in the dead of the night

they just voted to make it legal for insurers to discriminate against women.

HA! take that, libtards.

There is going to be a whole lot of denial tomorrow.

When Paul Ryan's plans for these actions were discussed a month or so ago @Flaming Pie said "I didn't vote for him". As if.

or even worse:

What other wing nuts said: "It doesn't affect me."

Unfortunately, it is not a fair world and what goes around doesn't always come around. Some of these fuckers will die comfortably after a long life. Of course that will only be possible after we fix the damage done by Trump and this GOP congress. If only we can institute an exclusion clause when this system is made right again.

Updated Jan. 4, 2015 8:17 p.m. ET
BEIJING—China says 95% of its 1.34 billion people are covered by medical insurance. That should have included Zhao Guomei, whose struggle with a rare but treatable disease shows how the system is failing for millions of China’s workers.

Nearly 90 percent of Americans have health coverage - CNN Money
Apr 13, 2015 - A poll by Gallup found that the uninsured rate among U.S adults declined to 11.9% in the first quarter, down one percentage point from the end of last year and an improvement from the 18% without insurance in the fall of 2013, when the Americans were first were able to sign up for coverage at state and federal …

What do they have to take away for the stupid and apathetic to take action? Until that happens, nothing will change.

This is why I'm predicting an economic catastrophe, because the right wing will keep driving the economy off the cliff just to enrich themselves.
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is the best time to vote down pre-existing conditions.

You don't have a pre-existing condition.

they just voted down CHIP. they voted to take health care away from children. with no replacement.


keep going, GOP.

You don't have children.

keeping young adults up to 26 on your insurance just got canned.


You don't have children.

they just voted to make it legal for insurers to discriminate against women.

HA! take that, libtards.


You're not a woman.

maternity care provision just bit the dust.


You're not pregnant.

goodbye contraception coverage.

You don't use contraception.

You should really start focusing on yourself instead of crying over shit that doesn't even affect you.
You don't have a pre-existing condition.

You don't have children.

You don't have children.

You're not a woman.

You're not pregnant.

You don't use contraception.

You should really start focusing on yourself instead of crying over shit that doesn't even affect you.
Sad Sad Sad at what you have become. Your misery penetrates my screen. Please don't start beating your wife.