Free CO2 with Living Soil

Show us some studies that show that "Intelligence" means "shit you learned." You're getting hung up on semantics. By definition, you are using the term "intelligence" incorrectly. You yourself found the proper definition online, posted it, then argue against it.

And frankly, I don't care at all that you're using any term incorrectly because I don't follow your posts. Maybe this is why
Show us some studies that show that "Intelligence" means "shit you learned." You're getting hung up on semantics. By definition, you are using the term "intelligence" incorrectly. You yourself found the proper definition online, posted it, then argue against it.

And frankly, I don't care at all that you're using any term incorrectly because I don't follow your posts. Maybe this is why

you are using the term intelligence incorrectly. i'm saying college improves your ability to learn and it also increases what you learn.

did you take philosophy in high school? did you take it in college?
i didn't take it in HS but i did in college. so i improved my abillity at abstract thinking in college.

i really wish you would start following my posts. i would sleep so much better at night if you did.
What a curious thread this turned out to be.

Fortunately we have the Ignore button for folks. I would suggest you add me to your Ignore list.
@Rrog You really are the BEST kind of idiot. You don't understand soil, botany or anything for that matter. Doesn't phase you though does it? I'm over at Farm if you ever want to catch up, and learn something.
Intelligence quotient is higher in students who stay in school longer

Staying in school really can make you smarter. A new study from Norway finds that students who remain in school longer than their counterparts have higher IQ scores.

this is too easy rrog. gotta go. got some lurnin to do

Apparently it's still OK to label someone "retarded" when you're clearly in error.

Senseless bickering -- There are far bigger fish (Drumpfs) to fry!
I owe an apology. I thought some of the cats here were clueless, but man does Grasscity take the cake with this stalkers clubhouse of organic banditos attacking me for nothing! I haven't even talked about my "fizzy soil"......YET....:)
Peace. Except for rrog you still suck.
So you're back here peddling the fizz... how groovy.

Don't worry- there's a fresh truck of newbs daily for you to impress.
I have no clue what that means but Im out of here so continue if you want. Just stoppin in to see why that stalker was following me.
Why do you feel the need to troll on other sights as well? Is it the science you question or what? If you don't understand something does that make it impossible? Troll away Trrog! You seem to only bring your intelligence to the forefront, which may be better left in hiding IMO. Thanks though for continue to troll and bring the collective intelligence down. I am NOT surprised you are active over at GrassCity AT ALL. You must have lots of followers there that trust your 106 IQ?
we'll have to agree to disagree then.

for me at least, high school was memorization and regurgitation. college forced me to think for myself. come up with my own thesis, try to find facts that proved my thesis, present this information to peers and professors etc.

moving on then...
well shit..
i'm a highschool dropout....
kicked out multiple times for violence/etc...
was sent to special schools as a kid, had my IQ tested five times, lowest was 151, highest was 184
it's your brain that dictates your intelligence
a good analogy would be a car's engine, you are limited by the sheer displacement (intelligence) of the engine
but you can increase your engines efficiency a lil
self taught people are everywhere though, I got my nose stuck in a book most the time, and I simply am curios about how shit works, that curiosity is the "gum" that makes the information "stick"
even music, never taken a music course in my life but I can play bass like a mofo
everyone's read boring shit to memorize for tests, but it's retention that is the most important

people would be surprised to see how many amazing people out there with virtually no formal education.

This all being said?
i'm full of shit as much as most, but if I argue with someone, I don't play fair, I only argue when I know factually I am able to prove them wrong.

wise man once said
"arguments are great, either gives me the opportunity to prove how smart I am, or teaches me something I didn't know, a win/win for me"

anyways, this thread got all feisty, didn't it?