So you think if you are wrong about one thing you then must be wrong about everything?
I was wrong in thinking America would never vote him in. I admit that. And if I am wrong about other things in the future I will admit them too.
I don't mind being wrong about things, no one is right all the time.
When (or if) Hilary is not impeached will you admit you were wrong?
Maybe we should table this discussion of possibilities for a month? On February 2nd, 2017 if Hilary is not being charged for her "crimes" will you say you were wrong?
You are going to call this a weasle but quote me where I said she should be charged for her crimes.
I am saying that you were wrong about Hillary Clinton being president so maybe you should consider not making statements of fact before waiting to see the results.
You seem very sure of yourself so it will be all that sweeter if you are right when it actually happens. Right now you are proclaiming the future as fact in the same post where you admit you had your facts wrong about the future.
Regarding Hillary Clinton, I want the FBI to do an impartial and thorough investigation of Hillary Clinton and to deliver their findings to the AG for determination whether charges should be filed as is required by federal law.
I believe her criminal activity relates to the Clinton Foundation and the donations accepted during her term in office and I would like that investigated as well.
Once that is done, we will see if anything happens to her. My guess is no. She is done politically and the politicians protect their own, that is both sides of the aisle.
My guess is that Trump is laying low right now to prevent Obama from pardoning Clinton from what Clinton is saying she didnt do.