Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”


Well-Known Member
is that a pic. of you in that avitar, no wonder your so fukn miserable.haha
you must be one of those ppl. goin wiith the promised increase on welfare,
its ppl. like you is wy this country going downhill, food stamps and shit. too
fckn lazy to work..pathetic.


New Member
Hey, I know ... let's elect a bumkin governor from Arkansas .... Oh, never mind, we already did that. :bigjoint:



Active Member
I Love how Democrats try soo hard. I will give that to you. You guys do put in so much effort in making your self look like something. But your not, not at all. You have nothing to stand for. And wow obama was a community organizer for 8 years wow he really over did it there in being quilified for presidnt... NOTT. And finialy this may me being rediculas or it may be me being a full blood fucking american i will not vote for Barack Hussein Obama! Mr. Purple lips can run some other country not mine.


Well-Known Member
I Love how Democrats try soo hard. I will give that to you. You guys do put in so much effort in making your self look like something. But your not, not at all. You have nothing to stand for. And wow obama was a community organizer for 8 years wow he really over did it there in being quilified for presidnt... NOTT. And finialy this may me being rediculas or it may be me being a full blood fucking american i will not vote for Barack Hussein Obama! Mr. Purple lips can run some other country not mine.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I Love how Democrats try soo hard. I will give that to you. You guys do put in so much effort in making your self look like something. But your not, not at all. You have nothing to stand for. And wow obama was a community organizer for 8 years wow he really over did it there in being quilified for presidnt... NOTT. And finialy this may me being rediculas or it may be me being a full blood fucking american i will not vote for Barack Hussein Obama! Mr. Purple lips can run some other country not mine.
i'd rather have a community organizer than a guy who spent time in prison... doesn't know hoe many homes he owns.. afraid embrace his VP... and thinks $5,000,000 a year is the definition of rich. McCain is a sellout... he is not the same man he was in 2000 when he ran.. McCain of 2000 would not vote for himself today...

talk about trying HARD? are you kidding me.. the democrats are trying as hard as they can.....

FYI - when you write stuff like Barrack Hussien Obama

it screams racist douche bag...



Well-Known Member
Well, finally, FINALLY, the press is beginning to call McCain on some of his absurd lies. I don't know who McCain has become. I don't think it's him calling the shots in his campaign, because even he seems uncomfortable with how his campaign is being run. It's probably that disciple of Karl Rove that's telling him to just go out and lie, lie, lie, that the truth doesn't matter.

I don't think he really likes all this lying. It doesn't suit him. He's not particularly good at it. Maybe that's why he picked Palin, in part -- she can lie easily, with a charming gleam in her eye while she does it. But the facts remain the facts, and finally the press has grown a pair and is advocating for truth and confronting his campaign about all the lies. His promise to run a clean, honorable campaign? That too was a lie, obviously.

But...I think it's too late. When you lie to the public, blatantly, over and over again, you lose credibility. Even your supporters begin to wonder, hmm, yeah, he's my man, but boy, I didn't know he was *this* dishonest, and do we want *another* lying dishonest president when we just had one for the last eight years? War hero = good. Unrelenting liar = bad. War hero = long ago. Unrelenting liar = now. Hopefully it's becoming clear to people that the John McCain of old is not the John McCain of today. You CAN'T elect the John McCain of old, because he left and doesn't appear to be coming back. All you can do is vote for the utterly dishonest John McCain of now.

We shall see how a campaign based on lies over substance works. When even Karl Rove thinks you've gone too far, you have gone too far. I mean, that's like Hitler calling you a bad guy.


Active Member
I see how it could make me look racist. And i don't want that. Because i'm not at all. My room mate is African American and we are more than good friends. I just find it kind of fun arguing about presidential candidates.

I'm sure we can both agree that good ol' boy "bush" needs to get out and stay far away from the white house.

Its all in good fun man! Smoke up


New Member
I see how it could make me look racist. And i don't want that. Because i'm not at all. My room mate is African American and we are more than good friends. I just find it kind of fun arguing about presidential candidates.

I'm sure we can both agree that good ol' boy "bush" needs to get out and stay far away from the white house.

Its all in good fun man! Smoke up
Care to elaborate? ~lol~



Well-Known Member
Well, McCain just sent a squad of aides and lawyers to Alaska, so when people have questions for the governor, she need not be bothered to answer them herself; she and her aides are redirecting all questions to McCain's folks. Which is kinda funny, because what the hell does he have to do with Alaska politics, and why should his people be answering questions that the people of Alaska elected *her* for. Not to mention, McCain's folks *can't* answer some of the questions, because they relate to obscure Alaskan laws and policies which they know nothing about.

More secrecy. Can't let the PUBLIC ask the person they ELECTED any questions. I've never seen a VP so controlled and sequestered. She's just a McCainbot with a script she executes when they press a button on the back of her head.