Rooftop SE Asia

I still have a bottle of Vicodin and Soma siting here from a yr ago. Thee are each missing like 2-3 pills.
It didnt take me long to realize these pills arent the answer.
All I need is another drug addiction, been there done that.
I dont want to go back there again.

There is a commercial out right now on a prescription to treat opiate induced constipation. What a bunch of shit. Lol
I know what that is about though. When my back goes out and I hit the vikes I take exlax cause I know it's coming . I have had to reach back there a time or two and snap the fucker off . Lol :p :shock:
There is a commercial out right now on a prescription to treat opiate induced constipation. What a bunch of shit. Lol
I know what that is about though. When my back goes out and I hit the vikes I take exlax cause I know it's coming . I have had to reach back there a time or two and snap the fucker off . Lol :p :shock:
I hate constipation, so I have a very high fiber diet. I shit like 4 times a day, but only sit for 1 min and done which helps my back.
I went where Kaiser would pay for it :roll:
All I know is everyday since that one visit my back hurts more and in another spot as well.
He did this thing where he rolled on top of me holding my arms on my chest and the pain was instant and nothing popped like it was supposed to.
sounds like my experience 11 years ago. after that week i was in hospital for a week because of the pain... at the end they gave me oxy and fentinal patch and said go get cut on but to expect to be on the meds the rest of my life... fuck that i looked for another way...
mmm may be more effective than other meds, for some things. drs feel that cannabis is a threat to their job security and to the bottom lines of their affiliates.
I agree with this, and some Drs found that they could give Recs and be on the right side.
But legalization will take their jobs, and good luck trying to get a mainstream Western Dr job again now.
sounds like my experience 11 years ago. after that week i was in hospital for a week because of the pain... at the end they gave me oxy and fentinal patch and said go get cut on but to expect to be on the meds the rest of my life... fuck that i looked for another way...
They said we are referring you to pan management. I said NO, I dont want to manage pain, I want to recover!! I wanna get back in the gym and tennis court and to work!
I still have a bottle of Vicodin and Soma siting here from a yr ago. Thee are each missing like 2-3 pills.
It didnt take me long to realize these pills arent the answer.
All I need is another drug addiction, been there done that.
I dont want to go back there again.
Reminds me of a month ago..lots of stress etc was at the docs bp was high.
He asked how my sleep was i said it was "fair" he gave me a script i said i didnt want sleeping pills he said just try one a day for a week see how i feel.
He said "day" when it was sleep he was talking bout.
I googled the medication and it was a full on anti depressant...fuck him i never took any
The stupid doctors dont have a clue, fuckers. They took like a gallon of blood out tested everything but for sugar, cost me 25000 for 15 days inside, still sugar sick on the way out. Didnt know till I went in for a hurnia surgery that I had 600 sugar and no way would they do the surgery. fucking doctor cleared me the night before. they put me on high blood preasure meds, sugar pills, cholesterol shit, I am slowly weining myself down and staying off all them fucking pills. I keep waking up with 78 for sugar I think im right as rain now. Got off all proccesed food and sugars and dropped 80 lbs quick and Im in the gym 3 days a week now. asshole medical system cant get shit right and people are dying and living with pain all day everyday mostly pain you cant see too. MD
Reminds me of a month ago..lots of stress etc was at the docs bp was high.
He asked how my sleep was i said it was "fair" he gave me a script i said i didnt want sleeping pills he said just try one a day for a week see how i feel.
He said "day" when it was sleep he was talking bout.
I googled the medication and it was a full on anti depressant...fuck him i never took any
They gave me Resperidol for a while, now find out it causes man tits!
They said dont worry its tested.
But yet I come out of the surgery and smoke 2-3 ounces of my meds for 2 weeks and within a month I was back to working and lifting and got on with life. Fuck them doctors they dont know shit! MD