Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

Found a couple with some WPM, But it completely vanished after the chop and trim.

I'm most likely going to be buying one of those "QUEST" dehumidifying units in order to avoid any future mold or WPM issues.

I would've pulled much more weight if I would've flowered the 10 full weeks, but fuck it, it's on to the next one.

I'm running 2 drieaz units which work great but I'm looking at a couple quest units too. I want something that has a smaller footprint, lower start current and runs cooler. The quest/Santa Fe's are looking good but I'm gonna go see a couple phoenix units before I make up my mind.
I hope you get somewhere higher than my guess but idk lol... we see soon enough haha

I hope so bro, but it should be right around that mark or a bit more.

We'll see soon man, I know it ain't less than 24 lbs, but I don't think it's more than 30 lbs.

I think it's around (26.5 lbs), which is 20% of the wet weight.

132.5 x 0.2 = (26.5 lbs)

If I would've gone the full 10 weeks instead of 8 I surely would've got the 30+, but I didn't want to take that risk with the high humidity problem that was going on, I had a high probability of losing most of the crop if I would've pushed it.
Well, the results are in:

(23 lbs) and some extra that I kept a bit, and gave away the rest.

23 / 132.5


17.4% of wet weight

23 pounds=
10,432.624 grams

10,432.624 grams / 16,000 watts

0.652039 GPW

I'm selling it all to my connect @ $2000 per lb.

So this batch is going to fetch me a grand total of $46,000:

Goodshit man. Fuck all the games. Sell that shit to your boy cash at 2... all it takes it get burned for 1 plate and youll be hating yourself for not just moving it quick in beginning.

Idk about where you live but it seems like all the smaller people can buy qs for 550 and sell for 800 in zips but wholesalers now need to worry about everyone playing games an lowballing. Market has changed for sure lol little guys making money
is there a round 2?

Oh yeah, I'm gonna be resetting this one by the weekend.

I'm also going to be building 3 more setups exactly like this one within the next couple of weeks, I'm currently acquiring all of the equipment and nutrients for 1 out of those 3, those setups are going to be built consecutively, building one after the other.
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Goodshit man. Fuck all the games. Sell that shit to your boy cash at 2... all it takes it get burned for 1 plate and youll be hating yourself for not just moving it quick in beginning.

Idk about where you live but it seems like all the smaller people can buy qs for 550 and sell for 800 in zips but wholesalers now need to worry about everyone playing games an lowballing. Market has changed for sure lol little guys making money

Yea bro, prices are at an all time low right now.

Currently (2k wholesale) seems to be the price everywhere, well at least here in Florida.

One of my contacts told me that I'd be lucky to find someone paying $2,100 and that if I did to let all the shit go right then and there.
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