Quick fix 6.1 anyone used this stuff?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Found out I now may have to take random pee tests for my job. I'm a daily smoker and grow some of the finest dank in the land so quitting doesn't seem a realistic option for me. Looked at the whizzinator fake cock & all that seems like overkill. I know they are just gonna make me go in a room and fill up a cup; no observations as this is sort of a voluntary piss test but I'm trying to comply before it becomes mandatory.
Was looking into using quick fix synthetic urine but I don't trust many online reviews they all look like such marketing bullshit. Has anyone used this stuff to pass a lab drug screen?
yes works, great,, i purchased the leg strap , i purchased addition hand warmers from ebay,
I practiced using the hand warmers and the strap, replace the 6.1 liquid with water and practice, over and over, so you can do it in your sleep,, then put the quick fix back in the bottle and carry the strap the bottle and a couple of handwarmers with you if its random and your always ready
I just poop in the cup. They have no idea what to do when you hand it back to them, you should see the looks on their faces. No one yet has told me that I took the test incorrectly. I've been promoted quickly, and today I am the president of a highly successful Wall Street investment bank. Always poop in the cup...
I just poop in the cup. They have no idea what to do when you hand it back to them, you should see the looks on their faces. No one yet has told me that I took the test incorrectly. I've been promoted quickly, and today I am the president of a highly successful Wall Street investment bank. Always poop in the cup...
i do the same thing.. havent failed once.
I just poop in the cup. They have no idea what to do when you hand it back to them, you should see the looks on their faces. No one yet has told me that I took the test incorrectly. I've been promoted quickly, and today I am the president of a highly successful Wall Street investment bank. Always poop in the cup...
once my temp was to low so i pissed all over my hand n the outside of the cup before i handed it back.....the nurse was thoroughly disgusted n forgot to check the temp.