a few hundred bucks worth of beans at a time. But then again I'm spending my own money...

This fool has spent all of his daddy's money and now his daddy is calling asking for the vig. Hydro ain't got none 'cause he ain't got no game.

I wouldn't be so harsh but the harsh deserve no better than what they would themselves deal.

You see Mr. Hydro is the kind of guy that sees someone laughing and assumes they are laughing at him instead of just finding out what's funny. He's a loser and he'll drag you down with him if he can because that's what loser do.

Say one negative word to him and you'll see him spew his twisted life out for you to puzzle over. His attempts at transference would be comical if not for the sadness with which they leave you.

Cry somewhere else little clown, all we can do is laugh at you.


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahahahhaahah,lol shits killin me, i offered to sell him apac of seeds and give him my freebies , i guess he thought i was making fun of him. i dont offer shit like that evry day i'll just keepem. i needem anyway .:confused:


Well-Known Member
i offered to sell him apac of seeds and give him my freebies , i guess he thought i was making fun of him. :confused:
I'm telling you man, he can't understand that everyone doesn't hate him; we don't care that much. Even when someone is nice to him like you were, and even I was earlier, he can't process it. He's so used to being a loser he just assumes everyone is making fun of him. And you know what? It's a self-fulfilling prophecy...



Well-Known Member
And thats why I don't order more than a few hundred bucks worth of beans at a time. But then again I'm spending my own money...

This fool has spent all of his daddy's money and now his daddy is calling asking for the vig. Hydro ain't got none 'cause he ain't got no game.

I wouldn't be so harsh but the harsh deserve no better than what they would themselves deal.

You see Mr. Hydro is the kind of guy that sees someone laughing and assumes they are laughing at him instead of just finding out what's funny. He's a loser and he'll drag you down with him if he can because that's what loser do.

Say one negative word to him and you'll see him spew his twisted life out for you to puzzle over. His attempts at transference would be comical if not for the sadness with which they leave you.

Cry somewhere else little clown, all we can do is laugh at you.
Lol, Kludge, that just goes to show how far below me that u are.
U can't handle one remark w/o taking it to extremes....

Jealousy is a bitch, u grow one plant at a time, I grow 100. I know it's tough being a peice of shit your whole life and ragging on people whenever u get offended by a remark, but chill out and learn a few things instead of thinkking u are so far above everyone else.
I work for a living, I don't sit online all day and have Mommy pay my bills like u. Grow up, get a life, and maybe if u weren;t such a dick, u would have a few friend in other places besides the internet.
Thanks for all yyour remarks though, I almost forgot who I really was until u reminded me. I have to go and explain to my dad that I don't have his loot so I gotta go...

Just as I was aborting this message, Kludge tried giving me a handout on bag seed. I have 20 bagseed going in my closet, thanks tho...


Even though you were a complete dick to me I have some seeds I'll send you. They're just bag seeds but it will get you started. It's what I started with and it's a great way to learn and fuck up with out having to worry about it.

No thanks. Maybe u don't understand something, u are a piece of shit, I may be too, but u definately are. I don't want your handouts! I already placed another order with attitude. Also, my first package from attitude is in NY as we speak. Be a fucking man and if u are going to talk shit to someone back it up, don't run and PM them with a peace offering, pussy!


Well-Known Member
hydro, wen it says ny. may get them today. i ordered the 9th to.goodluk. youll get your beans here.hell i got noked out on that 525.00 orderset me bak. few months ago. but one decent hit and your up and runnin.i'm cleaning out my garage toda. blak plastic it up , and orderanother 600 watt,. i gotta do cloning , hell, i still got 500.00 worth of seeds i still waitng on . maybe we'll bothscore toda


Well-Known Member
Lol, Kludge, that just goes to show how far below me that u are.
U can't handle one remark <blah, blah, blah> Be a fucking [?] and if u are going to talk shit to someone back it up, don't run and PM them with a peace offering, pussy!
Yep, I'll bet you grow 100 plants at a time. And you're growing 20 plants in the closet now. Yep.

I'll bet your daddy can beat up my daddy too. And you have an awesome house, and you drive a fancy sports car, and your girlfriend/boyfriend is super hot, and you make millions a year, and you... and you're just a kid that's angry at the world and figures a forum is a great place to vent. Feel free.

However, unlike you, I actually want this site to be constructive and helpful. That is why I offered you some free bag seeds.

Oh, and if you're going to accuse someone of being a pussy by posting a PM, post the whole thing.

Kludge said:

Even though you were a complete dick to me I have some seeds I'll send you. They're just bag seeds but it will get you started. It's what I started with and it's a great way to learn and fuck up with out having to worry about it.

But you have got to get your anger in check buddy. You come off like a real asshole. I'm sure you're a nice person in reality but you sure do act like a prick.

When you argue like that on the Internet you just look like an idiot. And trying to put down someone because they are more intelligent than you only highlights the joke.

Anyway, didn't mean to preach but you really needed a reality check.

Suck it up, be a man, admit you were a dick and move on.


Hmmm, doesn't sound so pussy like now does it?


Well-Known Member
Raiderman, I appreciate the offer, sorry I didn't say that before. I figured before I took your offer, I should be damn sure that all my seeds weren't gonna show. I really don't like telling people on here where I live, or I would have took them the day u offered...
I know I bitch a lot when shit goes wrong, but I'm doin okay on my own...
I got a small business that brings in the dough. I want to turn that dough into a hobby, so I'm growing. I will admit I went overtboard in some areas on purchases, and I waisted a lot of money on shit that didn't work out so well, live and learn. When I get my room dialed in, whetheer it be in 3 months, or in 2 years, I will have proper equipment to grow some rock hard softball colas in my SOG op.... I coppied Al B Fucts get a harvest every 2 weeks. Our rooms are nearly identical, he harvests over a lb every 2 weeks, if I can get half that I will be just fine...


Well-Known Member
i can dig it , yea i'm counting on my shit to to bring me bak 9 big beauties goin rite now, pay off my cc,lol.


Well-Known Member
yea get ya attitude seeds grow them bitches...
and just try n flip what you lost and then you wont feel so bad:D


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt be so qik to put down the closet thing klludge, i can run around 7 to 8 grand evey 80 to 90 daysl


Well-Known Member
ill post some pics in 10 more days thier already fattening up.
ppl beg me for this shit here,premo only. in the avitar is only haf that grow