"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Don't try shoving that in MY mouth, pal- I've met plenty of elitists who aren't Jewish. In fact, almost all the elitists I've met weren't. Many weren't rich, either lol They were just patrician asshole wannabes who think anyone without 7, preferably 8 figures to the left of the decimal in their personal account wasn't worth talking to.

I've actually told a few of them that the only thing all their money couldn't buy them was an ounce of class.

Most of my wealthy Jewish friends are in fact quite the opposite, and hate elitists as much as I do.

you can lead a horse to water, but there is no point if he isn't interested in drinking.
Fake News with photos of Fake Scientists
December 29, 2016fake news, research, resistance

FAKE NEWS: “This is not normal – climate researchers take to the streets to protect science,” according to The Guardian. The article purports to describe and illustrate a rally, held at AGU16 in San Francisco on December 13, 2016.

This photo from the Guardian shows supposed scientists rally against Trump’s nominations

This photo from SFGate.com shows the same rally: “A new breed of protesters took to San Francisco’s streets Tuesday: Scientists clad in white lab coats.”

Similar photos and texts were published by Yahoo News, ABC News, and other media outlets. These outlets attempted to trick readers and viewers into believing that the rally participants were scientists, who just came out of their labs, still wearing white lab coats. (Side note: the rally organizers, including UCS, and the colluding news media appear familiar with science and scientists only from Hollywood films. This is why they dressed their supposed “scientists” in white coats. Most scientists dress like other office workers for most time. AGU16 is a conference of the American Geophysical Union, and these demonstrators play geophysicists, not doctors.)

Thanks to Anthony Watts, who visited the same conference, on the same day we had the

TRUE NEWS: Anthony Watts in WattsUpWithThat:

The persons in the top photo are fake scientists, dressed in the lab coats by the rally organizers.

Update: doctors are forbidden by safety rules to wear lab coats outside the labs. On the other hand, these are not fake doctors (those were featured in Obamacare promos), these are fake geophysicists, so it is fine. I bet that even the lab coats are fake.
Fake News with photos of Fake Scientists
December 29, 2016fake news, research, resistance

FAKE NEWS: “This is not normal – climate researchers take to the streets to protect science,” according to The Guardian. The article purports to describe and illustrate a rally, held at AGU16 in San Francisco on December 13, 2016.

This photo from the Guardian shows supposed scientists rally against Trump’s nominations

This photo from SFGate.com shows the same rally: “A new breed of protesters took to San Francisco’s streets Tuesday: Scientists clad in white lab coats.”

Similar photos and texts were published by Yahoo News, ABC News, and other media outlets. These outlets attempted to trick readers and viewers into believing that the rally participants were scientists, who just came out of their labs, still wearing white lab coats. (Side note: the rally organizers, including UCS, and the colluding news media appear familiar with science and scientists only from Hollywood films. This is why they dressed their supposed “scientists” in white coats. Most scientists dress like other office workers for most time. AGU16 is a conference of the American Geophysical Union, and these demonstrators play geophysicists, not doctors.)

Thanks to Anthony Watts, who visited the same conference, on the same day we had the

TRUE NEWS: Anthony Watts in WattsUpWithThat:

The persons in the top photo are fake scientists, dressed in the lab coats by the rally organizers.

Update: doctors are forbidden by safety rules to wear lab coats outside the labs. On the other hand, these are not fake doctors (those were featured in Obamacare promos), these are fake geophysicists, so it is fine. I bet that even the lab coats are fake.
Wow, next you will tell us that these people were not really killed in a nuclear war!


lol, moron.

The fake news is the article that you just posted which is claiming that the protestors sought to deceive people.

I hereby nominate your post for the attentions of @.nobody.
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I have found the source of disagreement finally.......We thought you said "man" made and you meant "Mann" made. Leo can go back to one of his big mansions now and burn all the jet fuel on actual pimp life now instead of this bullshit.
I have found the source of disagreement finally.......We thought you said "man" made and you meant "Mann" made. Leo can go back to one of his big mansions now and burn all the jet fuel on actual pimp life now instead of this bullshit.

you are super bitter tonight. what's up? anything you need to get off your chest?
you are super bitter tonight. what's up? anything you need to get off your chest?
I think it's past time to highlight your tactics. Instead of addressing the actual criticisms that are made, you choose a way to attack the poster.

"Avoid content, attack poster" - ACAP

You do this in nearly every single post replying to someone you disagree with politically
I think it's past time to highlight your tactics. Instead of addressing the actual criticisms that are made, you choose a way to attack the poster.

"Avoid content, attack poster" - ACAP

You do this in nearly every single post replying to someone you disagree with politically

maybe you should direct that to the guy whose post was nothing but a drunken personal attack on leonardo dicaprio and michael mann.
maybe you should direct that to the guy whose post was nothing but a drunken personal attack on leonardo dicaprio and michael mann.
You dig into people's personal lives in an attempt to legitimately harm them if they simply hold a differing political position than you do. Nothing about that is sane or progressive. I really believe you're much worse a person than they are. You don't believe in the 1st amendment. You're a liar pretending to be a progressive.

Respond to this all you want, I know you will. I want you to know though that I won't respond to it regardless of what you say because I'm not some narcissistic fuck bent on drama.

Don't expect any more replies from me since you have nothing of substance to add to the conversation
You dig into people's personal lives in an attempt to legitimately harm them if they simply hold a differing political position than you do. Nothing about that is sane or progressive. I really believe you're much worse a person than they are. You don't believe in the 1st amendment. You're a liar pretending to be a progressive.

Respond to this all you want, I know you will. I want you to know though that I won't respond to it regardless of what you say because I'm not some narcissistic fuck bent on drama.

Don't expect any more replies from me since you have nothing of substance to add to the conversation
ahhh relax

You are well liked. There is just a matter of a few differences of opinion is all.

You aren't a narcissist. You don't endlessly talk about yourself like some of the true narcissists around here, like Rob or NLX or whatever sock puppet panhead came back as.
Fake News with photos of Fake Scientists
December 29, 2016fake news, research, resistance

FAKE NEWS: “This is not normal – climate researchers take to the streets to protect science,” according to The Guardian. The article purports to describe and illustrate a rally, held at AGU16 in San Francisco on December 13, 2016.

This photo from the Guardian shows supposed scientists rally against Trump’s nominations

This photo from SFGate.com shows the same rally: “A new breed of protesters took to San Francisco’s streets Tuesday: Scientists clad in white lab coats.”

Similar photos and texts were published by Yahoo News, ABC News, and other media outlets. These outlets attempted to trick readers and viewers into believing that the rally participants were scientists, who just came out of their labs, still wearing white lab coats. (Side note: the rally organizers, including UCS, and the colluding news media appear familiar with science and scientists only from Hollywood films. This is why they dressed their supposed “scientists” in white coats. Most scientists dress like other office workers for most time. AGU16 is a conference of the American Geophysical Union, and these demonstrators play geophysicists, not doctors.)

Thanks to Anthony Watts, who visited the same conference, on the same day we had the

TRUE NEWS: Anthony Watts in WattsUpWithThat:

The persons in the top photo are fake scientists, dressed in the lab coats by the rally organizers.

Update: doctors are forbidden by safety rules to wear lab coats outside the labs. On the other hand, these are not fake doctors (those were featured in Obamacare promos), these are fake geophysicists, so it is fine. I bet that even the lab coats are fake.
You are so confused about the difference between a hoax and fake news.
maybe you should direct that to the guy whose post was nothing but a drunken personal attack on leonardo dicaprio and michael mann.

Pad's right on the nose with proper direction. It was pandering when Carter was on television in a sweater because he "turned the heat down" in the white house and leo is pandering now.
Misleading and false articles would be a solid definition of fake news
but it is not. Fake news in the context of today's social media is wholly made up. What you posted was a false story that used a real protest and made false claims about it for the purposes of a propaganda site.
but it is not. Fake news in the context of today's social media is wholly made up. What you posted was a false story that used a real protest and made false claims about it for the purposes of a propaganda site.
What were the false claims that were made?
What were the false claims that were made?
This claim:
These outlets attempted to trick readers and viewers into believing that the rally participants were scientists, who just came out of their labs, still wearing white lab coats. (Side note: the rally organizers, including UCS, and the colluding news media appear familiar with science and scientists only from Hollywood films. This is why they dressed their supposed “scientists” in white coats. Most scientists dress like other office workers for most time. "

The shill who wrote that, Anthony Watts, didn't even finish undergraduate studies yet he earns his living publishing science denial. Ironically he's the one who is trying to mislead, not the people he claims to be doing so.

What he said -- and you fell for -- is bullshit. Some in the crowd were indeed geophysicists and other climate scientists of various disciplines. The Guardian, by the way is a British media outlet and the protest was in San Francisco. Here is an article published by the SF Chronicle. They quote technical professionals (aka scientists) who work there and who were at the rally.

It's true that most scientists in that field don't work in labs that require lab coats. That was for show. Nobody was tricked into thinking scientists were at the rally. There were scientists at the rally. The truthy fact-like quote from Watts that you posted misled you like any good propaganda piece did. It contained fact, spin and lies to trick you.

It wasn't fake news, which is entirely made up. It was propaganda.

You were shagged.
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2000 years ago the roman warm period was hotter than today,
the dark ages were cooler,
medieval times were as warm as today,
the little ice age was next, drove the vikings out of greenland,
then a gradual 300 year warming to the present day,
during the past 400000 years there have been 4 major periods of glaciation, interrupted by brief inter-glacial periods.
we currently are in the Pleistocene ice age which began 2.5 million years ago,
30 million years ago the earth had no ice on it at all
and the current warming trend began a century before fossil fuel related co2.

you make it all sound so simple.....
This claim:
These outlets attempted to trick readers and viewers into believing that the rally participants were scientists, who just came out of their labs, still wearing white lab coats. (Side note: the rally organizers, including UCS, and the colluding news media appear familiar with science and scientists only from Hollywood films. This is why they dressed their supposed “scientists” in white coats. Most scientists dress like other office workers for most time. "

The shill who wrote that, Anthony Watts, didn't even finish undergraduate studies yet he earns his living publishing science denial. Ironically he's the one who is trying to mislead, not the people he claims to be doing so.

What he said -- and you fell for -- is bullshit. Some in the crowd were indeed geophysicists and other climate scientists of various disciplines. The Guardian, by the way is a British media outlet and the protest was in San Francisco. Here is an article published by the SF Chronicle. They quote technical professionals (aka scientists) who work there and who were at the rally.

It's true that most scientists in that field don't work in labs that require lab coats. That was for show. Nobody was tricked into thinking scientists were at the rally. There were scientists at the rally, you dumbshit. The truthy fact-like quote from Watts that you posted misled you like any good propaganda piece did. It contained fact, spin and lies to trick you.

It wasn't fake news, which is entirely made up. It was propaganda.

You were shagged.
Its already covered in the original post, there may have been some real scientists there, but basically it was anyone who showed up and wanted to "protest" or was an activist would be given a labcoat and signs.