On one hand... yes, on the other.. no they are not.
I speak with people of all walks of life at every opportunity (which I create) about cannabis.
People, you may be taken back by how little the gp understands about cannabis. Older folks
and younger alike. What I found most disturbing is they have no clue about how it's grown, what
cannabinoids, trichomes, sativa, indica etc... etc... even are. What I find most disconcerting is
they don't care. Esp. the 40 and under age group, those I've spoken with think it's the cats
meow to walk into a shop and buy prepackaged herb, sigh. The younger gen's are what
is going to drive the new market and from my conversations... they are clueless to the things
those of us who have been around know and cherish. It's sad.
I spend an incredible amount of my time and energy purposely seeking and speaking to people
outside of the cannabis 'community' in order to gather this information and to educate those
who are open. I'm not just pulling this out of thin air
The rest of us... we will keep doing what we've always done, growing and sharing.