How often is to often


Well-Known Member
Whats up all just wondering you guys opinion on how often is to often to be doing psychedelics? (shrooms,acid, etc):joint:


Well-Known Member
as often as you like cause they are safe man, safe like weed is safe.

but id say two week breaks if not longer or the magic will wear away by this i mean by overdoing it say every weekend your trips may not seem as enlightening or enjoyable cause youl be so used to the effects


Active Member
after and lsd trip it is best to wait at least 7-14 days before your next trip or you wont feel the effects as strong 7 days is good enough but the best best is every other weekend


Well-Known Member
I try to stick to once a month. That way I don't build a fast tolerance and the trips are always more mind blowing. Like if you do it all the time, your body will get used to that and you'll be totally over tripping. But if you do it in moderation, then it will always be amazing.


Well-Known Member
That's what i try to stick with every other weekend or once a month,just so that my body doesn't get use to it and you get that great trip, even dough lately i been doing acid almost every week :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i smoke weed everyday do salvia just about 3 times a week srooms when i can and tussin like 2 a month


Well-Known Member
i smoke weed everyday do salvia just about 3 times a week srooms when i can and tussin like 2 a month

Your going for a vegetable aren't you, and if I could give any advice stop the robo...that shit kills your insides. I used to be hard on that shit, it's addicting I would do it 2 a month then it went too being 3 times a week, that shit rough man I just stick it to the weed.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Slow down on the tussin, Robo"trippin" is some crazy shit... HIGHLY Addictive... I have a love/hate realationship with ganja, and i would say stick to that..... little story, a few of my buddys started doing robo, they were telling everyone oh its okay- twice a month and your fine, well 2 in a month turned to Once a week.... EVERY week. no joke..


Well-Known Member
I always stick to the weed. i used to do robo once a week but it takes a lot out of me so i either do it 2 a month or just extract the dxm out of it.


Well-Known Member
gotta grab the long lasting bottles the others have shit in it that will fuck u over


Well-Known Member
never tried getting high of robo (Robitussin) i am guessing, i don't like fucking around with legal shit, i prefer to take some hits of acid or eat some goomers, drop some E but nothing beats smoking weed all day every day :)


Well-Known Member
really you can die just off two bottles, when you drink it to trip you are O.Ding and basicly killing your self cause it slow down your circulation. But I think normally 4 will do it, that when people have O.B.E, but my explanation of this is that your probably really dead and you just don't know it. That shit really scarey to fuck around with, it just not good.I would say stick to acid or mushrooms but those have there negatives too. DMX is basicly like PCP or Ketamine (cat killer) it's in the same category of those drugs (Dissovletives or how ever you spell it) and there one of the only psychedelic drugs that are addictive. I used to love it when I problems with depression, because that shit will send you straight to space and that were I wanted to be, away from everything. But in the long ruin I got hooked and know have some problems because of it. I notice parts of my body go numb for no reason and I been having chest pains since then. Seriously to anyone don't do it, it just not worth it.