Biggest Little Cannabis Grow


Active Member
What's up guys you can call me Biggest Little Grower or BLG for short. My goal with this grow journal is not only to meet some new people but hopefully expand on my cannabis growing knowledge. Please leave feed back in form of positive comments or constructive criticism. Thanks for checking it out!

Biggest Little Cannabis Grow

You can check out or grow box setup here in the Grow Room and Design Forums

I know it can be a lot of work so I will post up the specs of our room here as well.

36"w x 18"d x 72"t Metal storage cabinet w/ lock and key
light proofed and lined with Mylar
4" exhaust fan with adjustable speed
attached to charcoal filter
Platinum LED P300 on yoyo's
6" desk fan for air circulation (have more when needed)
Small Optimus heater with built in thermo and auto shut off
3x 2 gal smart pots for scrog or just LST to fill 18" x 36" canopy

Alright guys so since our post on the grow box we received our white widow x big buds and special kush #1 seeds via mail. The shipping and billing was very discrete... so discrete I almost blocked the charge lol. (actually had to call bank back and unblock charges lol) Took about 10 days to arrive which I though was fairly quick considering it was international shipping.

The seeds arrived in a vanilla colored envelope labeling the contents inside a glasses case. Upon opening the envelope inside was a black with cherry designed glasses case sealed with shrink wrapped plastic. Inside the shrink wrapped glasses case was two little packets containing my special little cannabis seeds. It was now time to germinate.

I've only used 1 method for germinating and it works every time (granted I've only germ'd about 10 seeds) so if it's not broken... Don't fix it. We placed the seeds in soaking wet paper towels and placed those inside a plastic ziploc bag that is mostly sealed. (small opening for air) Here they will sit for at least 48hrs sometimes up to 5 days. successful germination will result in a tap root and insure a good seed is planted.

Here's our video unboxing the stealth shipped seeds and beginning the germination process. Hope you guys enjoy.
Our White Widow x Big Buds and Special Kush #1 cannabis seeds have all germinated with 100% success in 48 hours. It's now time to get these germinated seedlings planted so they can begin they growing process. After planting the germinated seeds it usually takes one to five days to sprout a cannabis seedling.
Germination is successful when a seed is able to crack open and expose a small root. This root is known as a tap root and it will immediately begin looking for something to grab onto. I like to plant my germinated seeds when the tap roots are just beginning to pop out, even an 1/8" is fine. I do not let the tap roots get long, anything over 1/2" is considered to long. This is the most delicate stage of the plants life and any damage to the tap root will result in immediate failure.
We will be planting our germinated cannabis seeds into two gallon fabric pots filled with 100% coco coir. I have been watering the coco with plain water PH'd to 5.8-5.9 for about five days to flush and ph the coco before planting. Planting the germinated seed is simple and does not take much effort. You simply want to press a small hole 1/2" to 1" in the top of the coco, I just use my finger. Next drop the germinated cannabis seed into the hole and gently cover with moist coco. It is best to place the seed with the tap root facing down but is by no means mandatory. For the next five days we will continue to water with plain water PH'd to 5.8-5.9 just to keep the coco moist (not drenched) until our cannabis seeds sprout up.
It was but a Christmas miracle in the biggest little house on this very special morning. All three of our recently planted cannabis seeds have sprung up and are making their first stretch. Before the day was over their first set of true leaves began to show. It is now time to give these little plants their first light feeding.

Our Special Kush #1 has taken the lead so far out the gate. All three plants are practically even, but our Kush is pushing just slightly ahead. It's time to give these little cannabis seedlings their first feeding as they are in coco with provides no nutrients. The first feeding will be very light strength between 150-200ppm. This was roughly 3mL of Maxicrop Seawead Extract per 1 gallon of water, with some PH down to reach 5.8.

I'm dealing with really cold temperatures and it has gotten down to 22 degrees Fahrenheit. Luckily I have been able to keep our box temps up to 56 degrees at the lowest, but that is still lower than I want to be. Please enjoy our gallery and video update below. As always like, subscribe, and leave me a comment! -BLG

Day 2

It was another blistering cold morning dropping all the way down to the teens again. Our box continues to hold up well against the frigid cold. We have about 2 months before we can start to warm back up.
The seedlings are doing great and striving to develop their first set of true leaves. They were watered this morning with a nice soaking of our Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed ph'd to 5.8. I'll be creeping up the nutrient strength and incorporating our Canna Coco A & B in the upcoming weeks.
I highly recommend spending a few dollars to get a pump sprayer for watering. It allows for easy simple and even watering. This is essential for excellent root growth. I use this 2 gallon sprayer for under $20.00 and if your low on budget there are even cheaper ones such as a 1 gallon.

Day 3

What's up guys, back at it again with day 3 of the Biggest Little Cannabis Grow. The seedlings are doing great and we've been able to keep the temps up inside the grow box. It has been 23* to 22* each morning and getting to as low as 12* before the sun is completely risen.

Special Kush remains in the lead as our tallest seedling so far. The White Widow's are not far behind and will surely catch up. Our seedlings will remain on their Seaweed Extract diet PH'd to 5.8. I have begun to slowly lower our P300 Led light, as it was 30" high to begin the grow. I will continue to lower about 1" every couple of days until we are 18" to 24" above the canopy.

I got a couple questions on how we are able to keep our temps up even with outside temps being 20*, We use a Optimus H-1322 portable heater with adjustable thermostat. Although you can't set the heater to an exact temperature you can easily adjust it up and down to maintain your optimal room temp. With our box being as small as it is 18" deep x 36" wide, it's very easy for this heater to keep plants nice and warm.

Day 4
The seedlings are basically on cruise control and just waiting to start their second nodes. LST and topping are going to play a major role in our grow in the upcoming weeks. For now we try to keep grow box temperatures as close to 80 as possible.
We have increased the strength of our feedings to 250-300ppm. That is about 10mL per gallon of water and of course PH'd to 5.8. Growing in coco coir requires watering every day, giving our cannabis plants fresh nutrients that are PH'd everyday. We gave them a nice watering this morning with our newly mixed and stronger nutrient solution. Right now the cannabis plants are focused on developing roots and a strong root structure. The Seaweed extract is great for promoting strong root growth.

Day 5
It's day number 5 for the Biggest Little Cannabis Grow. Temperatures will remain freezing for at least 2 more months. The bottom of our pots are feeling pretty cold, as they are sitting on a shelf that is made of metal. I'll be looking for something to put under our pots to act as an insulator between the cold metal and our pots.
Our Special Kush #1 has a little bit of lean to it this morning so we will most likely prop it up a little just to keep it safe. It also had what might be a little bit of nutrient burn or spot burns from water sitting on the leaves and magnifying the light. Either way we will keep a close eye on it but for today we will continue to water with our 250ppm of SeaWeed Extract Ph'd 5.8.
That is going to the update for today and will be looking forward to bringing you guys an update tomorrow.

Day 6 Update

Not my most favorite update so far but unfortunately we have some tragic news to report on our S. Kush #1. We spotted the beginning stages of what could have been either nutrient burn or burn from water droplets getting onto their leaves. I didn't want to jump to any conclusions so I started pat drying the little girls after watering to ensure there were no water droplets on their leaves and to prevent light burn. I believe I may have patted the S. Kush #1 a little to hard and damaged her main stem. I think this is what led to her lean and eventually her fall.

We took immediate action and jumped into recovery mode. A small crutch was provided to hold up our S. Kush #1 until hopefully she recovers and can hold herself up again... Fingers crossed. We also went ahead and watered with plain water today PH'd to 5.8 to give a little flush in case we have gone to aggressive with our nutrients. This is my first time growing with coco so watering everyday for me is strange and getting the nutrients down will be a process. I may have started nutrients a little early but from my understanding coco provides zero nutrients and I didn't want to leave them with nothing for to long. If you guys have any input on the nutrient burn and the 250-300ppms of Seaweed Extract for seedling is to much to soon I would surely appreciate it.

Day 7
Our plants are officially one week old today! We have done some re designing in the grow box to allow some extra floor space for our plants. Our 6" fan is now hung with a yoyo that will allow us to raise and lower it with our canopy. We watered with a very diluted nutrient solution this morning PH'd to 5.8 to continue a small flush. Over all the plants look healthy and even our Kush seems to be recovering. Maybe we will be able to remove her crutch in a couple more days.
Our White Widow seed two has officially started its second node growth. Even with the fair amount of leaf burn it is our first one to start the second node growth. Our White Widow seed one has zero nutrient burn and by far looks the healthiest. They have all been fed the same nutrients so I am still not 100% sure if it was nutrient burn or burn from water droplets on the leaves.

Day 8
Both our White Widow seeds have officially started to produce their second nodes. We got a little aggressive with nutrient strength during week one and caused some nutrient burn on our leaf tips. Our future seedlings will be watered with 100-150 ppms of Seaweed Extract PH'd to 5.8. For now we have flushed with regular Ph'd water for the last couple days.
Our Special Kush is still unable to hold itself up but it is improving. Its first set of true leaves are completely nutrient burned and I'm starting to think this one may not make it. However we will continue to care for it and do our best to insure its survival.

Day 9
It's day 9 for the Biggest Little Cannabis Grow and the plants are moving right along. We watered with 100ppm of Seaweed Extract PH'd to 5.8. It looks like we got the nutrient burn taken care of as far the White Widow plants go. Both plants seem to be doing very good and their growth is rapidly increasing. Both seed 1 and seed 2 have begun to develop their second nodes and will surely start their third soon.
Unfortunately our Special Kush #1 isn't doing so good. Not only are its first set of true leaves completely burned off, but its original water leafs are beginning to turn very yellow. She is still unable to hold herself up and her future is not looking very bright. We continue to be delicate in hopes to nursing her back to good health.
Day 10
The girls are looking great. Both of our White Widow x BB plants are looking super healthy now. We are patiently waiting for our third node to begin as that will let us know our plants are ready for their first light feeding of our Canna Coco nutrients A & B. Our PlatinumLED P300 is still about 28" from our plants and they seem to be getting plenty of light as they have practically no stretch.
Our Special Kush #1 remain in critical condition and no new growth has started. Hopefully soon she will spit our her second node and give her some new leafs to absorb light with.

Day 11
We can officially see our all three true leaves on our second nodes. White Widow seed 1 is even beginning to sprout up its third node. Both White Widow plants look great and are beginning to show some nice growth. The node spacing is tight and beautiful on both girls and I'd have to say this P300 LED is doing one hell of a job so far. But it will be the buds that make the final call on that.
Our poor Kush is only becoming more yellow. We will rotate her around and move her away from the heater. It is about 9 degrees F out side so I am sure the plants are thankful for the heater. We continue to pray and hope she makes it.
Day 12
and the plants are doing well. Our pond fogger is down and we have another on the way. I think the container I had it in was just a little to small for it. Our heater is also making some pretty bad noises and it does not sound healthy. I want to look into a taller tower type heater so I can heat the roots and the canopy together.

Our White Widow seed 1 is growing vigorously. It's second node is almost completely in and it has started on it's third node. The White Widow seed 2 is also doing very well. Its second node is coming in nicely and you can see all three of the leafs. I also noticed a little bit of a deformity on one of the leaf tips. Seed 2 has not yet started its third node and is just slightly behind seed 1.

Special Kush #1 is starting to show some signs of strength as it is able to actually hold itself up. However we will continue to help support it up as it not put any stress on it. It is still very pale and yellow and continues to receive PH'd water at 5.8.

Day 13
Our plants are doing great and loving life. Our White Widow x Big Buds seed 1 has definitely taken the lead on growth and its third node is coming in nicely! But seed 2 is not far behind with its second node fully in and just barely starting the third node. Both plants are short, squat, and have little to no stretch. With tight node spacing already I'm excited to see what the future holds for these two.

S. Kush #1 somehow someway keeps surviving. Shes a fighter and we will continue to fight by her side. I don't know how much more she can take... But what doesn't kill her will only make her stronger!
Day 14
We just hooked up our new heater and the plants are loving it. It does a much better job at evenly heating the grow area. While the other heater was doing a good job the rattling made me nervous and if our heater goes out our plants will die very fast. Out with the only and in with the new. The oscillating setting on the heater will prevent any hot spots on the plants or soil.

The plants are doing great and reacted very well to the new heater. It's weird but you can tell they are happier as they are praying to the lights harder than ever. Seed 1 is still in the lead of the White Widows but Seed 2 is not far behind. Both plants are officially growing in their 3rd node. Just a few more days we will begin our first extremely light feeding of Cana A & B, Cannazym, and Seaweed Extract.

Our Special Kush #1 seems to be getting some color back into its fan leaves. If the poor girl doesn't start to sprout a second node soon we will have no choice but to remove her. Hopefully it doesn't come to that as she will be greatly missed.
Day 19
We have removed Special Kush #1 may she R.I.P. However I didn't have the heart to kill her so we just planted her into a small cup. She had a long root that looked healthy so who knows she might be able to pull it through.
The other two girls are looking fantastic with our temps sitting right up about 85-88. They seem to be loving life as they continue to pray up to the lights. I'm getting really anxious to get these girls some nutrients but I'm trying to be patient. We are also getting ready to start some LST and looking to top on the 5th or 6th nodes.

Day 20
Seed 1 is looking nice and healthy has a nice dark green color. Seed 1 has excellent node growth that is extremely tight and stalky. She is putting in her 5th node now and officially has her fist five blade leaf.
I really like the way seed 2 is growing as it has the same nodes as seed 1 however it is about 1/2" shorter. Making her node spacing even tighter. We are really close to topping and beginning our LST and of course adding nutrients. Hopefully we can train these girls into some monster producing women!

Day 21
We made it to week three and the girls are really starting to look good. Tomorrow morning they will receive their first feeding of a light nutrient mix of our Canna A & B, Cannazym, and Seaweed extract. The side branching is really starting to come in nicely and when we top these girls in another few days they will really explode. These girls are only 2" tall and putting in their sixth node already, just incredible. Here are some great pictures of the girls and their progress now.
Day 26
Seed 2 is doing pretty good, still praying up to the lights even though she has gotten a taste of nutrient burn. Nutrient burn has progressed since the day before. This tells me our nutrient solution was far to strong for our poor little girls. We will continue with Seaweed Extract flush for another day or two until progression stops. She is still praying straight up to the lights so the nutrient burn doesn't seem to be affecting her to badly at this point. How ever it does not make her happy and if not corrected soon will result in slower growth and stunting.

Seed 1 you can see a little bit of nutrient burn on the leaf tips but not nearly as bad as seed 2. Also still praying up to the lights and letting the burns affect her to much. Couple more days of Seaweed Extract and she should be back on track.

Day 28
I made a huge discovery today with our poor little girls. Seed 1 which I though had some pretty aggressive nutrient burn that wouldn't subside. After further investigation and going back through our grow journals we discovered what the actual cause of our problems were. We were finally able to confirm that our heater was causing burns to our plants as they had grown to close to it. Our poor plant has been burning for 2 or 3 days now as we tried to figure out our problem. We noticed this morning after turning seed 2 that some of its leafs that were unaffected by the nutrient burn, began to brown and die off. That's why our light bulb went off and said Heater burn!

Day 29
The girls are doing fantastic this morning after their Top and FIM sessions last night. Poor seed 1 not only got topped and defoliated but also got super cropped before the nights end. Seed 1 is looking pretty rough these days but she is hanging in there. Within a couple days she will look as good as new.
Seed 2 is taking to her FIM really well. She back to praying to the lights this morning and as happy as could be. We are back to feed nutrients at a very light strength. We mixed up 4mL / gallon of Canna A&B, 7.4mL / gallon of our Seaweed Extract, and 2.2mL / gallon of Cannazyme. We will be watching closely for any type of nute burn or stress.

"However I didn't have the heart to kill her so we just planted her into a small cup" -BiggestLittleGrower

YOU remind of a girl I know lol

Haha man, #AllCannabisLivesMatter

Got an update for you guys Day 35 week 5

We have gotten rid of our tower heater and have our optimus heater back in the box. The tower heater was to big and created hot spots that caused our poor girls to get burned. Seed 1 is looking great and has a lot of tops coming in. She is pretty much fully recovered form the abuse she endured and should really see some explosive growth over the next few days.
We have started LST on seed 2 as her stock is getting so thick that soon we may not be able to LST her. We did a simple LST method using plain twisty ties. We used a safety pin to attach the twisty tie to our fabric pot and then wrap them around our main stock to bend it over. This should allow the other side of our plants canopy to develop and should now even out. Hopefully creating many many tops for our future buds.



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Day 42
We finally made it to week 6 and the girls are looking just beautiful. It's time to do their final and last bit of training before we flower. On seed 1 we will continue her super cropping to even out her canopy one last time. Seed 2 we will do a final LST to flatten her canopy and give one last run and creating some more tops. From this point forward the only thing we should need to do is defoliate and a final lollipop.
Seed 1 is about 3" shorter than our seed 2 and we will step her up on a box if we need too for flower. She is absolutely beautiful though with gorgeous green color and beautiful sativa fan leafs. No signs of nutrient burn or any deficiency and are about ready to increase nutrients.
Seed 2 still largely in the lead and her node spacing is still super tight. She should really pack on some dense buds when we get her flowering. The growth under her canopy is totally wild and will need a good clean up tonight. Looking about 10 more days or so to flowering.

Before super cropping and LST


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After LST and Super cropping


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