Speed up subcool super soil breakdown process


How do I speed up the breakdown process for subcool's super soil. I generally wait the 6 weeks but I've heard you can add some sort of worm fluid to speed that up. Is this true or just mumbo jumbo? Lol
How do I speed up the breakdown process for subcool's super soil. I generally wait the 6 weeks but I've heard you can add some sort of worm fluid to speed that up. Is this true or just mumbo jumbo? Lol
a lacto tea would help.
also bokashi.
and try to maybe research to see the better recipes/techniques out there.
that recipe/technique leaves a LOT to be improved...
I put a heating pad underneath my 18 gal. plastic storage tote 2/3 filled with cooking soil. Keeps the soil warmer (theoretically in my mind) speeding up the process.
Keeping the soil warm will speed up the process because it will increase microbial activity. Just the same, I find the Super Soil too hot with less than three months cooking.
EM1 from the supplier should be grown out into more bottles of what is called EMe. To do this:
1 liter nonchlorinated water
2T EM1
2T agricultural molasses

Mix thoroughly

Bottle in a one liter plastic bottle. Seal the cap. Let stand sealed in a dark room for one week. Burp the cap halfway through the week.

This is now as concentrated in microorganisms as the original bottle of EM1.

Use this or lactoserum to make bokashi.

A good bokashi substrate is wheat bran, or bird seed, or spent coffee grinds, or a mix, or rice bran, etc as long as it is generally small in particle size. You can use peat to cut the substrate to improve coat effectiveness.

Use 200ml each molasses and EMe for every 150 gallons of substrate. And using non chlorinated water, bring the substrate to a 50-60% moisture content. This means that substrate is completely saturated but when you squeeze it with your hands, it is not dripping excess water.

Seal in 55 gal drums for two weeks fermentation in the shade.

Use this ratio of EMe to substrate volume for personal gardens as this is the farm scale proportions.

When fermentation is complete the barrels should smell sickeningly sweet. Apply a half gallon to two gallons of bokashi for every 15 gallons of soil. Top dress a half gallon of bokashi per large plant in raised beds monthly or bi-monthly
Bokashi tea

1 liter bokashi in a sock or pantry hose aerated in 5gal water for 24-72 hrs. Dilute 2:1 for foliar spray or soil drench
Start with an extra wet mixture of water + super soil and stir it daily in an open container until the mixture dries out to where the moisture in your soil is just where you want it. I think agitation of a wetter mixture should accelerate the breakdown of your dried amendments.