Rooftop SE Asia

The stupid doctors dont have a clue, fuckers. They took like a gallon of blood out tested everything but for sugar, cost me 25000 for 15 days inside, still sugar sick on the way out. Didnt know till I went in for a hurnia surgery that I had 600 sugar and no way would they do the surgery. fucking doctor cleared me the night before. they put me on high blood preasure meds, sugar pills, cholesterol shit, I am slowly weining myself down and staying off all them fucking pills. I keep waking up with 78 for sugar I think im right as rain now. Got off all proccesed food and sugars and dropped 80 lbs quick and Im in the gym 3 days a week now. asshole medical system cant get shit right and people are dying and living with pain all day everyday mostly pain you cant see too. MD
Every pill needs 2 more for the sides it induces
My sugar is always over the limit and they say its not that much over. Im like why have a range iof it doesnt matter?
They gave me Resperidol for a while, now find out it causes man tits!
They said dont worry its tested.
Yeah they gave me that shit before they would release me from the other hospital I did 3 weeks in, forcefully I talked to quick so I was bipolar. No fucker I had 4 minutes to say eveything I needed to duh. I dont like that shit at all made me feel funky, Id rather be high all day. MD
Yeah they gave me that shit before they would release me from the other hospital I did 3 weeks in, forcefully I talked to quick so I was bipolar. No fucker I had 4 minutes to say eveything I needed to duh. I dont like that shit at all made me feel funky, Id rather be high all day. MD
I talk really fast as an adult, and drs think I am on drugs.
I dont know what the issue is but makes me look like a crackkhead I think.
Yeah and shit made me feel like I was not there and no personality, just diffeent
I talk really fast as an adult, and drs think I am on drugs.
I dont know what the issue is but makes me look like a crackkhead I think.
Yeah and shit made me feel like I was not there and no personality, just diffeent
I find it hard to talk one on one sometimes if i dont have anything to say...causes awkward silences now n then i sit there thinking wish u would just fuck off so i dont feel awkward. ...
Makes me think im not all there..
Then ill hit the booze or party on and ill be way over the top cos i like to have fun ...
Bipolar much
Right now i buy it from tested sources... I am currently trying to breed my own high thc/cbg strain for my pain.
Docs Dank Seeds has the Franks Gift Crosses, also Oregon Green Seed Company has a great one called Satillite Cindy, it has the c99 in it plus mold and mildew resistance breed in, I breed with their stock too, Breeders Boutique has a beautiful stock of Engineers Dream and the Plemon I grew was really potent, im sad its all gone but the vut is in re veg for now. Probably a bunch I am forgetting about, been a long day with learning about the death in the community. MD
Docs Dank Seeds has the Franks Gift Crosses, also Oregon Green Seed Company has a great one called Satillite Cindy, it has the c99 in it plus mold and mildew resistance breed in, I breed with their stock too, Breeders Boutique has a beautiful stock of Engineers Dream and the Plemon I grew was really potent, im sad its all gone but the vut is in re veg for now. Probably a bunch I am forgetting about, been a long day with learning about the death in the community. MD

:shock: Who died?