so i found a solution to my adding more light, plus keeping airflow situation.
it takes my light from about 13500 lx to 19000 lux,
so im going to try to do math here, if someone sees a flaw in this, please correct me.
Im going off the formula that LX x .014505 = umol
Pre lattice = 13500 lx
umol = 195.81
mol = 16.91
mol /hr = .704
mols needed = 16
lights on for 23 hours a day
post lattice = 19000 lux
umol 275.5
mol = 23.8
mol /hr = .991
mols needed = 16
lights on for 16 hours a day.
lights at the wall are 405 watts
Lattice cost me $20
I can keep the lights off for an additional 7 hours a day or 2555 hours a year
kw saved = 1034.75
power is .10 kw
cost saving = $103.47