Been considering starting a worm bin. They look to be great soil makers
I like worms! Especially big worms! Lmfao. Anyways Worms are the shizzy. My compost outside my door has mad worms when spring hits threw summer but I feed the little rascals. I hate stirring it cause I don't wanna hurt my fellow verms but it's part of the system. They don't mind too much.
I like worms! Especially big worms! Lmfao. Anyways Worms are the shizzy. My compost outside my door has mad worms when spring hits threw summer but I feed the little rascals. I hate stirring it cause I don't wanna hurt my fellow verms but it's part of the system. They don't mind too much.
yeah I noticed quite a few in the compost heap I have. I started it probably in the middle of the summer just a bunch of kitchen scraps green leafy yard stuff. But the worms love it. I just stirred it for the first time because I didn't want to mess with them but they seem to have left. that cold weather we had a few days ago likely drove them away. Been an unusually warm, muggy winter so far though around here. Shorts and flip flops in the middle of January
yeah I noticed quite a few in the compost heap I have. I started it probably in the middle of the summer just a bunch of kitchen scraps green leafy yard stuff. But the worms love it. I just stirred it for the first time because I didn't want to mess with them but they seem to have left. that cold weather we had a few days ago likely drove them away. Been an unusually warm, muggy winter so far though around here. Shorts and flip flops in the middle of January
That must me nice! It's colder than a witches titty round here, 28 atm. My worms will come home come spring. Home is where the heart is lmfao.
Lmao. That's supply and demand for you. I've never seen anyone buying promix beside me when I go. It's not a big seller here. I assume alot more growers out by you be buying tons of promix making the cost go up.
Promix here is a buck for a 20 pound bag :)
Promix here is a buck for a 20 pound bag :)
That's hilarious, bassman999 will love that! I found a fat ass blunt tip syringe needle in the bag I used yesterday lmfao. I use alot of composted manure for mushrooms and I find all kinda shit in those bags....cig buts, glass, metal wire, rubber glove bits like wtf is going on up at the composted manure factory lmao. As long as it works and stays 1.39 for 2 cu ft I'm buying that shit.
That's hilarious, bassman999 will love that! I found a fat ass blunt tip syringe needle in the bag I used yesterday lmfao. I use alot of composted manure for mushrooms and I find all kinda shit in those bags....cig buts, glass, metal wire, rubber glove bits like wtf is going on up at the composted manure factory lmao. As long as it works and stays 1.39 for 2 cu ft I'm buying that shit.
yeah I dont EVER see shit like that in MY promix bags :)
Lmao. That's supply and demand for you. I've never seen anyone buying promix beside me when I go. It's not a big seller here. I assume alot more growers out by you be buying tons of promix making the cost go up.
Even the 2.2 size i even still $20+
I bought some new (to me) 420 Blend brand and Ill see what that does for sedlings
2.0ft for $13.99