Trump Won't Preside. The Left is Right.

What did he lie about this time? Arent you arguing that his percentages are off but what he said is fundamentally true? I dont see any lying.

"The comparison to Clinton is silly. Trump lied far more often, and far more egregiously, than Clinton did. Not only that, unlike Clinton, most of the time Trump’s campaign felt no obligation whatsoever to back up his claims when they were called out as false. And to a far greater degree, Trump would simply continue repeating those lies after they’d been exposed. It is the nature of Trump’s dishonesty — the volume, ostentatiousness, nonchalance, and imperviousness to correction at the hands of factual reality — that became the issue. (See The Post fact-checking team’s deep dive into this phenomenonfor all the evidence you need.)"

That last article that articulates and explains what Trumps lies were was too many to cut and paste on here. If you read it and still feel that he is not a liar, I would be interested in hearing how you came to that conclusion.
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Donald Trump didnt propagate hate. The anti-trumpers made shit up and propagated it. You bought into it.

I dont see any hate regarding his administration or policies. Your ideology is clouding your vision.

I used to feel sorry for you because of your low IQ and all, but am now convinced you deserve what Bucky gives..

'And you can tell them to go fuck themselves'..-Donald J Trump not propagating hate

"The comparison to Clinton is silly. Trump lied far more often, and far more egregiously, than Clinton did. Not only that, unlike Clinton, most of the time Trump’s campaign felt no obligation whatsoever to back up his claims when they were called out as false. And to a far greater degree, Trump would simply continue repeating those lies after they’d been exposed. It is the nature of Trump’s dishonesty — the volume, ostentatiousness, nonchalance, and imperviousness to correction at the hands of factual reality — that became the issue. (See The Post fact-checking team’s deep dive into this phenomenonfor all the evidence you need.)"

That last article that articulates and explains what Trumps lies were was too many to cut and paste on here. If you read it and still feel that he is not a liar, I would be interesting in hearing how you came to that conclusion.

If you repeat a lie enough times people will come to believe..because 'they heard'.
I can't say if he is or not but after experiencing him for a while I certainly have little sympathy for any of his partners who willingly got involved in business with him. My guess is that the outcome was pretty predictable if you had a lick of good sense.

People get dollar signs in their eyes and it blinds them.
What I found most disappointing about the whole thing was the fact that as a people we could have easily had far better choices. All the hype, so much fiction, I would expect much more from an educated society. Being as that didn't happen and Trump was elected, lets give him a chance and see what his administration actually does. Not what it says it is doing but what it actually does, far too often the two are very different from one another.
Again, I don't care what his net worth is. If he's making policy decisions based on what's best for his bottom line, and not what's best for the country then I have a huge problem with that...and so should you. Right?

Do you think Hillary made decisions based on her bottom line and not what's best for the country? Because I do....

So, opinions are going to vary.

I am going to be more concerned about the overall financial health of America and not worry about Trump specifically. I hope everyone does well.

Will you accept anything less than economic failure as proof of his criminality?
I agree about lying. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Americans will save $2500 a year with Obamacare. Benghazi was about a YouTube video.

"thousands of muslims in new jersey cheered at 9/11"

"i never talked about the birther conspiracy after 2011"

"my opponent meets in secret with international bankers to plot the destruction of american sovereignty"

"no one is less racist than me. no one"

"no one respects women more than i do"

"i will sue all of the women who have accused me of sexual assault after the campaign is over"

"i don't settle lawsuits"

"if elected, i will release my taxes"
People get dollar signs in their eyes and it blinds them.

when i had a bit of a scare, the first thing i did was to secretly get in contact with all of my partners and tell them not to remit any payments or contact me in any way whatsoever.

you picked up the phone and started offering your partners double price on pounds while the feds stood over your shoulder.

some people retain their morals even when times get dire.