How much wattage is safe in a typical 120volt apartment?

more information is needed.what is your circuit breaker rated for? how much power does the apartment us?

I will try to find out but I don't have access to breaker and I'm not about to ask the landlord. Me and the gf are medi patients and my state is legal to grow recreational, but what the landlord don't know won't hurt em. But it is supposed to be 120volts but I don't even know what that means. I'm not savvy on electrician stuff. Thanks for your input! :clap:
well most apartments can handle a 1500 watt portable heater without blowing a breaker. ask your landlord if the apartment can handle a portable heater or a microwave (700-1000 watts) if it can then it can handle a 600 watt light. im an MMJ patient too with a legal right to grow but I use T5s in a 2ft by 4 ft closet grow. I am fortunate enough to own my own house
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Well I was thinking 3 600s and an 8 bulb T5 haha. :idea::rolleyes: I would probably stop using the microwave just incase. I also play an Xbox and have an LED TV...besides regular room lights, fridge and stove, that is all I have in My apartment. The heat is an oil furnace in the basement.
well most apartments can handle a 1500 watt portable heater without blowing a breaker. ask your landlord if the apartment can handle a portable heater or a microwave (700-1000 watts) if it can then it can handle a 600 watt light
Already running a 600 and a T5 now, was just thinking of adding 2 more 600s.

My buddy had 3 600s in his apartment, but I don't know how similar the electric setup was....
Well I was thinking 3 600s and an 8 bulb T5 haha. :idea::rolleyes: I would probably stop using the microwave just incase. I also play an Xbox and have an LED TV beside regular room lights, fridge and stove, that is all I have in May apartment, the heat is an oil furnace in the basement.
sounds like an older apartment and they were not wired for that much power. 2000watts of light may be too much since most of those older apartments were only wired for around 2400 watts maximum for the whole apartment
Until you find the breaker, I wouldn't worry about it. If you keep tripping fuses, the landlord will send someone into your apartment to inspect it thinking there might be a loose connection or faulty wiring.
watts doesn't matter, it's amps, you need to know how many amp breaker box you have, how many amp breaker is on each circuit. without that info, you might as well just keep plugging shit in until you blow a breaker, then you'll know the

You are right, I am definitly going to find out more, gonna get an actual electricians opinion before I add more. I'll post updates in like 7 weeks maybe haha
The utility Co. should list the breaker box Amps on the utility bills, if you still recieve the bills it might be shown how many amps on the electric service for your apartment.
Mine is 60 Amps and I run ~ 2000 wats of lights, two 2 ton AC split units, a fridge, 3 water heaters and maybe 1500 wats in the kitchen.
Unknowns like that suck.. I'm renting a house that turned out to have the entire upstairs 3 bedroom apartment with kitchen and bath on a single 20amp breaker. New panel feeding old knob and tube wiring. Find out what you got before you get it going, being legal and burning down a house is still burning down a house.
Well I was thinking 3 600s and an 8 bulb T5 haha. :idea::rolleyes: I would probably stop using the microwave just incase. I also play an Xbox and have an LED TV...besides regular room lights, fridge and stove, that is all I have in My apartment. The heat is an oil furnace in the basement.
that will blow almost ALL residential circuitry
the exception of maybe being a "kitchen" setup which are typically @20 amps, sometimes higher
almost all residential setups are a 15 amp per circuit (room)
do NOT run more than 2 600s on that, you'll literally feel the heat going through the cords
heat is bad..
I wouldn't run 3 600s off any residential setup, asking for a fire
and don't rely on the breaker to switch (blow) before it has a problem
trust me..
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Find the circuit you want to use, cut the breaker off. If the panel isn't in your apt or whatever that will make it tricky. You need to know what else is on the circuit, and cutting breaker off and walking around your whole place and check everything (switches and receptacles, garbage disposals. dishwashers, and etc). I am a electrician for close to 20 years. So I have a good handle on electrical work. You can trip the breaker, then tell landlord that you need to know where panel is. BUT this can be potentially dangerous if not done correctly. You would be safest getting someone who has electrical experience to probe around and see what you are working with. Those total wattages I gave you above will work fine, if the wattages of EVERYTHING on that circuit is takien into consideration. GL

Also, didn't read the whole thread, if there is a chance that your power is shared with other tenants you need to check in their residences too.

There should be something plainly marked on your apt panel, at least if you are in US and it was wired relatively recently, it is code. Which I assume you are since you said 120v.
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