What MMJ patient avatars should look like

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Ever wonder what you could accomplish if you put your energy towards something productive?

It's a shame hippy, just when I thought you could be civil. You sure showed me!
You must renounce your ways...lol....you must be true to the grow and the culture...no more LP's are sorta ok...If you say they are any ok...I will say they are not.....sorry we are being not so friendly...You gotta fit in to be loved.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Ever wonder what you could accomplish if you put your energy towards something productive?

It's a shame hippy, just when I thought you could be civil. You sure showed me!
I can be very civil....I'm actually won a congeniality contest and a Blue ribbon at the fair for most loved asshole. What can i say..I'm charming really
Plus you have been "asking for it " as they say here since you started. Yes you can love LP's..but here it will be fought tooth and nail. Other forums may be more tolerant. You see who hangs here...growers and good cultured dudes and dudettes. Many other Hippies here too...eh Mojo?...fuckin rights Boys


Well-Known Member
"You have to fit in to be loved"

Oh, that just speaks volumes.

Maybe I should wear an arm band so everyone knows I use an LP?

You're a sick little man.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Your not the only one that uses an lp who fucking cares what some people think ... if they don't like it
Oh how true freebie boy.......gloat away as per usual eh...such up the poison boys. Were laughing our guts out at ya. Except the free part...nice deal....wrong place to buy is all.


Well-Known Member
Oh how true freebie boy.......gloat away as per usual eh...such up the poison boys. Were laughing our guts out at ya. Except the free part...nice deal....wrong place to buy is all.
Nothing Is free hip you should know that... hold on I need a smoke.... laugh just cause you don't like it ... oh well


Well-Known Member
You must be a masterful troll. You argue against individual choice under the mantle of legalisation. You advocate taking away the right to choose while arguing people should have a choice.

And the whole time you never once falter or admit the duality, hypocrisy of it all.

I fear what you might realize should you ever have a moment of clarity.


Well-Known Member
crust in his shorts....all he has is crust in his shorts (to Dust in the wind)
oops too late
Ps... the punctuation is for our resident teacher...