Curing with boveda 62% packs


Well-Known Member
OK guys i just purchased boveda 62% packs to help with curing. I have many questions and done some reasearch on it. As far as I can tell you do a proper dry then throw these in the jar with it and forget about them. Have any of u ever used them before I don't want mold!!!
they are supposed to dry the contents to about 64% giving the size of the container

I use them with great effect, ie. silica packs or gel packs

good for storing seeds too

good luck
Yes I have the gel ones I plan to use them for curing and also burping with it.
Yes they work well. I use them but you've got to hang dry your bud until branches are brittle. If you bend the branch & it folds over without hearing a snap it's not ready to jar up yet & needs more drying time. Boveda packs do not cure your shit automatically; they simply keep your bud at a supple 62% RH for longer term storage preserving terpenes. I usually don't drop the pack in until buds have been curing in the jar for about a week or so. They excel at reviving bud that has been a little overdried. Dry & cure to perfection first then the B-packs will do the rest.
The first day you jar up leave the lid either on loosely or off completely; the next day put your face in there & get a good whiff. If there's nothing but sweet hay smells...then you can screw the lids tight. If it's very dry then drop in a B-pak. Any wierd hay smells dump it out & let it dry some more. Those jar size mini hygrometers can help you decide when it's done curing.
I lightly dried mine in the shed for ~4 days, as if I was preparing for a burping slow dry.
Then I put them in glass jars with 62% B packs, and paper bags within glass jars with 62% B packs, and basically forgot about them a couple of weeks.
Opened it up to find a small amount of fluffy white mold where buds were touching.

Don't do what I did :)
I use these as well. They work GREAT.
The only possible downside is some people think that it tends to leech some of the smell from the jar, which I think in time I have noticed as well. But honestly, the difference in smell is very minimal, and your buds will still taste great. I don't think it causes any difference in taste, it may even just be the presence of the humidity pack materials and the salts in there mixing with the smell of the buds. But regardless, even with this tiny downside to the boveda's, they will keep your buds at the perfect humidity and give the best smoke with just perfectly burning buds. The upsides to boveda's FAR outweigh the tiny possible effect where it seems to leech a bit of smell. You wont regret it.

That being said, I wouldn't pick your buds off once dry and plop them right in with the boveda pack quite yet. Stick them in a jar with a small humidity meter (pet store, 10 bucks), seal it, and let them sit in there while watching that humidity meter for a little while.

1.If the meter goes above 62% pretty quickly (like 30 minutes?), keep drying them a bit more.

2.If you jar your buds and humidity very steadily rises and after a longer period of time (hour+) you see it has gone above 62%, burp the jar. (open it, shake the buds around and let it sit to get dryer air in the jar for 5-30 minutes, depending on how quickly the humidity meter rose.) Then reseal it and repeat this process until the humidity gauge never goes above 62%. At this point you can stop burping, but this could be days of this process. This is the ideal way to cure your buds, and if you can dry to this perfect point (which for me seems to be just before the stem crack, although this can be very difficult to gauge) and jar just at the right time there honestly is no better way to cure your buds, and you wont need to stick a boveda pack in until you take buds out enough to smoke that the humidity starts dropping well below 60% or so. THEN you can stick a boveda pack in and it is helpful for longevity of your buds.

3. On the other hand, let's face it, things don't always work out so perfectly and you might jar your buds to find the humidity never rises above 62%. this means you have over dried. But the closer your humidity reads to 62% after letting them sit in the jar for a couple days, the less of a deal this is. Honestly, if you pull right when the stem cracks, this is likely to happen, but it won't really be severe enough to make much of a difference. It's not a bad method. And regardless, this is when boveda packs are REALLY helpful. If you over dry a bit, just pop a boveda pack in and seal the jar and they will get re-hydrated in one to 3 days or so. The smoke will be just as good as the perfectly cured buds, but you might have lost just a bit of flavor and potency from over drying. Not much though, I over dried to 45% this last grow, stuck a boveda pack in, and these buds are still amazing. Initially they were a bit harsh form over drying (and lack of cure I guess), but after a few days with the boveda they smoked great.

More people need to know about using bovedas. I sware 99% of the weed you get out there, by the time it gets to you at least, is WAY over dried and as a result becomes really harsh. All that people need to do is go out and buy a 5$ boveda pack and keep their buds in with that. I don't understand why every bag you go pick up is dried to absolute f*&%ing shit unless it was just picked off the plant. So ah... spread the word I guess. Lol.
Wow, great info, rep++ :-)

I use these as well. They work GREAT.
The only possible downside is some people think that it tends to leech some of the smell from the jar, which I think in time I have noticed as well. But honestly, the difference in smell is very minimal, and your buds will still taste great. I don't think it causes any difference in taste, it may even just be the presence of the humidity pack materials and the salts in there mixing with the smell of the buds. But regardless, even with this tiny downside to the boveda's, they will keep your buds at the perfect humidity and give the best smoke with just perfectly burning buds. The upsides to boveda's FAR outweigh the tiny possible effect where it seems to leech a bit of smell. You wont regret it.

That being said, I wouldn't pick your buds off once dry and plop them right in with the boveda pack quite yet. Stick them in a jar with a small humidity meter (pet store, 10 bucks), seal it, and let them sit in there while watching that humidity meter for a little while.

1.If the meter goes above 62% pretty quickly (like 30 minutes?), keep drying them a bit more.

2.If you jar your buds and humidity very steadily rises and after a longer period of time (hour+) you see it has gone above 62%, burp the jar. (open it, shake the buds around and let it sit to get dryer air in the jar for 5-30 minutes, depending on how quickly the humidity meter rose.) Then reseal it and repeat this process until the humidity gauge never goes above 62%. At this point you can stop burping, but this could be days of this process. This is the ideal way to cure your buds, and if you can dry to this perfect point (which for me seems to be just before the stem crack, although this can be very difficult to gauge) and jar just at the right time there honestly is no better way to cure your buds, and you wont need to stick a boveda pack in until you take buds out enough to smoke that the humidity starts dropping well below 60% or so. THEN you can stick a boveda pack in and it is helpful for longevity of your buds.

3. On the other hand, let's face it, things don't always work out so perfectly and you might jar your buds to find the humidity never rises above 62%. this means you have over dried. But the closer your humidity reads to 62% after letting them sit in the jar for a couple days, the less of a deal this is. Honestly, if you pull right when the stem cracks, this is likely to happen, but it won't really be severe enough to make much of a difference. It's not a bad method. And regardless, this is when boveda packs are REALLY helpful. If you over dry a bit, just pop a boveda pack in and seal the jar and they will get re-hydrated in one to 3 days or so. The smoke will be just as good as the perfectly cured buds, but you might have lost just a bit of flavor and potency from over drying. Not much though, I over dried to 45% this last grow, stuck a boveda pack in, and these buds are still amazing. Initially they were a bit harsh form over drying (and lack of cure I guess), but after a few days with the boveda they smoked great.

More people need to know about using bovedas. I sware 99% of the weed you get out there, by the time it gets to you at least, is WAY over dried and as a result becomes really harsh. All that people need to do is go out and buy a 5$ boveda pack and keep their buds in with that. I don't understand why every bag you go pick up is dried to absolute f*&%ing shit unless it was just picked off the plant. So ah... spread the word I guess. Lol.
I use these as well. They work GREAT.
The only possible downside is some people think that it tends to leech some of the smell from the jar, which I think in time I have noticed as well. But honestly, the difference in smell is very minimal, and your buds will still taste great. I don't think it causes any difference in taste, it may even just be the presence of the humidity pack materials and the salts in there mixing with the smell of the buds. But regardless, even with this tiny downside to the boveda's, they will keep your buds at the perfect humidity and give the best smoke with just perfectly burning buds. The upsides to boveda's FAR outweigh the tiny possible effect where it seems to leech a bit of smell. You wont regret it.

That being said, I wouldn't pick your buds off once dry and plop them right in with the boveda pack quite yet. Stick them in a jar with a small humidity meter (pet store, 10 bucks), seal it, and let them sit in there while watching that humidity meter for a little while.

1.If the meter goes above 62% pretty quickly (like 30 minutes?), keep drying them a bit more.

2.If you jar your buds and humidity very steadily rises and after a longer period of time (hour+) you see it has gone above 62%, burp the jar. (open it, shake the buds around and let it sit to get dryer air in the jar for 5-30 minutes, depending on how quickly the humidity meter rose.) Then reseal it and repeat this process until the humidity gauge never goes above 62%. At this point you can stop burping, but this could be days of this process. This is the ideal way to cure your buds, and if you can dry to this perfect point (which for me seems to be just before the stem crack, although this can be very difficult to gauge) and jar just at the right time there honestly is no better way to cure your buds, and you wont need to stick a boveda pack in until you take buds out enough to smoke that the humidity starts dropping well below 60% or so. THEN you can stick a boveda pack in and it is helpful for longevity of your buds.

3. On the other hand, let's face it, things don't always work out so perfectly and you might jar your buds to find the humidity never rises above 62%. this means you have over dried. But the closer your humidity reads to 62% after letting them sit in the jar for a couple days, the less of a deal this is. Honestly, if you pull right when the stem cracks, this is likely to happen, but it won't really be severe enough to make much of a difference. It's not a bad method. And regardless, this is when boveda packs are REALLY helpful. If you over dry a bit, just pop a boveda pack in and seal the jar and they will get re-hydrated in one to 3 days or so. The smoke will be just as good as the perfectly cured buds, but you might have lost just a bit of flavor and potency from over drying. Not much though, I over dried to 45% this last grow, stuck a boveda pack in, and these buds are still amazing. Initially they were a bit harsh form over drying (and lack of cure I guess), but after a few days with the boveda they smoked great.

More people need to know about using bovedas. I sware 99% of the weed you get out there, by the time it gets to you at least, is WAY over dried and as a result becomes really harsh. All that people need to do is go out and buy a 5$ boveda pack and keep their buds in with that. I don't understand why every bag you go pick up is dried to absolute f*&%ing shit unless it was just picked off the plant. So ah... spread the word I guess. Lol.
Really wow lol
Really wow lol
LOL... I'm so bothered by the fact that damned near EVERY bag I go out to pick up (and this is supposedly good shit too) is over dried. People need to know about boveda packs. I have not found one connection out there whose buds are at that perfect 62%. Almost ALWAYS over dried. And its SO easy. They usually have bovedas at head shops or if not an actual tobacco shop with cigars will for sure have them. BTW, get the big ones and cure in pint sized jars is perfect.
100% fan of Boveda packs. I just do the dry and cure, a 2 week process then when the flowers in totes are around 62 I'll jar them with a Boveda pack, one large one per qt to half gallon jar.

They always had my hygrometers dead on pegged at 62-63%.

If you take care of them they will last a long time. Some of mine are on their 4th yr of use. I'll never buy another hygrometer, trust the B Packs
LOL... I'm so bothered by the fact that damned near EVERY bag I go out to pick up (and this is supposedly good shit too) is over dried. People need to know about boveda packs. I have not found one connection out there whose buds are at that perfect 62%. Almost ALWAYS over dried. And its SO easy. They usually have bovedas at head shops or if not an actual tobacco shop with cigars will for sure have them. BTW, get the big ones and cure in pint sized jars is perfect.
So youre looking for boutique service and quality buying off the blackmarket...where they grow as fast as they can, trim/dry and sell as fast as they can?
So youre looking for boutique service and quality buying off the blackmarket...where they grow as fast as they can, trim/dry and sell as fast as they can?
I mean.... doesn't it make sense that spending $5 and having to do absolutely no furter work other than wait a couple days for a more quality product make sense... even on the black market? It's simple.
100% foolproof method of moisture control and storage. For me ... I dry down til 69-70%
.... Toss in Boveda pack and magic happens . One or two burps and leave sealed to stabilize .


You can use mason jars or CVaults for curing stage. You must have your buds dried before using these. Wet buds will mold out. I never noticed any smell loss plus with proper care these last a very long time.

I mean.... doesn't it make sense that spending $5 and having to do absolutely no furter work other than wait a couple days for a more quality product make sense... even on the black market? It's simple.
It sure is. But why bother if you can sell it anyway without bothering. Most of those guys dont cure. Dry and sell.

Plus... it may be only 5 bux a pack but times that by how many jars if youre harvesting a few pounds? Gets pricey.
I use 'em and like 'em!
That said, I think the bud would probably be better without 'em but they sure make it easier.
I use 'em sorta' like training wheels...get as close as I can without 'em, then toss one in.

and they are not $5 each... you can get a dozen of the 8gm. ones for about $15 on ebay.
Yes they work well. I use them but you've got to hang dry your bud until branches are brittle. If you bend the branch & it folds over without hearing a snap it's not ready to jar up yet & needs more drying time. Boveda packs do not cure your shit automatically; they simply keep your bud at a supple 62% RH for longer term storage preserving terpenes. I usually don't drop the pack in until buds have been curing in the jar for about a week or so. They excel at reviving bud that has been a little overdried. Dry & cure to perfection first then the B-packs will do the rest.
The first day you jar up leave the lid either on loosely or off completely; the next day put your face in there & get a good whiff. If there's nothing but sweet hay smells...then you can screw the lids tight. If it's very dry then drop in a B-pak. Any wierd hay smells dump it out & let it dry some more. Those jar size mini hygrometers can help you decide when it's done curing.

Nice, nice (especially the dry to the right point part!) but, For proper curing to actually happen.....62% is a great RH zone for that to happen. Much below that and it slows to even stopping curing! I use them to maintain a "proper" curing environment....RH wise!

I do not have them in the jars till after 1-2 weeks of burping and then they go in. Limited burping for a week or so - depends on how it smells - then 4 more weeks with no burping....

Patience is a virtue!
Sort of unrelated, but I had some moldy outdoor buds just now :( Picked most of the bad stuff off, but from what I kept, to stop it spreading,
I put them in a sealed bucket with a non-bodeva dry pack.
A powerful one, after a couple of days it's now pretty steady at 20%, maybe still dropping.
I don't even need scissors anymore, I can just pinch and roll like an itchy ballsack :)
For these to work the bud has to be in a certain rh range.

Ie: if you jar up some bud that climbs to say 75rh and you pop in a 62 Bov pak, the Bov pak isnt going to suck up all that humidity and bring the jar of bud down to 62 rh magically. Maybe to 68 or something.

And the reverse is true. For these to work properly you need to get the bud into say a 54 to 68 rh range the Bov paks will do the rest.