Wow Obama is something special

Should Obama Have ended the Wet Foot Dry Foot Policy?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
1.Health care premiums and deductibles have inflated by an average of 30% since last year, how much have your wages inflated? whoops, he fucked it.

2.Higher consumer debt than 2008, no interest on savings, stagnant wages, and look at all these new jobs:

3.Dodd Frank was toothless, and by imposing capital restrictions on banks, he meant giving banks primary dealer status from the Fed, handing them free money every month, and allowing it to vanish into bonuses.

4.Iran wasn't building a nuke, Netanyahu has been saying that "three months" line for twenty years. Not a terrible negotiation though, one of the better things Obama's done in all honesty. Republicans have said some really uninformed things regarding the terms of the deal, Trump included. I'll give Obama a nod on this.

5.Negotiated a deal that didn't involve China, making the US industrial sector even less competitive

6.Why hasn't he ended aid to nuclear Pakistan that was concealing his whereabouts a few miles away from a military base?

7.And created ISIS, then armed them with support for "moderate rebels" like Ahrar al Sham and AQI (Al-Qaeda of Iraq)

8.GM and Chrysler were failing for a reason, they make shit cars and still do. Stop propping up monoliths and bad actors and let free markets decide what to do with companies that kill 30+ people with bargain bin ignition switches.

9&10. Supreme Court's decision.
So, we'd still be in the 2nd Great Depression if they listened to you.

And you'd suffer more than me.

So, we'd still be in the 2nd Great Depression if they listened to you.

And you'd suffer more than me.


We're still in the 2nd Great Depression, consumer debt is higher than it's ever been, no one can afford to own a home anymore, and between medical expenses and student loans, you're more broke than you were in 2008. Or you're on welfare. Aggregate wage growth is DOWN, as inflation and hyper inflation in certain sectors have wiped out any nominal gains like minimum wage hikes.

What incentive do you have to be middle class anymore? Higher tax rate, have to pay for your kids' education out of pocket, and have to buy your own ridiculously overpriced insurance without assistance. Poor people on welfare are more financially solvent than the middle-class right now. And everyone's debt burden has been increasing unabated.

*And I'm loaded, speak for yourself.
Prosecuting bad actors was on Holder, who "cried all night thinking about the consequences". He did nothing, as he was appointed by Obama's Citigroup transition team. No heads rolled, Obama let banks get away with literal murder (HSBC drug money laundering).

5 Goldman Sachs Executives on his cabinet.

It's not pay to play, it's pay to buy and you morons are lapping it up like a kitten drinking retard milk.

5 Goldman Sachs Executives on his cabinet.

It's not pay to play, it's pay to buy and you morons are lapping it up like a kitten drinking retard milk.

I'm not gaga about Trump personally, but the alternative was Goldman's multi-million dollar cheerleader. I'll take an unknown evil over a known one.
1. Passed Health Care Reform You know even if the GOP does nothing it will become insolvent on its own within the year right FAIL #1
After five presidents over the course of a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. More than twenty million Americans have gained coverage since the passage of the law, which provides subsidies for Americans to buy coverage, expands Medicaid eligibility, and prohibits insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. The uninsured rate has dropped from 16 percent in 2010 to 9 percent in 2015. The law also mandates free preventive care, allows young people to stay on their parents’ policies up to age twenty-six, and imposes a ban on annual and lifetime caps on benefits.

2. Rescued the Economy 1% GDP for 8 years with record number out of the labor force real unemployment is around 20% FAIL#2
Signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid the most severe downturn since the Great Depression. As of October 2016, the economy had added 15.5 million new jobs since early 2010 and set a record with seventy-three straight months of private-sector job growth. The unemployment rate, which hit a sustained peak of about 10 percent in 2009, has dropped to 4.6 percent as of November 2016.

3. Passed Wall Street Reform Passed so many regulations it makes it impossible to start a small bussiness. Thanks. dodd-Frank is holding the economy back. FAIL#3
Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010 to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, allows the government to take them into receivership if they pose a threat to the economy, and limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit. Dodd-Frank also created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to crack down on abusive lending and financial services. By the end of fiscal year 2016, the CFPB had handled nearly one million consumer complaints and taken actions that resulted in $11.7 billion in relief for more than twenty-seven million consumers.

4. Negotiated a Deal to Block A Nuclear Iran If you believe this was a good deal just slap yourself Fail #4
Led six nations in reaching an agreement with Iran that requires the country to end its nuclear weapons program and submit to a rigorous International Atomic Energy Agency inspections regime in exchange for lifting global sanctions. The deal—which resulted from first toughening sanctions against Iran—also blocked Iran’s pathways to building a bomb, slowing down the development time for a weapon from three months to one year if Iran were to break its commitments.

5. Secured U.S. Commitment to a Global Agreement on Climate Change
LOL Kerry tried to say Air Conditioners are a bigger threat to the world than ISIS And he went around Congress this agreement is a valauable as toliet paper Fail #5
Provided key leadership to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which produced the
2015 Paris Agreement, a commitment by 197 nations to reduce global carbon emissions and limit the global rise in temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius.

6. Eliminated Osama bin Laden Right on! Win #1
In 2011, ordered the Special Forces raid of the secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was retained.

7. Ended U.S. Combat Missions in Iraq and Afghanistan Are You kidding this is what created ISIS HUGGGGGGE FAIL X2
After an initial troop surge in Afghanistan, brought home 90 percent of the nearly 180,000 troops who were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan when he took office, leaving only a small contingent of forces to assist the Iraqi and Afghani militaries against insurgents and the Taliban. The withdrawal from Iraq created the vacuum that ISIS has filled. But, recently, without redeploying ground troops, the U.S. has helped the Iraqi military in reversing ISIS’s gains.

8. Turned Around the U.S. Auto Industry
Cut deals that made it so expensive that most of them started moving to Mexico. Trump is trying to stop that FaIL #8
In 2009, injected $62 billion (on top of the $13.4 billion in loans from the George W. Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. By December 2014, the car companies had repaid $70.4 billion of the funds, and the Center for Automotive Research estimated that 2.5 million jobs were saved.

9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’
Saw this first hand 8 years of social engineering in the military has made us much weaker where people believe it is OK to challenge authority and to disobey orders. Way to go! Fail Fail Fail
Ended the 1990s-era restriction and formalized a new policy allowing gays and lesbians to sersve openly in the military for the first time.

10. Supported Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages.
I am am divided on this one while i support marrige equality i believe the court overstepped its authority on this one it is their job to interpret law not to make it. Win for LGBT loss for the constitution.
Decided in 2011 that the federal government would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which restricted federal marriage recognition to opposite-sex couples. In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key portions of the law as unconstitutional, allowing married same-sex couples to finally receive federal protections like Social Security and veteran benefits.

I actually voted for Obama 8 years ago and I am still waiting for this hope and change. I guess it was only for Hollywood and the Washington elites.

TL/NOone is reading this sewage.

Did you know that the 'g-spot' (roughly 2" in, towards the navel) is actually the base/root nerve endings of the clitoris? Makes sense, as the clitoris itself is essentially a series of not one but three tentacle-like phalluses with (obviously) the center nodule being the 'head'.
Yes, uber-heteros and homophobes; the clit is essentially a more highly evolved penis with three separate vesicles.



The Xenomorph and Predator: Two PUSSIES in a never-ending battle?
1. Passed Health Care Reform You know even if the GOP does nothing it will become insolvent on its own within the year right FAIL #1
After five presidents over the course of a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. More than twenty million Americans have gained coverage since the passage of the law, which provides subsidies for Americans to buy coverage, expands Medicaid eligibility, and prohibits insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. The uninsured rate has dropped from 16 percent in 2010 to 9 percent in 2015. The law also mandates free preventive care, allows young people to stay on their parents’ policies up to age twenty-six, and imposes a ban on annual and lifetime caps on benefits.

2. Rescued the Economy 1% GDP for 8 years with record number out of the labor force real unemployment is around 20% FAIL#2
Signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid the most severe downturn since the Great Depression. As of October 2016, the economy had added 15.5 million new jobs since early 2010 and set a record with seventy-three straight months of private-sector job growth. The unemployment rate, which hit a sustained peak of about 10 percent in 2009, has dropped to 4.6 percent as of November 2016.

3. Passed Wall Street Reform Passed so many regulations it makes it impossible to start a small bussiness. Thanks. dodd-Frank is holding the economy back. FAIL#3
Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010 to re-regulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The law tightens capital requirements on large banks and other financial institutions, allows the government to take them into receivership if they pose a threat to the economy, and limits their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit. Dodd-Frank also created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to crack down on abusive lending and financial services. By the end of fiscal year 2016, the CFPB had handled nearly one million consumer complaints and taken actions that resulted in $11.7 billion in relief for more than twenty-seven million consumers.

4. Negotiated a Deal to Block A Nuclear Iran If you believe this was a good deal just slap yourself Fail #4
Led six nations in reaching an agreement with Iran that requires the country to end its nuclear weapons program and submit to a rigorous International Atomic Energy Agency inspections regime in exchange for lifting global sanctions. The deal—which resulted from first toughening sanctions against Iran—also blocked Iran’s pathways to building a bomb, slowing down the development time for a weapon from three months to one year if Iran were to break its commitments.

5. Secured U.S. Commitment to a Global Agreement on Climate Change
LOL Kerry tried to say Air Conditioners are a bigger threat to the world than ISIS And he went around Congress this agreement is a valauable as toliet paper Fail #5
Provided key leadership to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which produced the
2015 Paris Agreement, a commitment by 197 nations to reduce global carbon emissions and limit the global rise in temperatures to below 2 degrees Celsius.

6. Eliminated Osama bin Laden Right on! Win #1
In 2011, ordered the Special Forces raid of the secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was retained.

7. Ended U.S. Combat Missions in Iraq and Afghanistan Are You kidding this is what created ISIS HUGGGGGGE FAIL X2
After an initial troop surge in Afghanistan, brought home 90 percent of the nearly 180,000 troops who were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan when he took office, leaving only a small contingent of forces to assist the Iraqi and Afghani militaries against insurgents and the Taliban. The withdrawal from Iraq created the vacuum that ISIS has filled. But, recently, without redeploying ground troops, the U.S. has helped the Iraqi military in reversing ISIS’s gains.

8. Turned Around the U.S. Auto Industry
Cut deals that made it so expensive that most of them started moving to Mexico. Trump is trying to stop that FaIL #8
In 2009, injected $62 billion (on top of the $13.4 billion in loans from the George W. Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. By December 2014, the car companies had repaid $70.4 billion of the funds, and the Center for Automotive Research estimated that 2.5 million jobs were saved.

9. Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’
Saw this first hand 8 years of social engineering in the military has made us much weaker where people believe it is OK to challenge authority and to disobey orders. Way to go! Fail Fail Fail
Ended the 1990s-era restriction and formalized a new policy allowing gays and lesbians to sersve openly in the military for the first time.

10. Supported Federal Recognition of Same-Sex Marriages.
I am am divided on this one while i support marrige equality i believe the court overstepped its authority on this one it is their job to interpret law not to make it. Win for LGBT loss for the constitution.
Decided in 2011 that the federal government would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which restricted federal marriage recognition to opposite-sex couples. In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down key portions of the law as unconstitutional, allowing married same-sex couples to finally receive federal protections like Social Security and veteran benefits.

I actually voted for Obama 8 years ago and I am still waiting for this hope and change. I guess it was only for Hollywood and the Washington elites.

You should be glad you didn't have to pass an IQ test to post here.

Lol. You seen the cabinet. Are you fucking blind or just stupid?

Whatever, not ideally what I'd want, but just because you've worked for Goldman doesn't mean you sympathize with them (see Nomi Prins).
Hillary has a demonstrated record of third-world level corruption, and was totally sympathetic to banking interests, she made a lucrative career out of that sentiment, in fact. Obama was no saint, Citigroup hand selected his cabinet. At least Trump has put forth some lip service to somewhat ameliorate revolving door positions. We all know who Wall Street wanted to win, and it damn sure wasn't Trump.

I'd rather pull from management than sneaky lobbyist clerks like Obama did and Hillary surely would have. You need someone with intimate knowledge of what your trying to reform to have any success. I'm as skeptical as the next guy, but I'll reserve judgement until I see results.

Then you're a fucking idiot.

The expression is "better the enemy you know".

Here's a prime example of why Trump loves the uneducated, folks.

That's one expression, sure, but I wasn't looking to elect an enemy. Don't be so damn edgy.
Whatever, not ideally what I'd want, but just because you've worked for Goldman doesn't mean you sympathize with them (see Nomi Prins).
Hillary has a demonstrated record of third-world level corruption, and was totally sympathetic to banking interests, she made a lucrative career out of that sentiment, in fact. Obama was no saint, Citigroup hand selected his cabinet. At least Trump has put forth some lip service to somewhat ameliorate revolving door positions. We all know who Wall Street wanted to win, and it damn sure wasn't Trump.

I'd rather pull from management than sneaky lobbyist clerks like Obama did and Hillary surely would have. You need someone with intimate knowledge of what your trying to reform to have any success. I'm as skeptical as the next guy, but I'll reserve judgement until I see results.

That's one expression, sure, but I wasn't looking to elect an enemy. Don't be so damn edgy.

Well that certainly made little sense.

Better go watch some fake news and refine the Goldman part.
We're still in the 2nd Great Depression


no one can afford to own a home anymore

well, no one with an anime avatar at least.

and between medical expenses and student loans, you're more broke than you were in 2008. Or you're on welfare.

sounds like you had a rough go of things. last 8 years have been great for me.

miove out of your parents' basement and get a job, anime boi.
I'll have you know I'm 36 own my home free and clear and I'm retired well at least until I move to Oregon in a few months