Well-Known Member
So, we'd still be in the 2nd Great Depression if they listened to you.1.Health care premiums and deductibles have inflated by an average of 30% since last year, how much have your wages inflated? whoops, he fucked it.
2.Higher consumer debt than 2008, no interest on savings, stagnant wages, and look at all these new jobs:http://www.politifact.com/punditfac...ist-immigrants-have-taken-all-new-jobs-creat/
3.Dodd Frank was toothless, and by imposing capital restrictions on banks, he meant giving banks primary dealer status from the Fed, handing them free money every month, and allowing it to vanish into bonuses.
4.Iran wasn't building a nuke, Netanyahu has been saying that "three months" line for twenty years. Not a terrible negotiation though, one of the better things Obama's done in all honesty. Republicans have said some really uninformed things regarding the terms of the deal, Trump included. I'll give Obama a nod on this.
5.Negotiated a deal that didn't involve China, making the US industrial sector even less competitive
6.Why hasn't he ended aid to nuclear Pakistan that was concealing his whereabouts a few miles away from a military base?
7.And created ISIS, then armed them with support for "moderate rebels" like Ahrar al Sham and AQI (Al-Qaeda of Iraq) http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnew...ntel-chief-obama-gave-willful-aid-to-al-qaeda
8.GM and Chrysler were failing for a reason, they make shit cars and still do. Stop propping up monoliths and bad actors and let free markets decide what to do with companies that kill 30+ people with bargain bin ignition switches.
9&10. Supreme Court's decision.
And you'd suffer more than me.