Free CO2 with Living Soil

Are you a fucking gamer? Is that what Rrog is? HA you are just who I thought you were. How many hours a night are you gamin? 4-5 Maybe you should pick up a damn book and read something. Not some Sega or Ninetendo book either.
Now that I know you are a GAMER you can stay. Im not mad at you at all. In fact stick around and troll I kind think its fun. Whats your high score? You ever get laid? I mean other than virtual with a dragon?
Diablo is it? That your game? You the man!
Sorry for calling you a troll I didnt realize who I was talking to.
I'm sorry. Is that how the other kids treat you at the park? Is that how your mother taught you? Hmmm? I don't think so, you potty mouthed little fella
Tell me about yourself? Serve in military? College? Wht gives you the right to have buddha as your identity? Completely fake you are.
Yeah I don't use worms idiot. Do you read at all dipshit? How do you think I get microbes to oxidize the peat? Or do you just talk out of your ass and sort it out later? You are really a bonifide troll.
You really are dumb and now I'm starting to feel sorry for you. Yes I use worms. It was sarcasm. What a fucking idiot you are. Man! Seriously just go fuck yourself. You can think of dragons while you are doing it.
If you want to stick around that fine, but man, do yourself a favor and bring your "A" game. You are the troll not me. That is some passive weak shit you brought. You want an enemy? You already got one in me pal. I don't like you one bit and will gladly go for the throat any chance. You have been advised. Better be on your toes.
I put this thread up for to help people learn more about soil. I'm done here with this thread and I'm done with This site is littered with worthless know nothings like @Rrog who convolute entire threads with their inflated ego and lack of knowledge.
I love this....... dudes been on here for a couple months he said, and apparently knows it all... peace man you wont be missed from the forum!
Never said I know it all (actually quite the opposite windbag) but seeing how you seem to enjoy trolling, then have at it. You have been here for four years and have 70 messages including the four worthless ones you posted here? Really and you are going to talk shit? Really? What an asset you are to the community! Fuck you both than! Maybe @Rrog can give you advice on how to grow, he is super smart like Buddha. That is about what you get for the level of intelligence around these parts. You think I care if a group of non educated stoners who care nothing about progressing their knowledge miss me? Yeah pal, that's what I live for.
Who the fuck you think you are anyhow? Lets see something bitch? You have brought nothing just like your little douchebag friend.
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Never said I know it all but seeing how you seem to enjoy trolling, then have at it. You have been here for four years and have 70 messages including the four worthless ones you posted here. What an asset you are to the community! Fuck you both than! Maybe @Rrog can give you advice on how to grow, he is super smart like Buddha. That is about what you get for the level of intelligence around these parts. You think I care if a group of non educated stoners who care nothing about progressing their knowledge miss me? Yeah pal, thats what I live for.
Who the fuck you think you are anyhow? Lets see something bitch? You have brought nothing just like your little douchbag friend.
You can't let people get under your skin like this, brother. There's an ignore button, it's a big time saver and stress reliever.