How to say no?


Well-Known Member
Your mom bought that watch rich kid, just looking at your pic I kno for a fact you don't have a job that pays anything and leech off mommy n daddy


Well-Known Member
show me your proof autist? or shall I just upload pics of real clothes and jewels

I was in grade 9 when I got my first real shine

you still aint got one

fucking 4'11 little boy, swing higher


Well-Known Member
Lmao I'm autist? Have you even seen you? You seriously look like a straight up rainman, I live in the real world kid not mommy n daddy's basement


Well-Known Member
Your mom bought that watch rich kid, just looking at your pic I kno for a fact you don't have a job that pays anything and leech off mommy n daddy
see you make up shit trying to make me mad.\

you know me so well

hurt me more im done dealing with someone who can't even form a propr arguement and I even give ammo to use throughtout the forum.

I live with moms my dad is alive and I pay for my own shit,

I dont grow weed never have and what are drugs?

sorry you don't get to see the pics of my shit little kid. get a job that pays more then 11.00 an hour

im done im not responding so go rage away little boy


Well-Known Member

SF is a good person. You are a worthless virgin troll.

thanks, i will take the others advice and ignore it. I don't use the ignore feature because then I would lose out on his gold like calling all women self centered shallow people.

he HAS pulled dime pieces tho **yawn**


Well-Known Member
see you make up shit trying to make me mad.\

you know me so well

hurt me more im done dealing with someone who can't even form a propr arguement and I even give ammo to use throughtout the forum.

I live with moms my dad is alive and I pay for my own shit,

I dont grow weed never have and what are drugs?

sorry you don't get to see the pics of my shit little kid. get a job that pays more then 11.00 an hour

im done im not responding so go rage away little boy
can you find the lies?


Well-Known Member
Your mom - and sisters - sure enjoy my "big fat hands" and my big fat cock!
Jealous of SF, eh? I'm not surprised, being a milquetoast virgin and all.

You should hang out in politics. Good times.
Politics scare me, ya he should definitely show me how tough he is and go visit that section.

Nuh uh my asshole is ok how it is thanks.


Well-Known Member
sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me?

gimme a fucking break bruises and breaks heal but the truth is a well formed and executed argument will last as long as it remains true.


doubling posting this btw