I hate to inform you that the medical document MMS sent you (the photocopy) will not be accepted by Health Canada if you are applying for personal production. Especially if your doctor was via skype and there is no "ink to paper" signature that you would get via face-to-face.
That's how these companies get you, everyone wants to grow their own but their only giving people photocopies. They say LPs are accepting these photocopies to order from them but that HC isn't for some reason and that it's just due to not everyone being on the same page over there but it's all garbage. They are "green jackets" that will just take your money and run, give you excuses so that you keep believing until it's too late for you to fight any charges with your credit card company.
Medical Marijuana Services, National Access Cannabis etc... DO NOT work with law enforcement and municipalities to see how medical marijuana can be properly introduced into cities it hasn't been popularized in, and that's a heat score for me. I've gone through both of the program above and neither have pulled through.
Most people that use these companies either don't really have a serious condition they use cannabis for and are essentially getting the prescription for recreational use. If you're serious about cannabis and use it as a medicine, I HIGHLY SUGGEST CANHEAL. They will connect you with the most close doctor after seeing if cannabis is right for you, you never get the medical document either, they send it to Health Canada for you with the ORIGINAL INK TO PAPER SIGNATURE everyone is looking for.