Ethical question

Jesus hates you.
actually the guy who had to wear an ankle bracket knows, as does the guys wife.
ask @fdd2blk
why he does not sue the newspaper for saying he is an informer. Also ask him why he will run to the mods if I put a link up to the articles. Also ask him what does a pound of weed cost at informer prices
Do you have any home to inspect this week ?

Ask the newspaper who told them he was an informer.

Believe the cops much?

My boss called me this morning and told me I was fired and to take a hike....
Ask the newspaper who told them he was an informer.

Believe the cops much?

My boss called me this morning and told me I was fired and to take a hike....

The funny part is, there are at least 4 articles that go along with the one about me. 21 people were arrested ahead of me, all stemming from the same group of people. If you read ALL of the articles you can see exactly how senseless that reporter really is. None of it makes any sense.
it seems like this happens everyday for you. everytime im taking a lunch break or just going to another job and check riu, youre always here during the day. do you do 3rd shift home inspections?

I found Sheskunk's horse....

This is another reason I wanted to talk about this, as the tos may be interpretated differently by some members that others.

If this indeed violated tos, do you think said member should be banned?

Someone is lifting your posts verbatim and claiming it as their own? Personally I wouldn't care. I'd probably call them out, but wouldn't try to get them banned. In fact, I once caught a member reposting pictures of a plant of mine and claiming that it was his. lol
Someone is lifting your posts verbatim and claiming it as their own? Personally I wouldn't care. I'd probably call them out, but wouldn't try to get them banned. In fact, I once caught a member reposting pictures of a plant of mine and claiming that it was his. lol

No, not mine personally. At least not by themselves, they would prove worthless. There are far more intelligent people on this site, that are willing put their energy into some pretty good arguments.

So your thought is yes, it's morally wrong if they were to use it as their own ?