Canadians not told about banned pesticide found in medical pot supply

Hippy and gb123 are starting to make a lotta sense
Do your own investigating: the classic journalist's tactic is called 'following the money'. Who has ownership stakes in the big LPs? How many of them are responsible for some aspect of the current legal climate? What has Mr Trudeau himself said about it?

Criminalized behavior and 'legal' cannot be used to describe the same thing! George Orwell taught us that!

Or have we simply forgotten?
Umm....this was not born yesterday, Im not sure why you feel it is so difficult.

Neither was mathematics but it is still difficult for many. The difficulty I see is trying to use products that are deemed safe today, until someone uncovers the truth about what is really in them. No one is born with this knowledge, and us city folk have no life experience to draw upon.
Neither was mathematics but it is still difficult for many. The difficulty I see is trying to use products that are deemed safe today, until someone uncovers the truth about what is really in them. No one is born with this knowledge, and us city folk have no life experience to draw upon.
say no moere..youve said enough AND
youre not getting it!!!
funny how this key point is so important when it HAS NEVER BEEN BEFORE AND PEOPLE HAVE GOT BETTER ALL BY THEMSELVES WITHOUT THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT .....and this key point is BULLSHIT a rather moot point.
No one is getting sick off of what they have been using for meds...UNLESS

an LP sprays their shit like they do and the person they are buying from does the same.
There is NO SAFE BET when MONEY IS INVOLVED unfortunately
SO...going off about how good LPs are at it is utter Bullshit..understand now?
when you are sick you do what other have done and HEY GUESS WHAT

this OH NO attitude about being clean and safe.?
truth is
You get more shit off of tables every day in public restaurants than you would with this
Take your OH NO clean attitude with anterior motives and put them where the sun doesn't shine.
You DONT UNDERSTAND although you would like everyone here to think you do.

cheers oh wanna be so clean ears :roll:
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So just to be clear. Are you rolling me now, or do you somehow think I am trolling you? I do not understand THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT!
So just to be clear. Are you rolling me now, or do you somehow think I am trolling you? I do not understand THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT!
LP's are saying they have the safest and cleanest and we are seeing what we thought-they absolutely don't. no one has died from cannabis yet the "new kids on the block (LP's)" claim that they are the be all and end all. they are saving us from the dirty homegrows...but we have been using cannabis from homegrows for how long?
they make it sound like we were drinking bathtub gin until they came along and i just don't get it.
LP's are saying they have the safest and cleanest and we are seeing what we thought-they absolutely don't. no one has died from cannabis yet the "new kids on the block (LP's)" claim that they are the be all and end all. they are saving us from the dirty homegrows...but we have been using cannabis from homegrows for how long?
they make it sound like we were drinking bathtub gin until they came along and i just don't get it.
I get it just fine: "follow the money".
LP's are saying they have the safest and cleanest and we are seeing what we thought-they absolutely don't. no one has died from cannabis yet the "new kids on the block (LP's)" claim that they are the be all and end all. they are saving us from the dirty homegrows...but we have been using cannabis from homegrows for how long?
they make it sound like we were drinking bathtub gin until they came along and i just don't get it.
They act like that because they need to dupe...errm trick....shit.....CONvince investors into believing it too. The LPs know they arent hot shit. They have to maintain that appearance to please investors. How easy would it be to bilk.....errmm..persuade....CONvince investors to give them money if they knew all this bullshit was in fact just that, bullshit.
So just to be clear. Are you rolling me now, or do you somehow think I am trolling you? I do not understand THIS KIND OF BULLSHIT!
the day someone comes here and says LP's are clean...
as far as Im concerned, they really dont know much or they work for them clueless wonders.
Not saying out right...but your concern about cleanliness is UNFOUNDED.
Lp's are simply.... Not clean....... Mass production is proof of that and you would not understand unless you've done it yourself.
just pointing out the simple partsl.

and you're correct.
The fact that .ANYONE says LP's are clean in the sense they are medical doesnt know their rear end from a hole in the ground. and is BULLSHIT!!!

all Im sayin. Nothing against ya (:
No problem understanding that here. I am working on starting something, found some new seeds in the Girl Scout Cookies, a few look viable. In past I just used water and never added anything else. I want to go more high tech this time, obviously, but when the time comes I will ask these questions in the growers forums. I am happy I never bothered to get a MM card, just going to keep doing my own thing.