in the dead of the night

The problem with Obamacare is it is a socialism model. Socialism always fails. The people at the top of the plans who rates are skyrocketing are paying for the subsidies of those who can not afford it. Well most business and people who can afford insurance find paying the fee is much cheaper than paying for Cadillac insurance. So there is not enough people-paying into it to pay for the subsidies Most of us know if we can not afford something in the future there is medicaid. I am sorry America has the best medicine because it is expensive and the doctors make more. You can already see Obamacare becoming more like horrible Canadian healthcare.Hard decisions need to be made for the Health of our country. Being PC is not going to fix the problems we face.
The problem with Obamacare is it is a socialism model. Socialism always fails. The people at the top of the plans who rates are skyrocketing are paying for the subsidies of those who can not afford it. Well most business and people who can afford insurance find paying the fee is much cheaper than paying for Cadillac insurance. So there is not enough people-paying into it to pay for the subsidies Most of us know if we can not afford something in the future there is medicaid. I am sorry America has the best medicine because it is expensive and the doctors make more. You can already see Obamacare becoming more like horrible Canadian healthcare.Hard decisions need to be made for the Health of our country. Being PC is not going to fix the problems we face.

Basically everything you just said is a lie^^^

1. ACA was created by Republicans first in Massachusetts made available by then Governor Mitt Romney.
2. It's far from socialism.
3. Socialism does not always fail..see Nordic countries, Ireland and Canada to name a few.
4. a long time.
5. It's not available for businesses, they must supply their own group health.
6. Medicaid is only available to those with children with an income of roughly 12k or less.
7. Canadians are pretty happy they have health. Period. They are a realistic people's.
8. You cannot have welfare unless you A) have a job B) have kids. It's called Welfare to Work introduced by the Clinton; DEMS.
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The problem with Obamacare is it is a socialism model. Socialism always fails.
You can already see Obamacare becoming more like horrible Canadian healthcare.
I've been in and out of the hospital since I was a child and myself and my parents never had to pay a dime.
Please tell me how Canada's health care system is shitty again? If I lived in the states without health insurance I would have died before I reached my second birthday.

Also, tell me how these more socialist countries are "failing" compared to the United States.
Basically everything you just said is a lie^^^
You keep telling yourself that. To GOP does no have to do anything actually it will become insolvent within the next 2 years. The insurance companies saw it and that is why they all pulled out. Why because no one is paying for the plans that support them...... Take an economics class lol Yearly fee $250 i looked at Obamacare to help supplement for my daughters therapy's she is autistic. They quopted me at 750 a month.......My income is only 4k a month with 3 kids. Thank god I have Tricare because if i didn't i would pay the fee like so many others. Any that is why Obamacare fails.
Socialist medicine sucks, that's why it works for most countries. I know the nhs, fuck you suck. Medicare Australia, fuck you suck, giving people unable to pay large amounts of money up front a chance to live. Fuck, terrible idea.
Socialist medicine sucks, that's why it works for most countries. I know the nhs, fuck you suck. Medicare Australia, fuck you suck, giving people unable to pay large amounts of money up front a chance to live. Fuck, terrible idea.
Dude they will still get healthcare most of them were on medicaid before. The were not uninsured. There is a big difference between not having access to healthcare and being insured. It is one of the biggest lies of Obamacare. They would have you think that if Obamacare goes away these people will not have access to healthcare which is not true. They have insurance now but even if the insurance is taken away they still have medicaid. Which is what i use right now to subsidies my daughters medical costs.
Socialist medicine sucks, that's why it works for most countries. I know the nhs, fuck you suck. Medicare Australia, fuck you suck, giving people unable to pay large amounts of money up front a chance to live. Fuck, terrible idea.

As opposed to NO health insurance?
Dude they will still get healthcare most of them were on medicaid before. The were not uninsured. There is a big difference between not having access to healthcare and being insured. It is one of the biggest lies of Obamacare. They would have you think that if Obamacare goes away these people will not have access to healthcare which is not true. They have insurance now but even if the insurance is taken away they still have medicaid. Which is what i use right now to subsidies my daughters medical costs.


Fail. If you are on Medicaid you don't leave it to go to ACA. ACA is for those who do not qualify for Medicaid.

Could you please stop spreading misinformation?
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